oEtG Forum

[nerfed] Aflastatic OTK

cg · 7 · 7181


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edit: this no longer works

Static -> Writ -> Give(Writ) -> Afla(something) -> Lightning(Afla'd thing) -> Dry Spell -> ~1000 damage

Trio version (relatively stable, somewhat straightforward):


SN version (insanely fast, 6 ply wins vs DGs sometimes, incredibly complicated):


-2 precog -2 sobr +4 innovation if you prefer. discard whatever combo pieces you have two of (besides lightning), or SNs if you have 3+, or cycle
« Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 01:25:43 am by cg »


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50 statics of vengeance, a deck compillation

So this deck took awhile to be discovered, because it worked before the buff. Which means I should mention the buff

So I came home & instead of doing something productive, I decided to compare Static Field to Solar Shield

Which lead to a discussion about Photons vs Pillars, & how those really aren't relatable like Static Field & Solar Shield

To make a long story short Fippe left the conversation because he has a life nowadays & cg said 3/2 so I went with 3/1 because -2 is the rules & what would Skull Shield say? Honestly Skull Shield just gets way worse in upped meta because of those 2|2 skeles getting through, like Sixteen Saltines "a boy is getting through & touching you", was fun learning to play that on bass, first thing I tried to actually practice against a metronome on, :time could really use a card called Metronome, in this story I'm going to be stuck on sundials & CG's never going to bother with those because CG's not a fan of sundial or inno or locket or a whole bunch of other cards which might be great but we'll never know because CG doesn't play them against way too many champs until the AI shows him the way

That's who figured out this combo. Champion's aren't afraid to play Writs, & CG happened to be testing the 2 damage static field against a writ, & he was amazed to find that casting lightning on an aflatoxin target floods the field. He thought it was a bug. If you want to know what a bug is,

attack works in a specific way 99.99% of times you will see things attack, but sometimes if things line up perfectly it works totally differently because the code is structured in a way that makes it inconsistent

Now there was a lot of rabble from me on whether the cost should be 4/2 or 3/1 because I was also comparing to Titanium Shield in a parallel universe where Titanium Shield is a 1DR card that heals 1 health per attacker. Of course that'd be a lot weaker because on hit effects like Arse, & healing isn't so valuable as damage, but shields are kind of stally, so a sanct stall doesn't really want static field

OH MY GOD this is gonna be the best deck ever that's not a bug

Funny thing: I've actually been hypothesizing on whether CG has a god. He asked me a few days ago if there was any particular reason I was reading the bible, I really liked Ecclesiates, it kind of changed my perspective on a lot of things, thought at that time I was mostly reflecting on how good Psalm 88 was, anyways I considered private messaging him about what's going on in my life, but I decided to do other stuff, he's already got some kid hanging on in his life, it's kind of weird how CG's just some guy on the internet whom I view as one of my closest friends not because I've shared so much with him but because I feel like I could & I wouldn't feel like it was a waste of my time. Maybe a waste of his, but he plays idle games, so I'm not too concerned with wasting his time

Now it's important to recognize that cg calls malignant cells potatoes. Why? I don't know. Maybe he thinks potatos look like malignant cell looks like. Maybe it's a reference to potatotal island. Maybe he likes potatoes. Where did Average Potato come from? I don't understand the potato thing. I grew some sweet potatoes this summer, they were drying up at work, anyways Kae & I had fun digging them out of the ground but then she left them in some tin foil in my mud room & they went mouldy but it didn't get on the corn so I popped that & it was good. Strawberry popcorn

CG afla'd a clockwork golem. Such a terrible card. Metronome would be such a cooler card. The AI happened to be loaded in writs so we weren't really sure what happened, I had to think it over a bit, finally clicked that this happens

Lightning on afla target -> target dies -> put cell in their place -> trigger death effect  -> writ procs -> cell duplicates -> chain reaction

It's important to recognize that most everywhere besides when you end turn whenever we do something across all instances it's done on the field one slot at a time, so previous slots can populate later slots which will be impacted

I was arguing this isn't a bug because it has to do with how the game phases flow. Actually waffled on whether it would work or not

