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Pages: 1
Decks / Sum of Our Knowledge
« on: December 11, 2021, 12:40:01 pm »

Once you're ready, drop as many shapeshifters you can drop, then hognoses, then immortals, then chargers. If you're lucky, you might get one of this:
Spoiler for not really suited for champ, btw:

Decks / Maneki-nekorochi
« on: September 01, 2020, 06:51:11 am »

Ability overwrites notwithstanding, one cat is usually enough snack to feed your snek from 125 to 0. As you might suspect, Beguile is to be used on a problematic enemy creature ('borrow' it, then feed it to your snek.)

Spoiler for On another note, have a maneki-neko:

Decks / Mekhane and Yaldabaoth
« on: October 04, 2018, 10:04:54 am »

You will want to keep Clockwork Golems and Abominations unupped if you're upgrading the deck w/o significantly altering things.

UI/UX Suggestions / Airborne and Ranged
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:57:35 pm »
I'm inclined to have Airborne and Ranged have different icons.

Sure, it'll count only on scant few scenarios (two I can remember right now are Thorn Carapace/Fire Shield; and flying, or Crusading with, Short Bows or Owl's Eyes against hostile spider-types + Wings), but eh.

Decks / Five Signs of the Dying Shtriga
« on: July 24, 2018, 04:15:03 pm »

brb getting Youmu mad at me because the Shtriga aren't exactly dying
1) Have Surgeons heal off Shtriga after their first feed.
2) Use Shamans to heal off damage.
3) ?
4) Profit :V

Fixed Bugs / Disc/Ricochet
« on: May 24, 2018, 03:39:38 pm »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Pay attention on my hand -- I was driving AM mono. This triggered me to cobble together a testing deck:

And then, there's another thing that caught my attention: discping triggers Null Mantes' nullspell, before I run into another of those 'visual' bug:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Any clues on wtf is going on here?

Quests / Something after the Chroma Temple Arc?
« on: May 17, 2018, 02:33:37 pm »
Might require dealing with Chroma Temple to start opening the quest line. These five (the three currently listed, plus two others, if you read between the correct lines) are to be imported as the ... archvillain, so to speak ... of the quest line, and the Guardian Temple quest line is arguably prepping you to face the five.

Now to look for a way to nerf all three a bit while at the same time keeping all three's running gag (collectively, a four-colour pillar + off-group mark; individually from top to bot, player-poison and creature-healing, Graboid/Wings, and HD/Tess).
Also, to figure out how would Nadox fit into the trio. (As for Ion, he's the leader. I almost swear Ion's going to be easier to wing it than Nadox.)




21 May edit

I knew it, the element pool is already exhausted for the fourth to slip in.

As for the bodily stats, I guess 125 HP/3x Mark/2x Draw-n-Deck should do.

Fixed Bugs / Hovering over enemy hand card reveals the card
« on: April 03, 2018, 04:30:00 pm »
Title, really. The discovery started when I accidentally clicked the Arena1 AI (rather than Arena Deck button), and in panic I discovered the bug. And I proceeded to look around whether it's just that one time. Looks like it was not ><

http://puu.sh/zVshC.jpg (Arena 1)

http://puu.sh/zVstK.jpg (Commoner)

Pages: 1