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We've created a thread #openetg-leagues on Discord


1st place: 10k gold, mark code, shiny nymph code
2nd place: 10k gold, shiny nymph code
3rd place: 10k gold, upped rare code
4th place: 10k gold
5th+ place: 8k gold

In order to receive a prize, you must complete at least 10 matches.
Even if you go 0-10, you will get at least 8k gold for participating.

We'll also be giving a 1k gold bonus for posting a not useless summary of your match history (can be as simple as "deck A beats deck B, deck C beats deck D, deck B beats deck C" or "deck A W/L, deck B W/L")

Default matches: Bo3 unupped
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 05:53:36 pm by serprex »


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We'll also be giving a 1k gold bonus for posting your match history (can be as simple as "deck A beats deck B, deck C beats deck D, deck B beats deck C")

How much detail is required for this? Currently I have just saved decks with wins/losses(deck A is 0-1, deck B is 1-0, etc). Is this enough detail for the bonus prize, or do you require additional info? if so what info is needed for the minimum(build vs build, turns to win/loss, the stats page after win/loss)?

Thanks, and I look forward to an awesome OL season!


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So here's what my match history looks like:

cg 1-2
neurodials loses to mataxe
monoshift fast discord shutdown monodark
dejashift without shift no chance vs monojelly

insig 2-1
firelightsod loses to tesseractquad (zero deflags in deck)
boneflood beat adrenal frog/nymph/staff (achieved lockdown with 7hp)
pixiegon beat monorochi (no gemfinders, he forgot Orochi buff wasn't a thing)

But yeah, even just a win/loss record of your decks is "not useless", so it'd receive the 1k bonus


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Masochism is currently bugged so that the unupped & upped behave the same

We're considering fixing card text to reflect this & changing behavior of upped to something else

So: Masochism currently heals the owner for damage any creature takes. The card remains unrestricted. We'll review after OLA


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Spoiler for My match history this league:

cg 1-2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNkvuJuVuyA
neurodials loses to mataxe
monoshift fast discord shutdown monodark
dejashift without shift no chance vs monojelly

insig 2-1
firelightsod loses to tesseractquad (zero deflags in deck)
boneflood beat adrenal frog/nymph/staff (achieved lockdown with 7hp)
pixiegon beat monorochi (no gemfinders, he forgot Orochi buff wasn't a thing)

chapuz 1-2
ghostmare beats shaman without wincon for Eternity
boneflood hopeless vs tessnose
aethergrade loses to swallow (double sofo countered lobo)

chapuz 1-2
pixiegon beats viruswhat
pixiegon loses to devtal (got a dragon out, but vamptal)
pixiegon loses to spiteotk (5 dragons in hand lol. Also played pixie before noticing my situation, lost 15 damage, lost with Chap at 4)

chapuz 0-2
gladiator loses to dbhquad (some misplay, he had 3 discords to replace frozen discords)
monomantis loses to dryfungus (8 fungus before mantis could stop dryspell)

chapuz 2-1
monotime can't lock nightfall/mitowolf quad
bnymph faster than kittydeath (240 BW lol)
ffq beat give/void (early OE stopped byakko)

cg 2-0
shamanbowstall good vs bad draw nightfall mitowolf quad
alchbow beats regradeaether (early throw rock 2-for-1 on regradecluse)

cg 2-1
boneflood didn't get setup before monotime barrier (spite really late)
pixiegon outrushes mantis (3 azure vs 31hp, sofr op)
sosacoil beats mitowolfquad by chaining sosa & getting enough poison in before Hope. Stolen recoil meant no bolts

Insig 2-0
alchbow won with 4 cards left vs tessmill. Early pulvy saw the way, was able to thaw with rage & quint when he used tess once
pixiegon rushes givevoid, 6 pillar 1 pixie 1 dragon was perfect hand, got 6 dragons out fast. Unsure if playing sofr was correct

mathman 2-0
pixiegon outrushes alphabond
shamanbow outstalls nightlantern

mathman 2-0
grabbow outrushes deathfx
neurodials innos shamanotk for win

dawn 2-1
shaman couldn't outstall sovdials (got 2 lava & Steal, but no pulvy, no good stormspike/mindgate plays, 4 sov & shank ftw)
pixie outrushes tesseract
ghostmare beats patcell (fast eternity, didn't even need steal)

dawn 2-0
shamanelf outstalls shamanjelly
bnymph beats monotimebomb (t2 OE rip)

cg 0-2
monodeath lost vs spiritfall (good start, but stolen skull shield into luciferin heals into hope edged out)
shamanelf loses vs monodeath (grey nymph too good)

cg 2-0
materialgirl outraces patcell (got 1 rage off)
pixiegon beat adrenalrejuvfrog (cg didn't know trick wouldn't work when only 1 creature type in deck, so used 3 rejuv on first 3 pixies)

