General Category > Guilds

Guild Arena


Your deck:

75% in element, 25% upgrades(7 in a 30 card deck), quantum is in element(because locket makes the game more fun).


Spoiler for Hidden:
* Players may change the rules up in any way they choose. The only requirement is that decks must always be 75% in element and the matches must be bo5.
* If players want to suggest any ideas for alternative game setups, feel free to PM me and I will add them to a list and give you credit. Example: Play with all upgraded cards and 500 starting HP
The Match:

bo5 matches, you can use different decks each time.

What to do if you win:

Post your matches here like so: [Material]Flyingcat 3 - 2 [Cardinal]Shinki12345

For what reason:

For fun, I will keep a record of wins and losses on here just so people can see how they are doing.


Shinki12345: 1-0

[Cardinal]Shinki12345 3 - 1 [Material]Zaranir


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