General Category > Time

Buff Neurotoxin (creature targeting)


So right now, neurotoxin only affects players. There is really not much point in having multiple in a deck other than getting one earlier, which is kind of annoying for a spell effect.
It would be neat if the effect could target creatures as well.
A creature with neurotoxin on it would get +1 poison anytime the owner activates its ability.

Simple subtle buff, but adds some utility for dealing with annoying growers, etc...
Could also be very intersting in gravity or voodoo decks.

Increment poison when the owner draws a card, that would be neat.
Voodoo and Matyr (so far) have direct synergies.

I'm for it, at least there will be any reason to use the 2. of it somehow.

Neurotoxin's self redundancy is awkard by intentional design


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