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Messages - Hitei

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New Card Suggestions / Paraoh's curse
« on: April 14, 2024, 12:37:56 pm »
:time themed card idea, because I thought it was time to make one.

Spell Pharaoh's Curse 2 :time
Change the passive skill of this creature to "whenever this creature activates it's skill, it's delayed by 1 turn"

Another option i considered, based on the mummy film, would be for it to generate an scarab when the creature leaves play, however it didn't really felt like a curse.

Another possibility would be to make the creature "go back to hand whenever it attacks" but that doesn't feel like an effect a pharaoh would put on someone.

Events / Re: 3-leg Team PVP - Round 2
« on: January 18, 2024, 10:56:34 pm »
BigPollo vs Lucky Seven: Leg1 ( :fire :air :earth  vs :entropy :aether :earth  )
BigDieck 3 - 0 Hitei

I lost fair and square against BigDieck decks, afterwards we played for fun the last two games to see what happens, and where I scored two victories that only counts for morale support. :3 . Hoping to see what their team field for the next two legs.

Spoiler for decks; hitei can add commentary:
Got manhandled by earthquakes killing the quanta base making almost impossible to rush dragons.

On this game I had to mulligan and didn't drew the jelly again to put pressure on him.

hand was okay, but the serendipities gave me chaff, which is to be expected with random effects.  GG
Since we saw fire and air, we prepared against blue nymphs specifically as we didn't had reflective shields to protect against.

0-3, Game 4 and 5 were 'bonus' for 'fun'.
Slime shield proved to be op against small creature rushes. and BB took care of those nasty orochis.

To end the fifth game, I picked again the Jelly deck, this time the "combo" did happen, he never expected that if you jelly a ghost it becomes psionic. We were worried that people
would prepare against jelly rush as we had been using it a few times now, but it's still very strong.

Events / Re: 3-leg Team PVP - Round 1
« on: January 15, 2024, 08:19:29 pm »
Just in case I'll put there the decks I used for leg 1, sorry for the inconveniences. I thought sep had put them up.

Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

Game 4:

Game 5:

Events / Re: 3-leg Team PVP - Round 1
« on: January 13, 2024, 04:45:43 pm »
TBA  :death :aether :light  Vs  :entropy :aether :light Lucky Seven.

Victory of lucky seven 3-0 on Leg 1 (Serprex vs Hitei)

Events / Re: 3-leg Team PVP - Sign-ups
« on: December 27, 2023, 07:54:53 pm »
joining in with septima as partner. :3

Events / Re: Community Deckbuilding challenge: Demigods face-off
« on: December 19, 2023, 06:31:17 pm »

For your deck: bond, druid, mito, wolves fit the Artemis theme.  Lightning and Wisdom seem associated with other Greek gods.  Also, deck you built resembles suwako, and the quanta balance is off given 3 mark power. Here's another take on Artemis retaining some of your ideas while focusing on hunting, protection, sniping, and cool girls:
Associations: Hunting, Flock and Chase, Wilderness, Wild Animals, Childbirth, Protector of young girls, Hanging out with nymph harems, bow and arrows, a story about a boar. Wicked Shield could join the hunt.

it was mostly trying to add aether cards that could use aether. but yeah your deck seems way better (plus I didn't even remembered what suwako was about as I hardly do and FG). so yeah I would take your deck. (quanta is off because I'm not used to create fg either).

At first I tried submitting a deck about the greek god of thieves, with steal, yoink goons and maybe touch of midas, but I didn't liked the end result and choosed for the more traditional artemis.

Events / Re: Community Deckbuilding challenge: Demigods face-off
« on: December 17, 2023, 09:07:01 pm »
probably a bit sucky. but here I submit my Artemis deck. goddess of the hunt and fertility.


Events / Re: Community Deckbuilding challenge: a Gauntlet of Mages
« on: December 11, 2023, 06:25:39 pm »

While there's room for improvement, at least I wanted to place a deck even if its for bumping. the idea is using phoenixes for damage while beguiling opponent creatures into either regrade (to conserve them) or sacrificing them to the wicked shield for stalling.

Septima's edit, proposed improvement:

Reason for more regrade than beguile is that it can target creatures as a form of cc or upgrade wicked shield.

Events / Re: Team Card Design: New Weapons
« on: December 11, 2023, 06:03:44 pm »
I want to sign in for the team. to see what we come up with together, we will beat this hurdle!

