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Living Weapon: Its Uses and Abuses

MrFire · 8 · 3289


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Living weapon is an interesting card, putting creatures in a place they usually don't go. I've tested (and am still testing) whatever strange interactions it occurs to me that this might cause. So let's find out what happens when you endow a crusader with a crusader's ability to endow, whether an infected dies while being a weapon, and what on earth ferro golem is supposed to do to itself in the weapon slot.

The first general rule that seems to stay consistent is that a creature that becomes a weapon remembers what its its hp stat was, but doesn't change it. This means a living weapon can't die by normal means, whether CC (which won't target it), poison that it had before becoming a LW, or other delayed changes to its hp. This applies to hp increases as well. Other status effects also seem seen carry over. With that in mind, here's a list of specific interactions.

Note: The following list of interactions is incomplete. Feel free to suggest additional experiments, or conduct them yourself!

Sorry if you were looking for more, it's annoying to do this on mobile so it'll be up in more detail later.


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From chat

1222 MrFire Phoenix works as you would expect, and also preserves its ability to fly as a weapon
1227 MrFire Lifesmith doesn't work how it's written, a living weapon that it reflies doesn't stay a weapon.
1236 MrFire As far as I can tell, there's no way to test if ferro golem works in the weapon slot because it gets replaced by whatever weapon you're using, but if you do just replace it with a weapon, it doesn't work
1238 MrFire Freezing a led lwed squid turns it into an arctic squid
1245 MrFire Arctic dolphin works normally as a weapon, and for the lulz you can have it freeze itself
1246 MrFire Oh no crusader will be a nightmare to experiment with
1250 Septima Rhay maybe make a forum post with all this info?
1250 MrFire Might do that when I'm done, yeah
1252 MrFire Null mantis evades PC spells as a lw
1304 timpa I did check the code, the problem is that livingweapon doesn't change the card type
1304 timpa Lifesmith just literally cast Flying Weapon
1305 timpa And flying weapon just removes the card from one slot and puts it in another
1308 crosis010, Torvon, Septima Rhay, atless, timpa, phred
1311 Septima Rhay MrFire..high on living weapon
1312 timpa I did try living weapon on saders some time ago, hoping they'd retain the abilities and get damage exponentially high
1312 timpa doesn't work
1313 Septima Rhay the healing part of living weapon is interesting
1314 Septima Rhay i wonder if living weapon on gp-voodoo doll works
1314 Septima Rhay or if the HP goes away
1315 timpa the GP doesn't carry over
:chroma :gravity :time


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Oh boy, the arguments CG & I have had about creature vs weapon

Weapon isn't a status. There's card types (as static as the card art), & slot types (as dynamic as where the instance is rendered (minus floating instances after cloak bug))

Crusader interaction was nerfed early on on account of this deck by Fippe

fwiw, there's still an infinite endow combo: https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=304

Lost in Nowhere

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I experimented with endowing a LW'd crusader before and was disappointed that it didn't keep the ability, but figured that there was a reason. Nice to know what that reason is now XD

Septima Rhay

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27-card core
Last 3 cards: Fluxor, Titan, Prismatic Gladius, Arsenic, Envenom, Steal/Deflag (can LW opponent then PC), Atlantis Protection, Cloak,  Any cheap CC (esp. GP on titan), Shields, Drawpower: Sobrave, Inno, Max hp: SoDivinity, Magma

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Golem Defender seems to keep its HP, not sure if it blocks all damage when stuck in the weapon slot (won too fast) but it's an interesting combo.


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Byt active can be endlessly applied -- it reduces a quantity which is ignored for a weapon.