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new Card art

sael · 31 · 9528

Septima Rhay

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I particularly like Midas touch in-game.  Some of the art feels different in the flow of the game compared to seeing the image along.  Midas touch for me is really natural.  Well done.


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Thank you, Septima. Feeling that what I do has an impact in the game encourages me to keep going. I am a little complicated right now with the University, but when I get some free time I will do more.


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A version I did of Ghost of the Past :time .

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It is just this one this time.
Have a good one, everybody!


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Resurrecting this topic, this is my version of  :time innovation

I think it is very intuitive. Hope you like it

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Septima Rhay

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Resurrecting this topic, this is my version of  :time innovation

I think it is very intuitive. Hope you like it

Spoiler for Hidden:
Disclaimer - I'm not an artist but I'll try to share my thoughts clearly.

First impression is this image doesn't feel right.  Seems you are trying to capture a process of dim light changing/moving to bright light, but I don't sense movement looking at the card, and the directional arrow serving as a substitute for visual movement doesn't work for me.  I like the parts themselves...the candle, the bulb, and background, but am not feeling any are super associative (and thus not necessary to be used) with 'Innovation'.  In other words, I wouldn't mind seeing you abandon those icons and starting with a fresh concept.

Unlike other card art you've done that evoke distinct images (i.e. Plate armor), innovation is abstract.  Some other card art that fits this style are Parallel Universe, Silence, Mitosis, Osmosis, etc.  They evoke an abstract process more so than distinct objects.  I'm thinking Innovation might work better in this way, too? 

Rewind is an example for me of something that works well for a balance of concrete and abstract.  It is sorta in between.  It's a spinning object with clear form, but I don't immediately identify that object with anything I personally know (maybe it is some distinct object that I don't know about) and there's a sense of movement.  One sort of expects some object to be rewound. If there was a distinct object being 'rewound' (say a cow), the distinct object might distract from the main aspect of the card  - the movement aspect of the card mechanic.  The cow draws attention to itself when it is not needed.  Similarly, that's how I'm feeling about candle + light bulb in your current version.

The current innovation card art has this in-between visual language although the handwatch is clearly identifiable.  The fuzzy-motion style obscures the object a bit so it's not so in your face.  I don't mind this card art but don't absolutely love it either.  I think there's room for an improved interpretation.

I'd be interested to see how you work with a more abstract concept.


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Thank you Septima for the absolutely detailed reply ! I appreciate it.
As for the critique itself, what gives you the impression that it is trying to represent movement? Honest question there. What I intended was actually two static images. The arrow is kind of representing a "before" and "after" thing, where you have something outdated and then apply innovation and you have something new.
Still, I think that some representation of movement or dynamic transformation is not a bad idea at all.

So thanks again for the feedback, if I don't receive any other feedback on it, I will try to improve it. Probably I will do a different card first, and then come back to it and redo it with a different approach.

Also, I was thinking on trying some art for the packs (bronze, silver, gold, nymph); any thoughts about that are welcomed!


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Just to clarify (and sorry for double posting) on your comment Sigma, I may or may not try something more abstract. I agree that some cards need an abstract-er approach, and some of them are really good! But I'm not sure this is the case. Still, what interests me the most about what you said is that first impression doesn't feel quite right. Maybe something went wrong on my execution, which is what I intend to try to redo

Septima Rhay

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"Seems you are trying to capture a process of dim light changing/moving to bright light"

The light bulb form seems reasonably associative with innovation to work with alone.  In fact, if you google search images of "innovation" there's many light bulbs and a few have a shattered glass look and the broken glass is moving, warping, changing, materializing into something else - that something being a distinct form, a semi-distinct form, or an abstract form.  Momentum is another card that takes a familiar form (something looking like a bullet) and gives it a style invoking movement.  It's familiar yet not a super clear image of a gun firing a bullet. 

Movement might not be the best word for innovation.  But static doesn't feel right either. 

Others' visual perception might alter from mine so hopefully you can get additional feedback.


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Right. I like that argument better. True, something more dynamic might be better by association with the idea of innovation. Thanks!
Also, Septima, how do you feel about some art for the packs?
And, is there any card you think it needs a replacement the most?

Septima Rhay

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I think you mean the icons for bronze, silver, etc.  Sure, I could see a less complex image in that space.  Probably chat with Serprex about image dimensions.  Seems there is room to widen the icons but then it loses that "card" shape.  But it would offer more space for image+text.

I'll look through some card art and post in your 'requests' thread.  I'm very low-demanding for card art.  There's a lot of random players that comment on wanting to see improved card art in the discord chat and sometimes in-game chat. There's also a visual-art channel in the discord, too, which you can probably share non-EtG art.  Honestly, you'll get more feedback posting your ideas there than the forums here, which are relatively low traffic.  Try both I would say (chat and forums).


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Good to know, thanks! You are a good fellow, Rhay

I meant the buttons of bronze, silver, etc. within the shop menu. The booster packs that contain cards within. A less complex image? you mean less than the card illustrations, right? Because the buttons I talk about are a plain color rectangle. It looks neat, but maybe it can be improved !
I will chat with Serprex to get his opinion on it :)


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Corpse explotion  :death

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As always, I take criticism. I hope you like it, and thank you!

Septima Rhay

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Works for me personally.  Maybe the graphic nature is a bit much for a broad audience? Could remove blood for less jarring effect.  Then it's more like skeleton explosion, but should still convey the card theme.


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Maybe the graphic nature is a bit much for a broad audience?

Gotcha. I think I have the solution for that:

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The good old green blood. I also took the opportunity to refine some small details. How's that?

edit: if the tendons are a bit too much I can remove or recolor them too.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 02:54:17 am by sael »


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Sorry for delay. I don't have a problem with red blood. Waiting on warp 0.3 to release before deploying, should happen in a couple days