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Experimental decks


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Here are some decks with experimental idea, though not quite reliable

Pegasus summoning

  • Pillarless
  • Lean strategy

Angel summoning

  • Steep growth curve
  • Rely on generating :light to kick start the mechanism
  • No self-recovery capacity for hp, which is fatal when counter opponents with a rush deck

Decks utilising both Angel and Jet Stream
Blue Angels
« Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 09:52:17 am by BGA_NICE99 »


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Catch shadow

  • Pillarless
« Last Edit: January 16, 2024, 10:52:14 am by BGA_NICE99 »


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Dragon revive

  • Vulnerable in early stage while accumulating :fire to summon a dragon
  • Rely on placing some tombs on the field before the sacrifice to function well


  • Massive explosion
« Last Edit: January 16, 2024, 10:53:29 am by BGA_NICE99 »


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That's my current pillarless-yet-all-the-pillars deck.

It might be stronger starting out with a Life Mark and then Metamorph-ing to Chroma after getting some Geos out.


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Airborne sqiritual mix

  • A pinch of hp recovery
  • Gentle damage growth
  • The effects of the first two points are enhanced by shard of freedom
  • Low quanta consumption

Moonlight reinforce

  • Countered by strong shield, area of effect, and shield-bypassing effect; otherwise, could sustain pretty well.
  • Creature wave

Related deck
Egalitarianism (utilising the hope shield for defendence)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 12:28:46 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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Nova dragons

I have seen few decks with similar idea. This is mine, though.
  • Rush strategy
  • Pillarless
« Last Edit: February 29, 2024, 03:11:12 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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Fungus farmer - Jack

  • Slash-and-burn farming*
  • Transparent employees

Jack farms fungi. He employs an ancient farming method that burn the biomass on the field before farming and resulting fertile soil. When the night falls, fungi grow. Legend has it that he hired some transparent workers. However, it is still a mystery how he could harvest that many fungi with limited manpower during the busy farming season.

*A wiki explanation about slash-and-burn farming

Related decks
Fart (other fungus farmers?)
Feeding birds with fungi
Fungus kaleidoscope
Wicked Jack in the post Wicked Phoenix
« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 04:20:27 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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Martyr supersizing

  • Rely on Bubble Shield to eliminate delay
  • Carefully estimate the damage received if cast Gravity Pull on Martyr

Bonus - How deep would the Equalize go?
Spoiler for Hidden:

I tucked Antimatter to test whether the Equalize stops at 0 or goes deeper.
Yes, the Equalize will reach negative hp.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2024, 02:57:22 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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Diligent brimstone eater

  • High strength with moderate hp recovery.
  • Low creature's hp.


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Hand-made robot

  • Click demanding.
  • Vulnerable to a variety of CCs.
  • Countered by rush strategy.

Avant-garde grazing


  • This is kind of a mean deck to play. I do not recommend playing this deck with your friends.
  • So, the idea is forcing your opponent to play singularity.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 03:43:42 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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What's up

  • Weak to anything bypass shield, earthquake, several goons, stupid AI yoink/burn card, etc.
  • Basically rely on drawing some Repulsors in early game.
The idea is cool, but I soon feel bored on this deck. Here, regardless of poor draw. I do not like it because it is too easy to build a super strong defense that counters everything, expecting those cards counter against it. I mean... the border, either counter or not, seems to be too determined.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 04:19:13 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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Chaos mantle

  • Low damage.
  • Long lasting.
This deck is more interesting than I expected.


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The idea is cool, but I soon feel bored on this deck. Here, regardless of poor draw. I do not like it because it is too easy to build a super strong defense that counters everything, expecting those cards counter against it. I mean... the border, either counter or not, seems to be too determined.
This fits the idea that a weakness a deck can have is being one dimensional, but a lot of optimized decks end up being one dimensional for higher tiers of AI since in that meta you can't afford inefficiency. That's generally how I feel about geodiss/dispmeta decks, they have their big trick, but that trick needs to pay off

I've generally tried for openEtG to not end up with a meta of these sorts of decks, but it's a bit inevitable. A recent case of that was when I was comparing speedfungus to bobbit fungus, where the latter has a lot more decisions it can make & adapt with


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Inexhaustible pickup (prototype)

  • Oversize.
  • Weak to rush deck, reflect shield, etc.

The point of this deck is to:
  • Equalize 52 pick up & reinforce.
  • Cast Dispersion on the equalized reinforce, then 52 pick up could deal huge damage.

Tired of testing it with annoying decks and AI, would adjust it latter.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 04:38:32 pm by BGA_NICE99 »


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The game of chicken *


* Wiki link The game of chicken
* Only inspired by the concept of this theory, but I do not understand it at all.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2024, 01:51:16 pm by BGA_NICE99 »