oEtG Forum

General Category => Art => Topic started by: Links121995 on October 23, 2021, 11:34:37 am

Title: Links' Card Art
Post by: Links121995 on October 23, 2021, 11:34:37 am
I invite you all to guess the intended associated card for these:


As for what they actually depict, well, you're welcome to guess that too.
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: Links121995 on October 30, 2021, 03:35:11 pm
Very well, I invite you all to check the spoiler, if you'd rather not guess.
Despair, and upgraded Despair.
As for what they actually depict...
Staring up at rainclouds, which conceal something unnatural within, causing a visible displacement.
The upgraded version has indistinct tendrils covering up the view, threatening to overcome it; that or they're the shadows of spires looming over the viewer.
It's open to interpretation.
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: serprex on October 30, 2021, 06:11:49 pm
huh, I was thinking shockwave or tornado or disc
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: Links121995 on October 30, 2021, 06:25:04 pm
This is what I get for trying to depict rain as seen from below.
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: Links121995 on December 29, 2021, 04:37:23 pm
Another attempt.
A closer look.

I'd been trying to think of what would make a person say "Ah yes, that's definitely Despair, it's the only possibility." for ages, when suddenly, tragedy struck.
That is to say, the word, not an actual event.
I liked the grittiness of the Skull Shield, so I tried to add some here as well.
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: serprex on December 30, 2021, 12:38:05 am
I like it, really looks both a shield & a mask
Title: Re: Links' Card Art
Post by: timpa on January 09, 2022, 05:53:22 pm
Definitely better than serp's MSPaint art :P