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Topics - Fippe94

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Game Suggestions / Load card images in background
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:50:13 am »
It's annoying to have to mouseover a card and have it be blank for a little while before art is loaded. Load the art in the background (possibly this being optional, but I mean lofi art is already a thing if you need that), so that most art is already loaded when mousing over. Or even load all the art as the game starts, that is what pretty much every other game does.

Completed Game Suggestions / Explain game bonuses
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:02:35 pm »
Add an ingame explanation for the extra bonuses you can get after winning a game. The best way would probably be to add a mouseover text for each bonus so you can see on the end screen what you did.

Fixed Bugs / Shields still broken
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:25:16 pm »
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'dmg' of undefined, http://etg.dek.im/etgify.js, 3796, 55, TypeError: Cannot set property 'dmg' of undefined

When a >=5 hp creature attacks Gravity Shield

Currently hiring some story writer to work on a main story for Adventure mode.

Aside from making a main story, other tasks include balancing the adventure mode and coming up with some background story for the world.

Will hire between 2-4 writers probably, depending on how many sign up. Note that even if you do not get hired as a story writer, everyone will of course be free to give suggestions and ideas.

If you have more questions about Adventure mode, post them here or in that topic. Note that for obvious reason, everything is not decided yet about it.
To apply, simply sent a PM with your application to me.

Time left: No time left

New Feature Requests / New Feature: Adventure/Story Mode
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:51:46 pm »
If you have been on chat the past days you might have heard talk about adventure mode, or an extended quest system. Here I will describe what we are currently thinking that the Adventure Mode should be:

Adventure mode will be a seperate game mode, which you can access from the main menu. In this game mode, your card pool and even stats will be different from the rest of the game. What cards you have on your account will have no meaning in Adventure mode. In adventure mode you will start with a small card pool, and instead of gaining new cards one by one somewhat randomly as normally, you will unlock the use of new cards by completing quests. Quests will be all that exists in Adventure mode, and the quests will follow a main story. As you continue through the quests you will become stronger, both through increase in stats, as well as unlocking new cards. The unlocks will be static, and not random in any way (but there might exist choice sometimes on which reward you win).

As you can see Adventure mode will be like a seperate game, with little connection to the rest of the game. But this does not mean quests will disappear from the "main game". When you have completed a quest (or possible an area) in Adventure mode, you unlock that quest in the "normal" quest mode. In normal quest mode you will have access to your normal card pool, just like quest mode is right now. The quest in normal quest mode will be slightly different than when you completed it in Adventure mode though, consider it like a "hard mode". The quest could now have a more difficult deck, maybe more upgraded cards or higher stats, or maybe you will have special restrictions on your deck. Completing the quests here will grant you normal card and gold rewards, just like the current quests.

Summary: A "story mode", seperate from the main game where you unlock new cards by going forward. Beating a quest unlock the "hard mode" variant of it in the main game, where it behaves just like the current quests do.

Events / Clash of the Gods
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:01:51 pm »
Clash of the Gods
(A sequel to http://elementscommunity.org/forum/general-discussion/openetg-tournament-clash-of-the-demigods/ )
You felt much stronger than you have done ever before. You began to compare the power with that of a Demigod, but no... This was something else. This was the power of a god.

When you start the duel, make sure your PvP stats are as follows:
HP: 500, Mark: 5, Draw: 4, Deck: 3.
Your deck can be 20% upgraded, rounded down.
These cards are banned, and are not allowed to be used in any decks: Nightmare, Ouija Essence, Miracle, Silence, Sabbath

Each match will be a best-of-3.
Note that you can switch decks between duels.
Tournament will be Round Robin.

1st Place: 7500 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code + Mark Code
2nd Place: 5000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code
3rd Place: 2500 Gold
4th Place: 1000 Gold

Time left for Round 4: NO TIME LEFT
Bracket: http://challonge.com/bxz8wpcz

Round 4
Zaranir - Lost in Nowhere
Shinki12345 - Fippe94
OdinVanguard - Dawn_to_Dusk

Post your results in this topic!

You are allowed to complete matches of future round ahead of time, but please try to complete the current round first.

Any questions, just ask them here or find me in chat.

Currently hiring for the forum staff position of Studies and Statistics Manager. Duties include:

- Keeping the opening posts this board up to date with all new stats posted by people.

And yeah, that is basically it. I'd advice you to follow all rules and stuff that cg had, unless you have very good reasons to change them.

The job is "light-weight", just keep track of new posts and update the OP with the stats. All you need is basic knowloedge of how the autostats spreadsheet work.


To apply, simply sent a PM with your application to me.

Decks / Broken Force
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:49:40 am »

Play Broken Mirrors until AI doesn't want to play creatures anymore, then force him to play them anyway, and immediately "unplay" them with Unsummon or Thunderbolt. Not very strong, can beat Mages but haven't had much luck against Champs, but it is a fun combo at least.