mathman101 1-2
monofire faster than neuropoison
fungus too slow vs rejuvhog
adrenadev outstalled by shamanotk in rematch (I had lock g1, but random right click into releasing on Back button in Firefox dropdown. Should add a confirm for navigating away from pvp)

dawn 2-1
givevoid outraced by monolight (he played 2nd shield, I never drew 2nd shell)
monofire outraces something spiritquad
monofire outraces sovdials

cg 1-2
monofire vs aethergrade is sad (2 bolts 2 for 4 gradecluse)
juvhog hopeless vs monotime (also drew all the rejuv none of anything else)
sovdials bottom decks sov vs rejuvfrogs

cg 2-1
tesshift outraces spiritwolf before hope (he mulliganed)
monofire inched out by monodeath (I mulliganed, 1 pillar start, was able to bolt him to 5, he had 2nd skull for deflag)
shamanstall stalls mantisbolt (3 silence chain was rough, discarded inno, but then golden turn sanct/shaman/shaman/tidal/quint before nullspell up)

oa 2-0
shamanstall disrupts dragonotk (early magma +maxhp, stormspike stole Bone Dragon)
pixiegon outrushes monodeath (no bonewall)

ian 2-1
pixiegon outraces soselifesmith (ty early OE)
shamanstall beat down by dragons & spidercow with mutation
monofire eeks out a win vs grabbow (many bolts to pick off shriekers & finally his health, he had lightnings for Salamanders, fog/arse weren't too quick, drew no deflag)

chapuz 2-1
monofire lost to swallow (slow draw on bolts left early otys untouched, eventually nymphs outpaced pillars for bolt kill)
tesshogs outrushes fungus (too fast, topdeck midas against bond)
monojelly counters devtal (he had slow draw, but butterfly/alicorn keep off lock long enough to jelly)

D2D 0-2
vampshade lost vs tesshaman
regradestall lost vs mitotimerush (bottom decked EVERYTHING)

D2D 2-0
pixie beats ragenymphjank
pixie beats mitotimerush

insig 2-1
angelrage hard countered by osmosisoty
rejuvhog pretty good vs dbhtess (won with exact damage tho turn before loss, no rejuv ever got played)
jellyrush was able to eek through sopadeploy (think 1st brawl was misplayed, would've been decisive)

D2D 2-0
jellyrush wrecks hogjuv
jellyrush got jump on saderjuvclaws

cg 2-0
warden beats monodeath (good opening hand)
warden beats frogjuv (sopa in bottom half of deck, but was able to stall for it)

ian 2-0
jelly stabilized cardstall (regrade pande 3.0 was scary, but he ran out of stall)
immo beat immo (I got coinflip, I got 2 lightning)

ian 1-2
eadims lost to grabbow (mulliganed, I was misplaying, didn't regrade steal mutant)
ffq broke through dialstallyoink?
tessshift a turn too slow vs mutantbow (2 pillar start, discord delayed a turn)

mathman 2-0
jelly beat firebow (1pillar start & fog made it close)
sopawarden got squid out before pixiegon got pixie

mathman 2-0
jelly beat sogbonewall
ffq beat shamanotk (early OE kept quinted mitoshaman slowed down)

chapuz 2-0
jelly rushed materialwings (he drew no wings)
jelly rushed materialwings (lost toss, he drew wings, BE took down two turns later, won by a turn needing topdeck creature)

D2D 1-2
hogrt lost vs immoferro (no RTs)
hogrt beats jellyrush (yes RTs)
hogdbh lost vs spiritsmithmeme (no lightnings, mulliganed)

D2D 2-1
monoshiftnymph got jump on gladiators (he had bad draw, good matchup regardless)
sopawarden lost vs immo (he had fast enough hand, gladius found the way 1 turn ahead of me)
pixiegon outraces tesshaman

mathman 2-0
hogrt beats ouijataur
jellyrush beats tesshogmagiopult (he only drew shift/magio, jelly CC prevents magio stall)

D2D 2-1
immoferro beat immoferro (coin & he mulliganed twice in replay)
hogrt is awful against maschostall (OE ignores procrast, no RT foolery to preserve hognoses could outrace him, maybe if I held hand & tried burst, had an OE for every midas)
hogrt beat tessmagiopultdrill (4 pillar start, midas picked off early tess, quad pillars didn't give him aether before he died soon after)

Oa 2-1
chargetal not fast enough vs grabbow
hogrt beat bonebolt (they were quanta screwed, & had mulliganed, he was able to get bonewall up at 1hp, but was out of lightning)
immorush beat immorush (Fast start (T1 ferro/gladius), static chipped rest once they put up Shell of Void)

Oa 2-0
pixiegon rushed firelight stall (4 dragons in opening hand, he bolted pixies, should've bolted dragons)
sopawarden locked dbh (T2 gnome/warden/sopa, killed only abom he played turn it landed, eventually froze Discord, Trident for exact damage)

