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Deep lock


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    • Posts: 19

Not the most effective deck, but fun to play against AI.
Dont play against players; both players are supposed to have fun. (tbh, a player can just hold towers)
Wont work against things stronger than mages.

Use trident only when you cant keep up with pests.
Once you get a mito out, burrow every other pest.
Scramble yourself with whirlpool for more :earth quanta.
Make sure to burrow whenever you get 1 :earth.
Go for waiter bonus when possible.
Dont forget to unburrow pests for double damage. 800+ damage is normal.
You can black hole yourself for an EM. Dont forget to keep scrambling yourself until you have 6 :gravity and 3 of every other type.
mulligan for 1st turn pest if possible.

use whirlpool on yourself.