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Elemental themes & completeness


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Healing Permanent Control Creature Control Hand/Quanta Control Shield Bypass Endgame Quanta

:entropy Antimatter, Alchemist
Entropy's healing is awkward, but extremely effective in the right circumstance. Antimatter let's a domin fit in healing, whereas alchemist fits healing in with stallbreak

:death SoSa
How does this thematically work? I don't know. Death's poison is an effective clock if death can begin stalling, so generally Death has lacked competent tools to stall. This theme works too with Death lacking effective CC so to not have an effective mono Bonewall domin

:gravity Blackhole, Amber Nymph, SoFo, Tidal Healing, Unupped Fluxor
Again, awkward. BH needs scramble combo or knowledge of rainbow opponent, tidal is extremely slow & lacks in element combo besides Oty (tho that works to stall while ramp happens), unupped fluxor has to be juggled & only one will be able to get a heal through per turn

SoFo heals more through gpull combo than blackhole death

:earth Stoneskin, Plate Armor
Lack of per turn healing makes increasing maxhp a bit lackluster without another element

:life Heal, Bond, Rejuvenation, SoG, Druidic Staff, Living Weapon
Life's healing is top tier. Per turn, burst, self synergy. Lacks ability to raise own maxhp, & lacks effective control to stall with healing. In short, Life has plenty of healing & healing combos, but lacks tools which synergize with healing

:fire Lava
Fire doesn't get healing. Lava doesn't count; it costs way more :water

:water Oceanus, Purify, (Lava)
Water's healing is made a bit more effective through freeze CC. Also out of element Lava & Tidal Healing

:light Holy Light, Sanctuary, SoD, Miracle, Luciferin, White Nymph, Give, Byakko
Burst healing, Light shares similar problems to Life in lacking effective control. Pacify works as CC alongside healing, but neither are useful for dealing with active abilities. Sanctuary makes it so that Light does not lack effective per turn healing

Air makes up for healing with CC & Fog


:darkness Shadling, Vampire, Black Nymph, Vagger,  Drain Life, Nightmare, Liquid Shadow, Sadism, Blood Moon

Darkness's healing costs a bit too much for a pure stall where damage isn't being sought. Drain Life OTK being an exception. More healing creatures in other elements might help fight the idea that stalls should be practically creatureless

Shell of Void is awkward in :darkness having an antisynergy with all the healing

Who needs healing when you have dims?

:entropy Butterfly Effect, Mutants?
:death None
:gravity SoFo, Pulvy
:earth Pulvy
:life Rejuvenation
:fire Deflag
:water Freeze for weapon-pc, Arctic Dolphin

Give is a joke for weapon/shield pc
Monk for weapon-pc
:air Tornado
:time midas
:darkness steal, thug
:aether psyche metal can cause some interference, but overall none

:entropy Pande CS Maxwell
:death Plague Afla
:gravity Oty Brawl GP
:earth BB
:life Rejuv
:fire lol
:water Freeze
:light Pacify
:air swave tstorm
:time rt
:darkness beguile embezzle liquidshadow
:aether lightning lobotomizer

:entropy Discord
:death Ouija
:gravity BH, Stasis
:earth EQ
:fire BurnCard
:water Whirlpool, Clepsydra
:light Sabbath
:air ScatteringWind
:time Inno
:darkness Yoink
:aether PsycheMetal Silence

Shield Bypass
:entropy Antimatter?
:death Poison
:gravity Momentum, Titan, Charger, Waterfall, Chimera, Catapult
:earth Tunneling
:fire Fire Bolt
:water Waterfall, Ice Bolt
:light Give
:air SoFr, UG
:time 52 Pickup, Time Bomb
:darkness Drain Life, SoV, Voodoo
:aether Psion

Endgame Quanta
:entropy diss
:death nothing (this could help Soul Catcher)
:gravity Brawl. With locket/inertia it's important not to give Gravity much here
:earth Stoneskin
:life Mito, otherwise nothing (geores means we keep it that way)
:fire Firebolt, Fahrenheit
:water Icebolt, NT
:light Miracle (could explore this space more, best to make it incompatible with rolhope)
:air nothing
:time nothing (by design, HG can keep hand full so always have cards, especially with Hand Drill)
:darkness Drainlife
:aether Fractal?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 10:14:37 pm by serprex »


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For :air you missed a bit on how it makes up for healing. Don't forget evasion (SoFr) and pre-death bounce (fenghuang)
Similarly, it thematically leans towards rewind / unsummon effects over hard counters and perfers to shuffle around what existing cards rather than destroying or creating new ones. E.g. Tornado, bounce, whim, trick, etc.

The theme for :time is similar to air, but it focus more on card advantage than simply shifting thing.
Examples: tornado shunts permanents back to deck, midas touch fully destroys them but allows its owner to draw a new card (effectively gives you 1 card advantage since opponent has 1 less useful card now). Pixie shifts out creatures in favor of different ones, rewind sends them back to deck (again, time yields a card advantage).
« Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 03:45:10 pm by OdinVanguard »

Monox D. I-Fly

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Shield Bypass
:entropy Antimatter?
:death Poison
:gravity Momentum, Titan, Charger, Waterfall, Chimera, Catapult
:earth Tunneling
:fire Fire Bolt
:water Waterfall, Ice Bolt
:light Give
:air SoFr, UG
:time 52 Pickup, Time Bomb
:darkness Drain Life
:aether Psion

Does this version not have Voodoo Doll and Lightning?


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