General Category > Light

Nerf Give (previously '"Give" bug')

(1/2) > >>

Give should not fill opponent's hand with my card in hand, while Sanct in play on his side.

Give ignores sanctuary. You're giving them something, how nice, no need for protection. Clearer card text would be good tho yes

Ohh, thanks for clarification.

Just thought because in that way I could fill the opp. hand with a pillar, denying the next draw if the opp. has 7 card in hand.

If someone uses Give, it's because of something, NOT because you are helping the opponent. i.e. GiveSingu or what Zaranir said.
Sanctuary should protect you from Give. My hand has to be protected if my opponent has a Nightmare + Give + expensive shit to denial my draws.

Are we saying Give OP? This is suggesting a nerf. This should be discussed in Cards then, not bugs. Sanct bypass is intended behavior, that intention may be misguided


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