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Messages - serprex

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 85 86 87 ... 101
General Game Discussion / Re: Serious Problems with Arena
« on: January 02, 2015, 04:13:30 pm »
AI deck is positioned above chat, you can input any deck into it to test AI with a deck. It was previously filled with the deck code of any arena deck you went against, meaning you could view what the arena deck contained. I have since remove that, & it now only spits out the deck code of commoner/mage/champ/demigod

General Game Discussion / Re: Serious Problems with Arena
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:39:09 pm »
There are 3 filters to decks atm. After a loss a deck will be removed if:
score < 15 (happens at 0-11)
16 more losses than wins
age > 14

Possibly decks should be ejected if they're 0-5 or some such

AI Deck being filled in was originally made for debugging purposes. It's unlikely necessary still, since we haven't been having AI bugs every other day

Entropy / Nerf Unstable Shapeshifter
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:03:12 pm »
I figured Shiftergon style OTK would be gross

Possible change: limit shifter to changing once per ply. This'll stop shiftertal because only the last played shifter will become a dragon (the others will've spent their transformation on shifting into shifters)

Such a change would disrupt pixiegon too, where shifter casting trick after shifting into a pixie wouldn't shift itself into a dragon too

Other possibility: a chance to become a mutant when shifting

Archive / Re: Decks
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:06:53 am »


Feel like this has to have a 6 inno refinement

Patch Notes & Development / Re: OpenEtG Patch Notes
« on: January 01, 2015, 03:12:40 am »
Jack O' Lantern cost reduced by 1
Minotaur changed to "attacks twice if opponent has more than 4 cards in hand"
Infected is now a 7|6 / 9|8 with 3/4 poison counters respectively

Decks / Re: Minotaur OTK [payload]
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:17:04 am »
Straightforward fix would be to remove dive effect from Minotaur, make bonus be a flat amount. Or having the dive occur as it attacks, rather than as a buff

Spoiler for updated decks:
dbhbow got +throw rock






sopawarden (credit Shinki)



FFQ (forgot to post last season, credit CG)

sadarm (credit D2D)

alchbow (credit Sky)

innorico (credit CG)

2-0 kirby
vader vs neurodials (BW wtf)
bnymph vs immortal (no reflective)

0-2 kirby
monotime vs neurodials
psiontal vs thedeck

0-2 kirby
firelight beats 1 blue nymph
firelight doesn't beat the deck after 3 SoDs
innont outrushed by grabbow with fast fog

2-1 lin
monotime vs speedpoison (no draw power, only drew a pharaoh. Almost outraced)
dbhbow vs emerald pillars + water mark
ricorock vs adrenalstaves

1-2 kirby
innorico really helps grabbow
ricorocks fast reflective vs UG
ricorocks can't deal with arse & spirit of grabbow

(Nymph Queen nerf)

2-1 TLoD
dbhbow locks vs airlight
shadow cries vs firelight
innont rolls vs firelight (really slow start, midas'd own pillar, no inno)

2-0 timpa
pixiegon eeks out past devs vs vamptal
ricorocks fast reflective vs bnymph

2-0 LiN
immo outpaces SoSebow
goose wins with 1 card left vs sosa/chrys (LiN forgot arse)

2-0 kirby
sopawarden vs sow/reflect/nymph (closer than expected)
luciwolf only needs wolves to beat rtpoison

2-0 kirby
neuro vs sow/reflect/nymph (closer than expected)
bnymph vs grabbow, had swave & fog

2-0 timpa
sopawarden vs NT/earth
luciwolf vs patcell (he removed sopa the turn before hope)

1-2 Odin
fast sopawarden vs voodoowarden
pixiegon gets locked by monotime
bluenymph locked by voodoowarden's trident

2-0 gomory
alchbow outcontrols funrock
warden misplay nearly loses to funrock

2-1 kirby
alchbow loses to grabbow (AM could've saved? Don't know, I suck)
fast trident warden beats ricorock
thedeck gets pulvy in time vs UG (honorable mention to Clepsydra)

0-2 D2D
dbhbow can't stop sorgon (should)
shadowrush loses to monolightstall

0-3 Shinki
discord locks luciwolf
(invalid) warden loses to minomare
neurodials loses to thedeck

0-2 kirby
immorush can't get through thedeck
ricorock40 vs neurobw

2-1 timpa
thedeck couldn't stabilize vs monotime30
monotime60 > monotime30
pixiegon outraces 2-pillar innont

1-2 kirby
slow unnt dies to neurobw
misplayed ffq outraces grabbow
pixiegon vs neurobw loses