What CG was testing with:
In the beginning there was silence

So CG's certain this is a bug & I don't think it is. The issue is that the interaction everybody gets use to is the end turn button, so I went & looked over all the things that are per instance besides end turn

Which brought me to bring up using Thunderstorm. For some reason we didn't think this worked, I didn't try it, when someone says "LETS GIVE IT A SHOT" I tend to stand back & take cover

Then I screwed up & thought Brawl would make this combo happen, but it doesn't, because Brawl doesn't make your opponent's creatures attack

At this point CG has been able to beat a DG with this combo. Once

hey so just throwing this out there, if you launch the combo without a static field you're gonna have a bad time

CG actually suggests he might want to use dials. He was estimating a 3% success rate

in other things that will make you have a bad time, playing combo into emerald shield...

I was giving some snark by repeating that Give counters reflective shields. He messed up vs Bubble Shield too, but was able to OTK kae's wolfbond A2 deck

deck 3 is a trio:
who needs draw power when you can have so many copies of combo

Thinking back to those potatoes, it really does describe these cells, all those tiny potatos came from that big dead potato I buried in the ground, I actually had a few, cut them up, didn't cut one up, & then a few weeks later you dig & there's just these tiny potatoes in underneath the ground

I made a deck too:
I like dials

So while playing around with this deck I was noticing Give acting weird, leaving me with stuff, giving the opponent 108 stacks, & so to me this is a bug. Whereas to CG this is just some dumb little interaction that I'm freaking out over. The thing is that I have a copy of openEtG running in my brain. So we discuss the best direction to go, whether Give should only give one stack, or the whole stack, & in the end we have simpler code. No longer does Give call into Steal, & no longer does Steal steal all the writs. Steal steals one stack. It clones the instance so that we're really taking a branch from the log. Give gives completely, it doesn't care about the trifecta of charges/stackable/additive. CG was pretty worried Steal was only going to steal 1 charge from dim shields. We settled on some language to try describe the mess that EtG left us with active/passive duality. We have statuses, attributes, skills, actives, passives, but they're not mutually exclusive between them all. Anyways now if you give a stack of pillars you give that stack of pillars. Helps with Give52. Also makes RicoGive funnier. We'll get there. CG was actually worried I'd have steal take the whole stack of pillars. He's got weird ideas about whether something came from a card or not, like effects having history, but it's stateless. It's almost like he's imagining oetg as if it were on a tabletop

i think my favorite variant is currently splash trio

I was suggesting arse, but CG's not using arse, I muse that he's making a point by not having it in. I know he's capable of making that kind of choice: see his daggermancer where he explained not using PNova was as difficult as not deleting the character & rolling a blizzsorc. But in deck building he tends to focus on optimization, & it seems here we find a divide. There are people who will make weird decks as a gimmick, & defend their deck's inefficiency on that gimmick. But when you start to optimize decks, at least if the game is good, significant choices will happen, & in testing those choices, non intuitive results will be found, & that is the creativity that's sought in making good decks. It's about putting in the work, not just throwing some cards together because they sound like they'd be cool in a deck

CG was losing ties. I was winning ties. Kae didn't like my tendency to win. It strained us. So anyways I told CG "Focus fire those early slots" & he finally seemed to get a bit annoyed with my smarm enough to respond "you keep saying these things like i'm just sitting on extra copies of stuff and watching them kill me while doing nothing" can you feel the indignation? It crept inside me, tearing me apart, I get a kick out of poking into people like that, but I hate to do it, this gets into a theme I've been exploring of my own duality, hypocrisies, I'm anti-centralist, finding it easier to agree with either side of partisan thought than bipartisan. Natural extremist. Taking things too far. It's why I find refuge in nihilism: even to an extreme it's pretty sane

So in contradiction, me, a minimalist, says, "I always sit on extra copies of stuff". Apparently this makes more sense since I'm running against Champ & he's running against DG/A2. Also I'm running dials so the cards just keep flowing through me. I seek to diffuse the situation with some self deprecation, linking to a war match where I went 3-2 when I should've gone 3-0 as an example of me holding cards to my detriment

