General Category > Game Suggestions

For discussion: making ai games take longer

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Seeking input around the possibility of making ai games take longer as part of redoing the UI. This is pretty early in the design process, so please don't take this as a full proposal, rather opening a discussion. I haven't yet discussed with anyone else.

In original, turns typically end up taking 12-15 seconds with focused playing. Here, plies frequently end up averaging 1.5 seconds or so, or about 3 sec/turn. Complicated decks where you do a lot on your turn often end up at 3 sec/ply or 6 sec/turn can go up to about 6 sec/ply or 12 sec/turn already in extreme cases (basically snafla, where you'd play your whole deck over 3-4 turns).

If we slow things down, we can add more animations. We can add the AI stepping through its moves and showing what it's targeting. We would also do a lot to dethrone pure rushes as top grinders, because you'd no longer take a big performance hit for the time spent targeting with your mouse. If we did this, ai rewards would be rebalanced accordingly so progression speed would be as unaffected as possible.

On the other hand, we'd be potentially quintupling the amount of time games take, mostly by having people sit there and wait for the AI to do stuff. My hope is that we'd be able to fill that time with pretty animations/effects and useful information like easily visible ai targeting, but it's still ultimately big delays of just sitting there waiting for the AI.

So, what do you think?

edit: Main idea on how to actually do this is to have AI step through each of its actions, pausing for 0.5 seconds or so (possibly a variable amount of pause depending on the card/effect), showing the card/effect its playing in large format and adding targeting ants showing its target(s) if applicable. Additionally, adding visual/audio effects for playing cards/effects as much as we can.

I like the idea of having animations. Not specially because they extend the turn duration, but because they make the player see what the hell happens during the turn.
I consider the turn duration as a side effect that's coincidentially helpful for the game flow.

Would this be the place to throw ideas of what animations the game should have?


--- Quote ---Would this be the place to throw ideas of what animations the game should have?
--- End quote ---

Not this particular thread. Please use the UI/UX suggestions board for that. Feel free to post a thread with your specific suggestions. I'm sure spex'll find it handy to draw from :)

I can't stand how slow original is to play. Not to say I disagree with pacing oetg a bit better

At this point I'm pretty much thinking "let spex add animations, then let's see what our game speed looks like and reassess"


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