Here are some decks with experimental idea, though not quite reliable
Pegasus summoning

Angel summoning

- Steep growth curve
- Rely on generating :light to kick start the mechanism
- No self-recovery capacity for hp, which is fatal when counter opponents with a rush deck
Decks utilising both Angel and Jet Stream
Blue Angels (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1553)
Catch shadow

Dragon revive

- Vulnerable in early stage while accumulating :fire to summon a dragon
- Rely on placing some tombs on the field before the sacrifice to function well


That's my current pillarless-yet-all-the-pillars deck.
It might be stronger starting out with a Life Mark and then Metamorph-ing to Chroma after getting some Geos out.
Airborne sqiritual mix

- A pinch of hp recovery
- Gentle damage growth
- The effects of the first two points are enhanced by shard of freedom
- Low quanta consumption
Moonlight reinforce

- Countered by strong shield, area of effect, and shield-bypassing effect; otherwise, could sustain pretty well.
- Creature wave
Related deck
Egalitarianism (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1482.0) (utilising the hope shield for defendence)
Nova dragons

I have seen few decks with similar idea. This is mine, though.
Fungus farmer - Jack

- Slash-and-burn farming*
- Transparent employees
Jack farms fungi. He employs an ancient farming method that burn the biomass on the field before farming and resulting fertile soil. When the night falls, fungi grow. Legend has it that he hired some transparent workers. However, it is still a mystery how he could harvest that many fungi with limited manpower during the busy farming season.
*A wiki explanation about slash-and-burn farming
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash-and-burn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash-and-burn)
Related decks
Fart (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1144.0) (other fungus farmers?)
Feeding birds with fungi (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1475.msg7058#msg7058)
Fungus kaleidoscope (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1528.0)
Wicked Jack in the post Wicked Phoenix (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1546.msg6960#msg6960)
Martyr supersizing

- Rely on Bubble Shield to eliminate delay
- Carefully estimate the damage received if cast Gravity Pull on Martyr
Bonus - How deep would the Equalize go?

I tucked Antimatter to test whether the Equalize stops at 0 or goes deeper.
Yes, the Equalize will reach negative hp.
Diligent brimstone eater

- High strength with moderate hp recovery.
- Low creature's hp.
Hand-made robot

- Click demanding.
- Vulnerable to a variety of CCs.
- Countered by rush strategy.
Avant-garde grazing


- This is kind of a mean deck to play. I do not recommend playing this deck with your friends.
- So, the idea is forcing your opponent to play singularity.
What's up

- Weak to anything bypass shield, earthquake, several goons, stupid AI yoink/burn card, etc.
- Basically rely on drawing some Repulsors in early game.
The idea is cool, but I soon feel bored on this deck. Here, regardless of poor draw. I do not like it because it is too easy to build a super strong defense that counters everything, expecting those cards counter against it. I mean... the border, either counter or not, seems to be too determined.
Chaos mantle

- Low damage.
- Long lasting.
This deck is more interesting than I expected.
The idea is cool, but I soon feel bored on this deck. Here, regardless of poor draw. I do not like it because it is too easy to build a super strong defense that counters everything, expecting those cards counter against it. I mean... the border, either counter or not, seems to be too determined.
This fits the idea that a weakness a deck can have is being one dimensional, but a lot of optimized decks end up being one dimensional for higher tiers of AI since in that meta you can't afford inefficiency. That's generally how I feel about geodiss/dispmeta decks, they have their big trick, but that trick needs to pay off
I've generally tried for openEtG to not end up with a meta of these sorts of decks, but it's a bit inevitable. A recent case of that was when I was comparing speedfungus to bobbit fungus (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1531), where the latter has a lot more decisions it can make & adapt with
Inexhaustible pickup (prototype)

- Oversize.
- Weak to rush deck, reflect shield, etc.
The point of this deck is to:
- Equalize 52 pick up & reinforce.
- Cast Dispersion on the equalized reinforce, then 52 pick up could deal huge damage.
Tired of testing it with annoying decks and AI, would adjust it latter.
The game of chicken *


* Wiki link The game of chicken (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_(game))
* Only inspired by the concept of this theory, but I do not understand it at all.
Prometheus suffering*

- Increasing hp recovery through the game via placing more sadism on the field.
- Countered by gravity shield.
* Wiki link Prometheus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus)
Minotaur's hard sell

- Demand on a single :death to kick off.
- Need a bit luck to get the Spike-OuijaSource match in the early game.
- Countered by hand protecting permanents and strong shields.

