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Desert0Sacrifice this card.Whenever a creature attacks, its owner must pay one quanta of the creature's element or the creature is destroyed.Pay at the end of your turn. If you cannot, destroy this card.4Desert0Sacrifice this card.Whenever a creature attacks, its owner must pay one quanta of the creature's element or the creature is destroyed.Pay at the end of your turn. If you cannot, destroy this card.3


Desert / Desert
Cost: 4 :time / 3 :time
Stats (if creature or weapon): N/A

* unupgraded: "Every creature has an upkeep of 1 quantum of it's element.Unique."
* upgraded: "Every creature has an upkeep of 1 quantum of it's element."
This is a field effect, like Flooding. If you don't have enough quanta to upkeep a creature, it dies.
It can make rushes go slower and highly countering decks with smamming creatures.
It can also make interesting  :death combos, and Quantum Locket makes it even more flexible.

Credits to foxrain4
Art from

Interesting.  It will certainly put a damper on nova and cremation based decks ... rather vicious side nerf to empathic bond too.

Don't forget. To link ideas to the polling submission thread once you feel they are ready.

I like this but I feel like it needs deeper analysis


--- Quote from: serprex on June 20, 2015, 06:06:14 pm ---I like this but I feel like it needs deeper analysis

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I don't think that it could be analysed sufficiently, because it's really depends on the opposing side. And a lot of different deck, where it could work (GoO based Trident trio, normal EQ based duo, Inertia fueled SoFocus+Grav nymph duo, Pestal...). So a 'test phase' would be better for it.


--- Quote from: Zaranir on June 21, 2015, 01:40:51 am ---
--- Quote from: serprex on June 20, 2015, 06:06:14 pm ---I like this but I feel like it needs deeper analysis

--- End quote ---

I don't think that it could be analysed sufficiently, because it's really depends on the opposing side. And a lot of different deck, where it could work (GoO based Trident trio, normal EQ based duo, Inertia fueled SoFocus+Grav nymph duo, Pestal...). So a 'test phase' would be better for it.

--- End quote ---
^ I agree that a lot of in game testing is likely going to be the only way to really assess this card... A little initial analysis can be done though.

For instance,

1) since this card imparts an upkeep on each individual creature, decks that use a small number of high power creatures will be less strongly impacted than decks which use swarms of small low cost creatures.

2) Similarly, decks that have an abundant quanta supply will see less impact from this, where as decks that are streamlined to produce just enough quanta to cast their creatures will be significantly weakened.

As a consequence of (2) some elements will be more strongly burdened than others. The reason being that some elements are better at producing quanta.

The elements that would survive best:
:gravity - locket + inertia combo produces so much quanta that this can be ignored effectively
:fire - cremation and thermal recoil
:water - GoO and dryspell
:light - solar shield and luciferin
:death - soul catcher and its many combos

The elements that would probably be hampered significantly:
:aether - fractal would even harder to pull off, spark effectively loses its :aether production utility
:life - many of the best strategies are highly dependent on numbers
:chroma - non-pillar decks (except locket inertia based) have issues since they typically make just enough quanta to bring out what they need.


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