oEtG Forum

booster packs!!

sael · 14 · 5358


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Hey there!
I have been doing some booster pack images for the shop and wanted to share with the community what progress I've made. If you want to tell me how you feel about the art so far, I would be grateful.
Also, some due credits to pizzaharald. He interchanged ideas with me until we arrived to something interesting for me to art. Thanks!!

Here is the first draft/sketch
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And here is where I'm at right now.
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The ring will be of bronze and the flower is an Amaryllis "sweet nymph", and I planned on coloring it pink.
The final size of the images is something still to be considered, but I hope they look decent enough on a small size.
I await for your opinion!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 04:04:04 pm by sael »


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Love the idea of having them in foil packs


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Yeah! I thought it would look cool too. It feels a little funny imitating the sealed package, but in a good way hahaha

Septima Rhay

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Card Pack Screen as it is now:
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Card Pack Screen with rough rendering of new, taller cards and taller blue background:
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- I like the simple, easy to recognize aesthetics
- Would like to see the text bigger and thicker
- Slightly larger, taller bronze helm could work
- Silver crown - would like a bit more neutral space b/w crown ends to R/L pack borders; am assuming there will be a different color pack background to distinguish crown color and background color more.
- I'm guessing that card pack price is not in the image in case the prices were to change, which makes sense but then developer will need to add that detail.

Overall, I think it is a huge improvement and pleasing to my eyes despite it not being finished and refined.

BTW Sael, seems the card art is around 100 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall at 100% on screen. 
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 10:02:53 pm by Septima Rhay »


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They don't look bad. It may be worth trying adding some text on the packs, like "10 Uncommons" in the Bronze one. And see if it looks better


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I made a mockup of the store screen with the new boosters, but using the box style of the main screen / login screen (which I really thing we should spread around more)

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My opinions:
- Text size is fine. The font choice finally being something more flavourful, makes the blandness of the text in the rest of the screen pop out. This could be a great point to discuss a bit more flavour in the fonts we use in the UI in general. I'd recommend putting the text in a different layer, so if we somehow get to an agreement about what font to use, there's the choice to change the fonts in the boosters.

- I'd suggest making the texture overall a bit rougher (in the backgrounds), I think it would fit better this style of boxes

- The helmet looks fine overall, but I'd smudge a bit the interior (not a fan of the hatching texture in this case)

- There's a minimal fix I'd do in the crown (the right tip looks slightly bent)

- Booster price could go under the images (I added that in the mockup. I had no clue what the font was)

- Since these are raster images make sure the resolution is enough (the dpi in the usual card images might be a good guide)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 10:58:28 pm by timpa »
:chroma :gravity :time


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Okay, I have more or less finished the four of them. Now it's time to polish details, of course.

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+As timpa suggested, I have now unbent the silver circlet. Thanks!
+Also tried to do the background transitions a little rougher.
+Also separated a little bit the silver circlet from the borders, thanks Septima.

(I actually love the criss-cross shadowing in the bronze helm, so I am hesitant to change it =D )

It remains to decide:
-correct the "i" to a "y" on nymph. Sorry English speakers!
-separation between them
-add maybe foil pack/ sealed booster pack effect (the upper and lower parts press sealed)
-decide the final size (serprex, guide us! )
-decide if add the prize and the text for quantity and rarity of cards they contain

Any feedback is welcomed.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 04:25:50 pm by sael »


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Size is flexible, I'm open to things. Timpa's replacing blue boxes with metal for a more consistent look could work, if anyone can figure out how to make the metal effect work with css allowing flexible box sizing that'd be cool


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Some border or background rework could be done to have a bit of contrase between the packs and the background


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+Corrected and updated Nymph pack text.

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I feel like they are practically finished by now. I like how both the current background and the metallic one look with the booster pack images.
I'll be available for retouching them and try adding prize, text, etc tolook for ways to improve them after I see how they actually look in game. I'm up for changes in the UI, but we can do one step at a time.

Many thanks to everyone for the feedback, the final work would not look like this at all if it weren't for the help and comments of a lot of you.
And, again, I'm willing to try adding other details and retouching stuff once I see them implemented in game and see how they look like :D



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Deployed art

The art was out of bounds at given size, so resized 75% to 129x240 so it'd be nice if you resized to 128x240 or 160x256

I should move the price below, since right now it's hard to pick a font color since bronze/gold have dark bottoms whereas silver/nymph have light bottoms

Kae recently sent me a texture & some css so that I can replace the blue boxes with something closer to what's on main menu. Got a bit occupied with a new side project this weekend, so didn't get around to the box revamp, but that'll be the next thing I do


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Deployed art

The art was out of bounds at given size, so resized 75% to 129x240 so it'd be nice if you resized to 128x240 or 160x256

I should move the price below, since right now it's hard to pick a font color since bronze/gold have dark bottoms whereas silver/nymph have light bottoms

Sweet! :fire :fire It does look nice!
I'll resize to that size and send it soon. If you want me to put the prices on the images, I can do it with any custom typography. I could put a small box on one side in each image and write the prize there (I would post too a version without prizes just for backup if needed in the future). Alternatively I could turn around the backgrounds, in order to have the four backgrounds dark (or light) at the bottom (although I think it does look nicer when alternating).

Just let me know.


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+Resized images to 160x256.
+Adjusted backgrounds accordingly.

  • Bronze
    Spoiler for Hidden:
  • Silver
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  • Gold
    Spoiler for Hidden:
  • Nymph
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