Forum Announcements, Discussion & Suggestions / Staff List
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:23:47 pm »
Here is a list of the current staff positions and who holds them:


Decks Manager

PvP Organizer

Stat Manager

Patch Notes & Development / 15/4 Card/Balance Patch
« on: February 26, 2015, 08:26:25 pm »

Broken Mirror & Heat Mirror -1 cost (originally balanced around proc'ing from _all_ creature placements, it's now overpriced)
Living Weapon cost +1, allow it to replace weapon slot of opponent (attempt to disarm first)
Shank of Void +1 attack, Shark of Void 5|6
Null Mantis +1/0 cost, +2/1|+1/0, doesn't evade owner
Metamorphosis, drop quanta burst, increments mark power
Sinkhole, unupped gives :earth unburrow, upped gives :earth :earth unburrow
Phantom nocturnal
Stormspike buff
Make effect take place after cost is paid, changes nova and bolts mostly
Buff lifesmith hp

Currently hiring for the forum staff position of PVP Event Organizer. Duties include:

- Coming up with new tournament and other pvp event idea ideas.
- Organizing said tournaments and events.

Note that you will not work alone, but will work together with me.

The plan is to extend current "PvP Tournaments" section to not only have actual tournaments, but other types of PvP events as well, with maybe 2 or 3 running at the same time. Exact details are not decided and will be decided together with the hired Organizer.


To apply, simply sent a PM with your application to me. Your application can be written however you want, but should include why you want this job and why you think you would be the right person.

Events / Tournament - Battle of the Elements
« on: February 24, 2015, 07:42:39 pm »
Battle of the Elements

After signups ends, send a PM to me with an element. Chroma is not an element.
Everyone's chosen elements will be revealed before Round 1 starts.
In round 1, your "element pool" will contains only this element.
When you win a match, choose 1 element that your opponent has access to, this element is now added to your element pool.
If you opponent had the exact same elements as you, your new element will be randomly selected.
Your decks can only consist of cards from the elements in your element pool. This includes pillars.
Your deck are allowed to have any mark.
Your deck cannot contain any upgraded cards or any Chroma cards.

Discord, Whirlpool, Shard of Serendipity and Alchemist are banned, and are not allowed to be used in any deck.

Each match will be a best-of-3.
Note that you can switch decks between duels.
Tournament will be Double Elimination. The loser of each round move to Loser Brackets, if you lose there you're out. Final is between the winners of each bracket.

You may ask why you are gonna send elements secretly to me while I am also participating. Won't i be able to choose a good element myself depending on what you send in?
Spoiler for How to ensure this won't happen:
1853 cg you and i both pinky swear we're not picking based on each other's elements
1853 cg and you tell me your starting element and i tell you mine at the same time
1853 cg and then everyone just pm's you their elements after you've secretly chosen
1854 cg and then i can confirm that you chose before people started pm'ing you
Or alternatively, if you are not gonna participate and feel like helping out, post here or send me a PM and then everyone can send starting elements to that person instead.

You must contact your opponent and schedule time with him, the tournament will not be happening on a specific time/date like the EtG tournaments.

1st Place: 7500 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code + Mark Code
2nd Place: 5000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code
3rd Place: 2500 Gold
4th Place: 1000 Gold


Spoiler for Hidden:

Deadline for Semifinal: TIME'S UP

Any questions, just ask them here or find me in chat.

Decks / Infinite Golems
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:38:08 am »

Combo is: Boomstick->Play SoI and have 2 SoD on hand-> Use Endow on Boomstick->Use SoR on Golem-> Use PU on Golem-> Use Golem's skill on each other until opponent dies.
Tricky thing is that you need to draw SoR *after* you play SoI, or the shard will become a golem instead. Use Scattering Wind if you have too many SoRs on hand (Can't have more than 1 if you want to ensure Endow skill when making golem). Use Inno on unneeded SoR,Towers, SN or extra Boomstick.

Beginning of combo can be slightly changed depending on opponent: If he has no PC, play Boomstick one turn earlier so that it can use skill on golem to ready it when it comes out, if he has no CC, you can play golem earlier, if he has both or if you get lucky with draws, you can play 2 SoRs on golem same turn you play it, once to ready Endow skill, the other to ready Boomstick skill.

Note: Even with Inno and Wind you can still get games you can't play the combo because you can't draw a SoR after golem. In that way this deck is more luckbased than other OTK decks. Deck is mostly for fun though, might work in pvp, I dunno.

Decks / Dark "Golems"
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:58:49 pm »

Utilizes both Eclipse's and Lodestone's buffs. Note that Lodestone only buffs gargoyles after you have used their ability, and Eclipse only buffs Dagger if it is flown.

Decks / Lifebrand
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:28:13 am »

Use both the Fly Weapon and Ren abilities on Firebrand to make it come back to hand after expiring. Another combo for use is Ren on anything and the Immo, and you can instantly replay the creature.
Not very strong at all, but a fun combo. Can beat some/most mages. Is kinda low on Air quanta, so maybe -Fire Tower +Air Tower?

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