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No Nymphs created, but a huge number of cards appeared in my deck


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Spoiler for "Replay":

The weird part was when I played Dispersion + Nymph Tears to get a bunch of Nymphs (after Dispersion + Steal took away most of Tumber's permanents).

All my pillars got removed, but no Nymphs appeared.

Also, my deck got stuffed with cards. I was down to 2 or 3 remaining before this happened, and then after I suddenly had over 50 cards. None of my drawn cards were Nymphs, just Throw Rock after Throw Rock.

I think some kind of bug occurred.


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I could be wrong, but from previous turns, it looks like when you use Dispersion + anything, the ricochets will cast dispersion on any random card in yours or the opponents hand. So what i would guess that happened is that you had 2 dispersions in hand, used up 1 so you have one remaining, and then one of the ricochets casted dispersion on your dispersion, which i believe casts dispersion randomly on every card in yours and opponents hand. The opponent had a ton of rocks in hand which disappeared.
That or each ricochet that casted dispersion used it on a rock in the opponents hand, which could cast like 4 sets of rocks on all creatures, killing any nymphs
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 04:55:54 am by BigDieck »


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BigDieck's got it. Rico also procs on every subcast of dispersion, so a few dispersions rico'd as Tumbler casting, & each dispersion on throw rock would result in `targets x (rico + 1)` rocks being thrown
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 01:32:53 pm by serprex »


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So my Nymphs did appear, but got Throw Rock'd to death before I could see them.

That does explain it.

Didn't know Dispersion was so impacted by Ricochet.