- Could cast innovation on your own hand if your rival has full hand, and also might be faster to get more Crusaders on the field.
- Countered by the gravity shield, hush, etc.
Interesting facts:
Why are Vikings Associated with Axes (https://scandinaviafacts.com/why-are-vikings-associated-with-axes/#:~:text=Axes%20were%20the%20weapon%20of%20choice%20for%20the,also%20instrumental%20in%20building%20the%20famed%20Viking%20longboats.)
Wiki: Berserker (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker)
Phoenix summoning

Fire spectre summoning

- Casting shard of brave seems to be a better choice than early summoning of minor phoenix or fire spectre.
- Vulnerable to strong or multiple AOEs.
- Countered by strong healing.
Both seems nice, but I wonder whether minor phoenix or fire spectre is more compatible with shard of freedom in early game.
Environmental pollution

- Click demanding.
- Countered by effects bypassing shields.
Bombs and germs

- Countered by strong AOE, lobo, steal, etc.
- Countered by rush decks.
Helping out

- Harnessing the effect that the reaper removes all statues on creatures.
- Highly :death consuming.
Harvest from your farm

- Countered by immaterial creatures.
- Countered by strong CC and strong shields.
Bird feeder - Jack

- Countered by Slime shield, Eternity, shield by-pass, Otyugh, etc.
- Demand some :fire and luck to summon Jack in the early game.
Feeding birds with fungi

- Countered by shield bypassing effects, burrow, strong AOEs and CCs, rush decks, etc.
- A single tomb could add two more spores on the field.
- Dry spell does not constantly begin dealing damage on either side. It seems to be random, but always from left to right.
Related bird-feeding decks
Catch shadow (https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1475.msg6689#msg6689)
Voodoo acceleration

- Not a strong deck.
- Not resilient to most CCs.
Gravitational cushion

- Click demanding.
- Utilizing 8 elements.
- Steady growth, medium recovery.
- It's better to have an inertia in the early game, but need some luck.
Fallen phoenix

- Countered by Otyugh, earthquake, eternity, phase shield, shield-bypassing effect, etc.
- Countered by peaking AI, especially burn card, clepsydra, mindgate, etc.
Chasing the present

- Low reward bonuses.
- Countered by several CCs.
Wearing out souls

- Pillarless.
- Very toxic.
- It is better to have Soul Catcher-Cremation-Black Cat match in the early game.
Wearing out souls

- Pillarless.
- Very toxic.
- It is better to have Soul Catcher-Cremation-Black Cat match in the early game.

Pillar version feels a lot faster IMHO.
Maybe I just don't know how to play yours correctly but I was always waiting for my Mark to generate 2 dark quanta before I could do anything.
think pillarless is part of the experiment, some Nova could help, or even 2 copies of GoO

6 immo makes sobr/rof faster, so idea seems to be that once deck pops off after 2 turns it's now only limited by drawing damage. Probably some balance between SoBr/GoO

2 copies ends up being in opening hand ~40% of the time

Pillar version feels a lot faster IMHO.
Maybe I just don't know how to play yours correctly but I was always waiting for my Mark to generate 2 dark quanta before I could do anything.
Hi, Elemensch and Serprex. I am so glad to see someone try my idea and do some experiments on it. 👌
Cremation can trigger all the other effects, which is effective for accelerating the iteration. Besides, Cremation also acts like Nova.
Similar for Rain of fire, adding on one another iteration. The faster it goes, the more damage it accumulates through the plies.
Yeah, I see G. Ocean is efficient and helps counter against early Pest, Discord, etc. It is a good idea, but I would prefer to keep the flaw.
Washing away

- Countered by rewind, scorpion claws, shield by-pass effects, etc.
- Vulnerable in the early game.
Stuck (a variety)

- Play an ouija source, instead of discard it, you can stop your draw.
- Time consuming.