UPPED jijo 2-0
speedgeo outraced lifegeo mitodragon
speedbow outraced jackrush

UPPED jijo 2-0
pixiegon rushes geobolt
geodiss comboed out boomgolem

UPPED jijo 1-2
ricovu lost to monodark (early vagger, dusk)
monoair outrushes monogravity
monogravity loses to darkentront

UPPED jijo 0-2
patcell locked by sopasquid (mulliganed into 0 cells, his second squid answered my 2nd cell)
pixiegon lost to geobolt (sofr didn't evade enough, I misplayed lots: shifted to pixie without dragons in deck, played pixie when it prevented playing dragons a turn sooner)

UPPED jijo 1-2
geodiss beat sopawarden (early PAs for pulvy kept sopa down)
tombtitan too slow vs monodark rush (got 1 combo off, turn too slow)
vunose outrushed by jackrush (shadow kills shifters without creatures to play, had to play slower)

UPPED jijo 2-0
innont outrushes geobolt
sopawarden beat paracatmill (had to chew through 2 bonewalls)

Spoiler for D2D:

« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 12:11:59 am by serprex »


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Here are the decks I used this season for Sept 2019 Leagues and results of how each fared for me:

Spoiler for Hidden:

mono life -loss 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Jack o' lights - 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mono Death - 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

mito shaman otk 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

hognose-regen 4-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Pixie Wind 0-3
Spoiler for Hidden:

Grabbow 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Neuro-Poison 1-2
Spoiler for Hidden:

Waterfallen Otys 0-2
Spoiler for Hidden:

Shaman-OTK 3-2
Spoiler for Hidden:

Voodoo Masochism 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

BW SoG 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Magma Lanterns 0-2
Spoiler for Hidden:

Mito-Dragons 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Regrade SoSe 1-2
Spoiler for Hidden:

SoPa Cells 1-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Spoiler for Upped Decks vs Joey:



minotaur ouija 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

cardinal tess-pults - 0-1
Spoiler for Hidden:

Don't look too much into these decks, especially since i placed dead last this season. :P


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My match log and decks

Spoiler for Log:

Spoiler for Aflastatic:

L -  against DBH - Not much to say here, countered
W -  against weird mito entropy dragon stall? Idk,  - He played a dragon and mitosis on the last turn but I kept aflaing his face
W -  against Psiontal - he might have won with one shield early on but he played none

Spoiler for Bomb OTK (upped, nerfed):

W -  against Darkness Rush - i mulliganed 3 times, but tesse was nerfed for a reson

Spoiler for ByakkoVoid:

L -  against FFQ with OE - He had Hope
I don't actually like this deck

Spoiler for DBH Tesse Hog (nerfed):

W -  against Squid Saders - He could freeze my Discord 2 times, but I always had an extra one in hand.
W -  against Life Rush - Close game there, won on the last turn.
W -  against Cardinal Rush - I could chain BH
W -  against Mono Death - Nymph magic
W -  against Mito Shaman + void - Outdamaged heavily
L -  against Rainbow Jelly rush - Good luck it was nerfed
W -  against Jack O' Lantern - . I could spam BH and he had almost rainbow quanta. I was unupped, didn’t realize he wanted to play upped but I won anyways. He was semi upped.

Spoiler for Devtal:
I actually made it on the go and didn't even check common/optimized ones in vanilla etg

W -  against pixiegon - Stole all his entropy and he didn’t have OE or any counters
W -  against Light + Mantis - I could play a couple of Devourers that let me Fractal after a couple of null spells played by him. I got scared when 7/7 devourers sucked light quanta and not even 1 of the 2 aether he had for the null spell. Could fractal the vamps after that.
W -  against Cardinal Tesse Rush - I could steal an early Tesse and early fractal devourers did the rest. He couldn't play another tesse or single creature. I thought I was gonna lose that one when it started.
L -  against Chroma Jelly Rush - Having 4 Fractals on hand before playing the first one was bad, but idk if I could’ve locked him anyways
W -  against Death Rush - Easily locked
W -  against Mono gravity - He could only play 1 boar and 1 Oty before being locked.
L -  against quad DBH with nymphs - Early Discord made the game, and somehow early Nymph

Spoiler for DryFungus:

L -  against Tesse Hog - I felt so countered
L -  against DBH - Not much to say here, countered
L -  against Ghostmare - Outrushed
W -  against Oty + butterfly + Barricade - Hard counter
W -  against Yoink stall - Clooooase call
W -  against Thermal fire rush - Dry spells killed his phoenixes and salamander
L -  against Glaius Saders - I misplayed, I probably could have won
L -  against FFQ with Wings - Idk how I could have won that one
W -  against Mono Light - Idk what that deck was but I overpowered it by far.
W -  against Mono Time - He kept rewinding my fungi, but I won the race. I won because I topdecked 3 Dry Spells.
W -  against Immortal with no shields - No shield = loss
W -  against Orochi Cats - Outrushed
L -  against Mito Shaman - Tidal healing removing all the pretty poison did the trick there.

