Open Leagues are the events of unrestricted PvP.
Starting time: Saturday, April 28th at 00:01 GMT.
Finishing time: Sunday, May 27th at 23:59 GMT --- Remember that the most likely place to find matches is in our
Discord Channel (openEtG chat)!
For each match, opponents can agree to any banned and upgraded cards for that match. If an agreement can't be found, the default rule will be: Any unupgraded deck.
You can agree with your opponent to play with any other special rules too, like "only trios" or "at least 3 antlions in each deck", but be sure to specify the rules clearly & exactly.
Matches are best of 3; the first player to win twice wins the match.
You can only play the same person twice every day, where day resets when the daily card resets (00:00 UTC)
Players are joined into league when they post a 'sign in' post below, like " I'm in, babe! "
You need to complete at least 10 matches to be eligible for a prize.
1st place: 12,500 Gold
2nd place: 10,000 Gold
3rd place: 7,500 Gold
4th place: 5,000 Gold
Participation prize: All players will get 1,000 Gold for every 10 completed matches (If the player already got a prize, the first participation prize starts at 20 completed matches).
The winner must post results in the correct topic in the following format:
Chapuz 2-0 Espithel
where the names used must be the player's forum username.
Scoring: We will use the
Elo rating system for league scoring. It is a method for taking into consideration the relative skill levels of players when giving score. Basically the higher rank your opponent is, the more score you will gain from a win. One the other hand if you lose to a low rating player, the results can be devastating.
Heeeeeeere we go!