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Buff Draft


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CG & Chapuz were brainstorming. Suggestion was to make it have a non zero cost but halve attack when removing airborne & double attack when adding airborne. Need to make sure quadruple damage combos aren't out of hand


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Overall: Quad damage is hard enough to pull.

Ruby Dragon (12) + Momentum (13) + PU (26) + Sky Blitz (52) + Chimera + Draft (104). Dragon + Momentum can be replaced by any 2 cards that make a 13+ attack creature. 6 cards, bt's pretty unstable to get all that quanta, as any ol' OTK.

Pegasus (3) + Blessing x2 (9) --> Use Dive (18) + Sky Blitz (36) + PU (72) + Chimera + Draft (144) --> 8 cards, not viable for oetg meta. The 2nd blessing can be replaced for Momentum or Rage Potion, as it just needs 1 more attack.

Upped: 5 cards: Ruby Dragon (15) + PU (30) + Blitz (60) + Chimera + Draft (120).
The only thing that scares me about this combo is that it can be done with 2 Singularities. 3 if you add a Momentum, making it a 6-card combo powered by SN and only countered by a very early Black Hole & hand control. Or double dials, because the deck will surely pack a Deflag (this would make the combo need more than 12  :fire but meh.


  • Heckler
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For the record, from what I can tell without testing, there's a reasonably large chance that things enabled by this buff won't be stronger than things that currently exist, so I'm comfortable at this point making the change and finding out if it's too strong.

Biggest worries I have are chimera/draft as a general rush finisher or just rushes generally. edit: recluse rush with web/draft as burst

« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 04:21:55 pm by cg »


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Time to make one or two more decks the the League mwahaha


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CG used this to tune oInstosis so now Chimera is airborne


  • Heckler
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just revert draft and let's think of something else to do with it, I don't want to spend the next decade playing whack-a-mole with combos. wotc was right 25 years ago. making it not stack like sor/dive doesn't solve it

when used on a non-airborne, becomes airborne and gains +3 atk. when used on an airborne, stops being airborne and takes 3 damage?