So now CG's come around to my ricogive muttering & decided to use rico because he loves rico. I was able to work out that he wasn't inspired by my ricogive mutterings but instead from Hydrax

way worse, way funnier

At this point he throws in a Thunderstorm & gets an opponent down to -904/200

Warning: doesn't actually do 60000 damage

I also put together a deck in the meantime:
ain't nobody got time for nova

Turns out CG had tried something like what I'd done but passed it by. I continued to delve deeper into slow decks tho, weird to think that this morning while biking to work I considered how often I seem to rush things, not heeding the advice of others to smell the roses. I finished reading Song of Songs this morning. I don't know why it's in the bible

Replace nightmare with oceanus

So at this point CG's set aside rico for combo, & is thinking trio is still better than nova. I'm wondering how far along the tuning is going, because at this point we can tell this is a viable deck, but how much more can it be pushed?

the trio appears to be a real deck; this is the best version i've found

So this gets into rambling off about DG vs A2 & what cool tech is in CG's spreadsheet. I was dealing with trying to generate 10 different reports for 10 different databases today, all in one query, SSMS ended up giving me some error along the lines of "The query planner thinks this query is going to take up too much memory. This is a rare occurence. Try simplifying your query. Or call customer support"

I ended up just dumping it to a table & then running the 10 different reports off that table

I don't know what made CG throw this up:

At this point I notice that within a short span of time CG went from "have a copy of the combo as a chance, mostly focus on just playing afla/lightning/static" to "must otk" & we reflect on how this deck has existed all this time, unfound. oetg's meta is a glacier when you look at how original's meta is still evolving, albeit at a glacial pace, & mostly encouraged by PvP event rules stirring the pot

PSA: Giving a spark doesn't kill it


CG realized upped Dry Spell costs Chroma. I feel kind of dumb for not realizing that. But this deck isn't OP, Eclipse counters it. We've been considering how fragile it is, one need only play the right creature game, wide or tall or none at all

this one is fun
This is the first time I've seen this one
don't give up on trios
serp you should try the sn cycle version

CG's saying "it's kinda puzzle-like to play" but I'm thinking "you have 12 draw cards. All you do is draw" but then I'm playing against DG since CG's suggested I actually try some of these & I'm running into scenarios where I'm having to think a bit, but it's true that if you think back there is a correct play, it isn't just chance

At this point we're thinking something might be broken since Game 2 I win with 6 plies vs Cardinal & CG's having similar experiences. But he's finding that he's spending as much time in these few turns as he spends in other matchs. That we're still having to play 30 cards. OUEI's pushing it, this is definitely top tier, but there's enough going on that maybe we let it slide

You get a lot of bonuses from this deck. Creatureless, pillarless, midturn, murderer, double kill. If it's too OP I'd go with nerfing it by not allowing Give to pass over whole instances

& now we're here. I asked if CG was going to post or I was, & now you know

basic payload
paranoid payload
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 02:29:34 am by serprex »


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Nevermind, I get it now

Someone please tell me how to calculate the damage I get by casting the combo.

- I have 100 HP
- Opponent has 1 Deja Vu and 1 Anubis. I have 2 Singularities (trying a version with Sundials)
- I play afla on the Deja Vu and then lightning
- I get 4 damage (end in 96 HP)
- I play Dry Spell
- I get 88 damage (end in 8 HP)

I don't get what happened there
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 01:09:28 pm by Chapuz »


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CG was trying for an FTK:


cg's best guess

I was trying a little heavier on scattering wind, unfortunately can't quite get enough reach with inno to dig through whole deck because using metamorph/GoO/2discard/2inno is only 6 for 6


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Note on the first turn kill variants:

These are bad. A first turn kill is probably possible but not worth pursuing for any purpose beyond a screenshot. The odds of pulling it off are definitely no better than 1/1000 or so. Probably much worse.


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This is my version so far.
The deflag is very useful, as it protects you from Eclipse, Ricochet and high damage weapons if you don't get it too late.


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As loved as this combo is, cg took stats, & with practice was getting 5 ouei vs DG


Long term I'd like to transition game actions to submit state transitions to a stack, & these game mechanics will become hopefully less arbitrary