Spoiler for Ferro Disk OTK (nerfed for a reason):

W -  against darkness rush. Shadow + Eclipse and gargs - 11 plies, ‘nuff said.
W -  against Tesse Pult Cardinal - too slow

Spoiler for Inner Swallow:

W -  against Monoaether Regrade - He didn't draw any shields
W -  against Fire Rush - I ate his pillars while a single Salamander kept hitting a GP SoFo
L -  against innertia fractal massive dragons - I didn’t draw any nymph and 3 dragons destroyed my SoFo. And ofc my little Oty couldn’t eat them
W -  against voodoo + black cat plague Masochism - What the heck was that deck.
L -  against The Deck - Neat CC pointing all my early nymphs. Ended with my creatures breaking his 3 or 4 bone walls on the last 4 turns, played Brawl on last turn and he ended with 4 HP

Spoiler for Material Boys:

L -  against Rainbow Jelly rush - No Wings drawn, why did I even pack 4… Replacing Fahren for Wings for later games
L -  against Rainbow Jelly rush - nvm he has BE
W -  against Immortal with no shields - Big golems able to 3tk any damage, and he didn’t pack BB.

I stopped using it when I felt there weren't enough hog decks or rushes around

Spoiler for Mito Shaman:

L -  against Ghostmare - He got Eternity

Spoiler for MitoWolf:

W -  against Pharaoh - Could rush before he got an Eternity, if he even had one.
W -  against fire life something (he said georess get fire pillars so he has faster bolts, a faster fire stall).  - He didn’t do anything I notice, no bolts or anything.

I should have used this deck waaay more. There are even several versions of it around.

Spoiler for Ouijacats:

L -  against UG Nymph - Bone wall ended with 241 stacks after he exploded the 5 UGs with my board full of skeles. It looks like this deck needs firepower. Killed 2 Nymphs, but he always had more handy.

Spoiler for Rico Temper (upped):

W -  against Shiftertal OTK - Good draw for me

Spoiler for Sopa Deployers:

L -  against Spiritual Mito Wolf - Killed almost all his wolves with Brawl, but the last ones finished me.
L -  against Psiontal - No SoPa drawn so Brawl was useless, and he had a perfect draw.
 Ifelt it was gonna do better 

Spoiler for SoSa Orochi:

L -  against Aflastatic - . I didn’t start well but that many CC makes me impossible to win. I was locked out with almost no damage and my orochi was Lightned as soon as it was played 

Again, I should have used this deck more

Spoiler for Spite OTK:

W (old version) -  against pixiegon - I realized mid-game of the Sundial nerf and decided to play the game anyways regardless of the outcome. I somehow managed to get enough quanta for the dials and hourglasses to work.
W -  against Cowbow - 404 no counters found 

Spoiler for Tesse Cow (meme):

W -  against Cowbow -
L -  against Rainbow Rush - Meme deck won't work, spiders came with good abilities too late

Spoiler for Tesse Hog (nerfed for a reason):

W -  against Fire stall -
W -  against Mono entropy? - Outrushed
W -  against Psiontal - I felt countered but he played no dim shield
W -  against Spider Discord - I had good quanta but his deck was too slow anyways
L -  against Alchemist bow -
W -  against FloodYard - Hogs are aquatic, ‘nuff said
L -  against Fire rush - No drills until I had 9 cards left and he CCd both my hogs 
W -  against FloodYard - Hog is aquatic and sets up faster
W -  against Byakko Void - He couldn't do much against it.
W -  against NT Waterfall -
W -  against Wolf Jelly Rush - Dim OP
W -  against Rejuv Hog - That deck heals insanely fast. I only won because he forgot to rewind a Hog 1 turn and let me draw my 2nd Tesse for OTK.

Spoiler for Void Death:

L -  against Monoaether Regrade - Regrade Phase Shield made the trick
L -  against Mono Gravity Debris Oty - Cloooose call, he had shields whenever he needed them and ended with only 2 stocks and almost no HP when he ate my last creatures.
L -  against Cardinal Rush - I feel I could have won that one if I didn't wait for the shield, and he played burst damage on the last turn.
L -  against DBH - I could’ve won that one if I increased the Shtringa’s attack 2 turns, but I couldn’t know I wasn’t gonna draw a single shield.

Spoiler for Voodoo OTK:

W -  against Pixiegon - Sundial OP
L -  against SoPa Deployers - Brawl > Sundial
L -  against Byakko Void - He had SoD. No more playinh this OTK on this league 

« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 09:30:47 pm by Chapuz »