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Chapuz · 36 · 13576


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RIP sabader

Spoiler for matches 8-2:
2-0 cg
   sabader vs immo
   pixiegon vs innorico
2-0 Discord
   shaman vs devquake
   shifter vs grabbow
2-0 cg
   fungus vs voidrush
   vampshade vs pixiegon
2-1 d2d
   patcell vs hogract midas ftw
   sabader vs monolife
   shaman vs minomare
2-1 cg
   antabow vs patcell fast graboid, lightning first cell, deflag bond
   scorpshade vs mantis no quanta, silence chain
   bnymph vs mantis only drew 1 lightning
2-0 7636bas
   voidbyakko vs jellywolves without the wolves
   voidbyakko vs puresader, was getting close until I drew shell
0-2 cg (postgame discussion helped tune away from slow 12p/6flux/6boar/2sofo/3debris/1chim)
   fluxor vs shamanspirit, misplayed damage, was 4 damage from winning off chimera
   fluxor vs patcell, good hand had patcell rush me down, own hand was slow on fluxors
2-1 cg
   guardtal vs minomare, 1 turn away besides minomare+eq being a fractal counter, only drew Fractal on last turn
   alchbow vs mantis, geonymph outrushed while we traded CC
   sabader vs immo, after the match we tested sabader vs mantning & monolife, concluded sabader to be nerf worthy bullshit
0-2 cg
   thermalrush vs patcell, should've played shield
   phasegrade vs nullmantis, holy shit quanta screw and never drawing a phase shield
2-1 chapuz
   guardtal vs sorblue, dials op
   antabow vs epochmare, rush is fast
   pixiegon vs hogract, tricking frozen pixie into dragon for lethal


  • Heckler
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Final standings and prizes:
1st - serprex - 12,500
2nd - cg - 10,000

Nobody qualified for participation prizes

Prizes will be distributed someday

edit: ok i'm retroactively overruling the participation prizes language. Participation prizes are now retroactively paid out at 100g per game with no minimums and no milestone requirements. Therefore, in addition to the prizes for placing above, people will receive the following participation prizes:
cg - 1200g
Chapuz - 800g
7636bas - 700g
asdw152 - 200g
Dawn_to_dusk - 200g
Discord - 100g

Prizes will still be distributed someday.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 05:16:33 pm by cg »


  • Heckler
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    • Posts: 406
Prizes will still be distributed someday.

Today is that day. Prize PMs are out. Thanks for playing, everybody!