General Category > Gravity

Nerf Repulsors

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Dawn to Dusk:
Eh not too much an OP card, tho if an opponent with double draw (or even single) can get 3 upped ones out, they reap the game. "well then use PC, same as dims then" lolno. PC only rids you of 1 stack. 3 upped repulsors, 6 stacks, PC it, goes to 5 stacks as opposed to 0. eh, there are arguments for and against, but whatever

There's an argument to make it cost 6 since PC-resistant Jade Shield costs 6

Alternatively return it to 1-cost 1-stack, which only seemed useful vs Swamp

Dawn to Dusk:
yea my proposition is for it to increase the DR, but still act as a single shield that can be completely removed with 1PC. maybe thats UP tho

the main drawback of repulsor is the deck space that it takes, so making that change increases too much the card advantage a single PC card would have on it. I think the only thing that may be OP is the upgraded giving 2 stacks and even so, I don't see that being abused anywhere.

There are so many ways to win without creature damage that repulsion isn't really as OP as it looks. It's hard to make a deck using it.


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