- Kind of dull to play, but... you can reach the hp maximum.
- And, the bonus reward is huge, if you win in the arena.
- Creatureless.
Edited: I think AI finds it can limit its own draw power, which is ridiculous, perhaps winning by this deck in the arenas would be harder then.
Return to matter

- It is either returns to matter, or returns to matter.
- Countered by strong shields.
Return to matter

- It is either returns to matter, or returns to matter.
- Countered by strong shields.
I think you have room for a Waterfall to flip strong shields the bird.
Return to matter
- It is either returns to matter, or returns to matter.
- Countered by strong shields.
I think you have room for a Waterfall to flip strong shields the bird.
I think a deck do not have to be perfect, so it is OK for me to have some cards counter against it. Also, Waterfall might not support the "return to matter" concept.
But still thanks for the idea.
Return to matter
- It is either returns to matter, or returns to matter.
- Countered by strong shields.
I think you have room for a Waterfall to flip strong shields the bird.
I think a deck do not have to be perfect, so it is OK for me to have some cards counter against it. Also, Waterfall might not support the "return to matter" concept.
But still thanks for the idea.
SoFr & fungus death poison should do pretty well vs shields anyways, Tomb even lets you decide if you want more phoenix or more fungus depending on whether opponent is healing (prefer Phoenix) or using PC (prefer Fungus)

- Zero direct damage.
- High recovery.
Throwing dolls

- Could alter Chimera with catapult, might be more practical to throw dolls only.
- Chimera acts weird.
Glowing cat


quanta base probably too inconsistent, but it has a few other tricks up its sleeve

Mostly just raw idea with no optimization. Give + Dissipation Shield is a funky way to remove quanta that also works well with Byakko. With a bit of luck and proper timing it can zero quanta pretty quickly and then we can play Sabbath. With multiple Sabbaths in hand we can even lock our opponent completely for few turns.
That's a theory tho - in practice it's at least 3-card combo that dies to creature removal permanent removal, any aggressive decks and decks that can generate large amounts of quanta very quickly. Still when it works it's kinda amusing.
Thanks you two! Interesting ideas!
Dispersion refocus

- Pillarless.
- Time consuming.
- Weak, especially to AOE.
Eutrophication (a variety)

Uh... anyone knows how to attach screenshot on this forum correctly?
imgur can be annoying, the direct image link is `i.imgur.com`
On a diet

- 20 damage reduction.
- Eating same meals might not be good for health.
How many cats are there in the box?

- Steep growth curve.
- Countered by Ulitharid, Blue mage, etc.

Funfact - you can use Chimera to "recombine" all skeletons made by Arma + Scythe combo into another, massive wall. You can also throw your 250+ HP monstrosity at opponent for some obscene damage.... or go stupid and start Scythe'ing the Chimera for bunch of really big Skeletons that you can stick together with another Chimera for really stupid HP numbers. Got that once to like 15k HP, apparently catapult calculations break above certain numbers because throwing such a big thing at enemy was dealing like ~15 damage but I forgot to make screenshots, duh.
Thank Mixnmatch. It is fantastic.

So, the idea is to get your foe poisoned, then stand as long as possible.
- Vulnerable to rushing strategy, high strength creatures, etc.
- Would probably counter decks with high durability strategy.
Deep Dark Nightshades

- Countered by multiple silences, multiple rewinds, blind burn card, lobotomize, stormshield, wings, gravity shield, phase shield, super strong healing, rush decks, arctic octopus,etc.
- Medium damage and healing.
Forest twinkles

- Medium recovery and medium rate of damage growth.
- Better summon queens in the early game.