0-2 LiN
sadarm loses to SoSebow's fog
monotime vs neurobw, 2nd inno would've let me mill for win

1-2 sky
ricorock bigger than immortal
dbhbow loses to immortal
innont loses to grabbow

0-2 kirby
candy vs grabbow (need faster pacify vs arsenic)
ricorock40 vs firelight is a joke

2-0 gomory
goose vs monoentropy (discord/RT locks dragons)
dbhbow disrupts geotk enough

0-2 sky
goose locks bnymphs (UG pushed me rather low tho)
monotime's Eternity beats immortal

2-0 Dawn
Ghostmare gets fast eternity vs soirush
Shadowrush wins with 0 cards vs monolightstall

2-1 kirby
goose vs firelight wins with much destroy & sofo
thedeck vs fast grabbow is sadface
dbhbow locks neurobw

2-1 lin
grabbow vs sosebow, didn't outrush
monotime vs alphabond: SoR/Scarab ftw
fast unwarden locks chrys, break SoPa early to bust BWs

1-2 kirby
monoaether vs grabbow only dragon/sow/dims in top half of deck
luciwolf vs neurobw RT keeps me from 2nd wolf too long
shadowrush vs thedeck ugh

2-1 Fippe
uninst wins vs firebw with 7 cards left
goose loses vs monoentro (I made a singu because I suck)
ricorocks pulls through vs tridentbow

2-0 sky
bnymph vs immortal without reflective
bnymph vs immo (Deflag forced on OE to save Golem, thanks fog)

2-1 lin
immorush vs fungus had the dryspells it needed
pixiegon vs shifterotk? they had no time, so busted
dbhbow rushes innosose without denial

0-2 mega
dbhbow vs sopalem loses to domin
pixiegon vs dryfungus sofr didn't proc once for 6 dragons

2-1 kirby
unsoraoh vs neurobw, won with calculated 1hp
neurodials vs thedeck I swear that's all neurodials gets to face
bnymph vs thedeck prevails

2-1 lin
bnymph beats innosose
soraoh vs innosose without pharaoh is sad
pixiegon's fog beats alphabond

2-0 shinki
sopawarden 3ttk vs thedeck (2ttk if not for SoG)
pixiegon eeks by mono entropy (fog blocks nothing)

2-1 kirby
fungus vs neurobw, only 2 pillars whole game, died with bond in hand
innont outraces monont
thedeck outstalls grabbow (first pande was double PU, so won relatively fast)

2-1 Shinki
regradeotk vs wingedelves
dbhbow could win vs sanctsog if I hadn't played discord into thorn
monotime's pharaoh breaks sanctsog

& I thought OL1 was stally. Psiontal let me down vs The Deck. There was a period of time where I didn't tryhard & ran goose/ricorock. I never got to go against The Deck with ricorock, so I don't know if it wins like I think it does (that's why I brought it into my set of decks, after all)

League / Re: OL3: OpenEtG League
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:32:37 am »

Decks / Re: Minotaur OTK [payload]
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:28:38 pm »
Sundial, Silence, Burn Card, Innovation, SoSa, Yoink, Clepsydra also counter OTKs. Generally Stoneskin & SoD too
There's already a 5 card 210 damage OTK that isn't countered by sanct

I am not opposed to saying that OTKs as a whole are too possible, & that future cards may want to consider offering ways to disrupt OTKs. But I'm not convinced this is the combo that brings this about

Decks / Re: Minotaur OTK [payload]
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:10:08 pm »
It hasn't been proven OP. Filling opponent's hand is difficult if they play sanct. Until an OP deck has been demonstrated, there's no need to nerf. Currently we only have a minimum payload

League / Re: OL2: OpenEtG League
« on: December 31, 2014, 10:17:49 pm »
serprex 2-1 Shinki12345

Decks / Re: MinoDevQuake
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:58:18 pm »

-NM -2 darkpend +pillar +pend +vagger

Fixed Bugs / Re: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:50:53 pm »
Timpa's bug is a separate issue that has to do with login screen being passed before loading completes

Decks / Minotaur OTK [payload] [nerfed]
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:48:48 am »

Execute combo when opponent holds more than 4 cards

Would be fixed by reverting antimatter applying to buff portion. Would then have to use pacify, which wouldn't work as well. Consistency would ask that both not apply to buffs

Works because antimatter works by reassigning base to base-trueattack*2, 6-12-12=-18, buff makes -18*2=-36, then second antimatter causes -18+36+36, buff makes 54*2=108

4x antimatter deals 810

Decks / Re: MinoDevQuake
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:27:35 am »
-NM +vagger

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