oEtG Forum

Event 2.5: Fun with Filler (CANCELED DUE TO INACTIVITY)


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Special thanks to kirby for cleaning this up and improving the clarity!

Spoiler for It would be nice to read this:
It was our hope that we would continue to have events one after the other in order to maintain activity within guilds. Unfortunately, Shinki and FC are both finishing up with school this next week and finals are making it hard to keep up with this quota.

In order to keep interest flowing and to avoid breaking the chain, GO's (read: shinki) have decided to make a filler event to hold everyone off until Event 3 (which we are hoping will include prizes this time for winning guilds). Additionally, actively participating members in this event will get a small bonus in Event 3.

Each member of each guild must create their own deck that is 75% in-element (Chroma is in-element) and has up to 50% upgraded cards. Here is the catch: Members in the same guild cannot use the same card in 2 different decks. So if Shinki (cardinal) decided to use 1 or more Eternity in his deck, timpa (also cardinal) can't use Eternity at all in his deck. This includes pillars (marks count as pillars for the record) and pendulums.

Each person can face someone once other than members of the same guild in a bo5 game, so if flyingcat beat kirby in a bo5 match, he can't face kirby again. If you are the winner of said match, simply post the results in this thread.

An example of how results are to be posted is as follows: [Material] flyingcat 3 - 2 [Spiritual] kirbylover314

The winning guild of this event is decided based on the number of wins each member gets. It is expected that guilds are actively searching for matches if at all possible, you may request a sub via PM if one of your members is inactive. The team with the most wins is the winner. If there is a tie, we will do a bo9 guild leader duel, similar to Event 2's tiebreaker.(NOTE: If there are problems with a lack of activity, the winner for the event will be decided based on the guild who is most active in their attempts to participate in the event.)

To start the event, simply have each guild member PM me their deck list. Once they do so, they will be entered into the tournament and put on this list:

Spoiler for This list:

« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 01:41:49 am by Shinki12345 »


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This event is not fair to all guilds since the guilds have a differing amount of members.


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This event is not fair to all guilds since the guilds have a differing amount of members.

Spoiler for Current Rosters:



Welp, with 2 GO's out, guess who's also gonna be out then. Hint: Me. Pretend I'm not here, I'll only be around for updating OP and other guilds topics.

Somebody with more powers than me: Does Zaranir have his fancy shmancy Material guild privileges?


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Somebody with more powers than me: Does Zaranir have his fancy shmancy Material guild privileges?

OFF-TOPIC: Yep, just preferring the chat (and Statistics exam) and for a time, I haven't noticed that I have :P But reading the topics in it.

I do now.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 02:14:19 am by Zaranir »


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This event is not fair to all guilds since the guilds have a differing amount of members.

I'm not really following you here fippe. Each guild has 4 members, and I did mention that subs are aloud if people are unable to take care of the match. I will do like kirby's idea of not having GO's participate in duels here. I'm fine if the GO's want to sub for someone else though if requested.

I think the bigger issue is that nobody so far is participating in the event. Just saying now: If this event ends up being a flop with almost nobody participating, I will probably just give the bonus to whoever's guild is most actively attempting to participate.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 04:02:41 am by Shinki12345 »


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I think the bigger issue is that nobody so far is participating in the event. Just saying now: If this event ends up being a flop with almost nobody participating, I will probably just give the bonus to whoever's guild is most actively attempting to participate.

IMO they do, just the optimal strategy is sending the decks when every member finished/communicated it within the guild, minimalising the deckbuilding restraints to the others.

Of course this will reduce the actual time to use the made decks, but still better than to ruin 2-3 potential deck with and odd choice of card set to play with.


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At the time I made that post, the rosters was not updated, and did not have 4 members of each guild.


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I think the bigger issue is that nobody so far is participating in the event. Just saying now: If this event ends up being a flop with almost nobody participating, I will probably just give the bonus to whoever's guild is most actively attempting to participate.

IMO they do, just the optimal strategy is sending the decks when every member finished/communicated it within the guild, minimalising the deckbuilding restraints to the others.

Of course this will reduce the actual time to use the made decks, but still better than to ruin 2-3 potential deck with and odd choice of card set to play with.

Thank you zara, this actually makes a lot of sense. If a time extension is needed and people like the event I'm okay with that.


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Times up bruh!

All decks must be submitted for the event before the timer reaches 0.

(if any people are unable to participate in this event, please let your GL know asap so they can have someone sub for you).
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 04:13:15 am by Shinki12345 »


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I really want to do it, but the uni is consuming all my free time this couple of weeks  :(


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I really want to do it, but the uni is consuming all my free time this couple of weeks  :(

Is this the case for everyone? I assumed that not everyone was having all their time consumed by finals for school, but maybe that actually is the case. If anyone else is having this same problem, post it here. Right now thats 3 people experiencing the same issue, 2 more and I will postpone the event for a later date since thats 1/3rd of our participants out.


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Pretty busy too, also having vanilla Trials right now.


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Pretty busy too, also having vanilla Trials right now.

Right right, I'll cancel the event for now then. I'll start everything back up in about 2 weeks. Until then, active guild members should feel free to participate in guild duels in the new thread.