General Game Discussion / Re: Happy 10 Years, openEtG!
« on: November 30, 2023, 07:38:14 pm »
I want to send a heartful thanks to all people that worked on this game for giving me such good memories and nice times playing it, and hope that it still gives such a good time for the people to come. happy 10th anniversary!

Decks / Air Denial
« on: October 17, 2023, 09:42:23 pm »
After having my fun with it, I decided it's time to leave it on the forum so people can check it out and have its own brand of fun with it.
the intention that originated this deck was trying to abuse the power of the owl but also to deny the opponent of board position while you rush things out.


It's an upgraded deck, where you can use the scattering wind to improve your draws or to cancel theirs, once an owl is on play the whim can remove the cards they can play or are dangerous with pillars. Tornado on the first turns can take away a pesky permanent OR deny their single pillar then abuse thunderbirds to make sure they don't draw others.

Decks / Re: Phoeniqualize (nerfed)
« on: September 30, 2023, 10:36:49 pm »
I found it quite interesting to play. however for some funky reason I decided to lower the phoenixes by 1 and instead add a single Thermal Recoil card, as the goal of the deck is a fast rush (plus it helps in gaining fire quanta.

Edit: Plus with the Thermal recoil, against some decks with many small creatures you can just fractal the lava destroyers instead of the phoenixes for more oomph.


Decks / Re: Tessa-Wreck
« on: September 28, 2023, 09:55:27 pm »
there's one that could be created with many of the things you already have.

Link to Shard of Wisdom + Reflective shields thread so you can check them out.


Second rather than using Reinforce on "Light creatures" your deck would probably better go with Fractal (you would need less quanta and cards) plus you could fractal a Ray of Light to help out with Hope, or use the light spell that heals and gives "emit light" to turn those dragons into light emitting batteries.

New Card Suggestions / Re: Tetrad Pendulums
« on: September 23, 2023, 11:33:51 am »
I suppose that the permanent section of chroma is already quite crowded plus have a huge chance of making other pendulums even less used.

However, I toyed once with the idea of having creatures like the dragonfly and the earth equivalent, but that would give you dual quanta when an event happened, for combinations that don't appear on the cardinal/spiritual/material. (they were based on the two elements that are side by side on the deck editor).

Other creatures working maybe like pendulums but not being pendulums could had been like these triads

EPE Triad ->  :earth:death:entropy
FLG Triad ->  :fire > :life > :gravity
WLT Triad ->  :water > :light > :time
ADE Triad ->  :air > :darkness > :aether

New Card Suggestions / Re: [Compilation Thread] Hitei's card ideas.
« on: September 23, 2023, 11:24:53 am »
as I don't know how the code operates in the game, my guess is that if it's implemented, it will be sequentially, otherwise I'm not sure if you would get two twiceratops with an unsummon. while the twiceratops I suggested would be "at the same time" as ideas goes, is not set in stone (plus there could be balance reasons I don't know about).

too bad, it's the only dinosaur card there, while there are possible alternatives like the TurboRaptor or the Tessaurus Rex, they wouldn't be probably as interesting as this little fella.

Edit to your questions.

Draft would give it +3/-3 and no airborne which is what people would expect it to do.
and with Jetstream it would get on the first activation +3/-1 plus airborne, and on consecutive activations would net +6/-2.

Edit 2: Dragontom graciously suggested another possible take on Diffusion:

:water permanent. 1 :entropy : If target creature's HP is bigger than its attack, it gets -1|+1. otherwise, if it is smaller, it gets +1|-1. Increase all numbers on this ability by 1.

Edit: Concerning the new addition of Power leech, the idea was a creature that could steal "power" to generate chaos seed (or upgraded version) on the owner hand, I envisioned the creature like a kind of hybrid between the parasite and shadling (and that's why the stats are similar)

However, if instead of "hurting" the opponent creatures to steal their hp, I also thought of a possibility where the creature "damages itself" to give you the cards, in which case it would be a medium or big creature in cost (like 6 for a 4/15) and by entering play with "purification counters" it can "regenerate" the hp part of the cost of activating it's skill (not so for the strength part but that's the risky aspect).

Edit 2: From feedback obtained on the discord I got suggestions from the Claysmith to change it. as follows "if at least 1  :earth quanta was paid create..." and regarding "stacked permanents" it only gets 1 stack (so if you pick pillars or similar you only get 1 pillar that lasts for 1 turn.

Edit 3: For Lightning emperor suggestion, a possibility could be switching the elements around (aka being an aether creature) and the unupped could be dealing 3 damage (spark throwing) while the upgraded could throw lightnings.

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