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Messages - serprex

Pages: 1 ... 90 91 92 93 94 ... 99
League / Re: League Discussion and News
« on: November 11, 2014, 03:56:08 am »
@Lost yes

Patch Notes & Development / Re: In next Patch:
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:59:14 am »
I prefer both Writs being in :light. Prefer :darkness to :fire tho

Writ of Vengeance does combo with gpull, so need to find out if gpull being a cheap sky blitz is balanced. Especially since it'll proc before you receive most damage, so it isn't delayed so much as your opponent has an opportunity to disarm

Cards / Nymphs OP?
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:13:14 pm »
Starting this post because with OL we can now have observations on some players having 6 of every nymph

With Time Barrier & SoR, Golden Nymph takes on an absurd power level. To understand how expensive hasten is: compare HG to Sanct. Golden Nymph's sturdy health & medium attack are large enough to pressure alone. Upped it isn't as bad since HG's hasten becomes much cheaper while precog on nymph remains the same cost

Golden Nymph would be OP with hasten, but with card control & in-element innovation, precog is now genuinely much stronger than hasten

If anyone has some nymph QQ to post, please do

Decks / Re: Regrade OTK [PvP] [unupped]
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:49:27 pm »
Mitosis children don't benefit from momentum. If you don't have enough quanta for Chimera then you don't have enough quanta for Sky Blitz

New Card Suggestions / New Weapons
« on: November 10, 2014, 05:35:03 pm »
Elements with only 1 weapon still:
:entropy :life :time :air :aether

:entropy idk. Potentially the long suggested mechanic of "target card is played for :entropy / :chroma quanta, can only target cards you'd be able to target"
:life common CI&A theme is damage that scales with creature count. Preferably the weapon would be for stallier creature spam, so long sword or staff would still be optimal in alphabond
:air some form of soft pc, perhaps? ie return target permanent to opponent's hand
:time is currently at a point where it's fringing on OP. Time Barrier synergy should be avoided. Which means avoid SoR-ish active because Golden Nymph
:aether the proposed :entropy cost mechanic works for aether too. As would SoRish things. Not sure, will ponder. Extreme idea: convert all aether quanta into quanta of target element. Also

After this I'll take a closer look at Odin's weapon brawl series

Decks / Regrade OTK [PvP] [unupped]
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:17:54 am »
Based on oInstosis
1-of innovation wanted

SoBr variant works too, but I hate sobr

Sanctuary could be useful vs hand control, tho stolen sanct would shutdown sobr variant

League / Re: OL - OpenEtG League
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:04:21 am »
serprex 2-0 kirbylover314

Patch Notes & Development / Re: OpenEtG Patch Notes
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:57:09 am »
Reduce? costs 1
Chaos Mantle costs 7/7, procrate of pande is 30%, evade is 20% & only applies to upped

Decks / Re: Arena Decks: serprex
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:41:45 am »
Forgot to post Arena1 deck, so no dims/mage/geores/mindgate reveal

28 - 4: 3
Age: 9
HP: 50 / 200
Mark: 1
Draw: 2


Entropy / Nerf Chaos Mantle [implemented]
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:15:49 am »
On evade:
Fog Mantle costs 2
40% evade is seen as ~1.5DR
1.5/.4 is 3.75

Dusk Mantle costs 5
Titanium Shield costs 4
Half of 3.75 is 1.875

So Fog is very efficient. Dusk Mantle costs more than 2DR, so we'll compromise & say evasion is worth DR in terms of a 4 attack minion
25% of 4 is 1. Chaos Mantle should cost the same if it were a 1DR shield with no evasion

vs Thorn Shield
Plague is an overpriced (because Death CC is expensive) 2 quanta spell (we're using upped because pande unupped targets own field)
75% of 2 is 1.5. So we'll say Thorn Carapace procs a 1.5 costing mass CC
25% of 5 is 1.25. Since plague is overpriced, this is rather comparable to Thorn Carapace
33% of 5 is 1.66. Fire Shield is weird. Potentially Life's shield is costlier because a CC shield without damage mitigation needs healing to support. Entropy has in element stall through Antimatter. Evasion is mitigation. Arguably Chaos Mantle is better than pande because chaos mantle synergizes with antimatter while pande & antimatter are quite opposed
50% of 2 is 1. This is viewing Fire Shield compared to Thunderstorm. Somewhere there's the annoyance of linear comparisons being highly inaccurate
Also I didn't consider base value of a card. Which makes cheap mass CC more efficient than listed

I view chaos mantle closer to thorn than fire shield because it's effective against sturdy creatures

This means Chaos Mantle is comparable to a 1DR thorn carapace. A 1DR thorn carapace costs 7 upgraded. Shields get +2 bonus when upgraded. Chaos Mantle unupped costs 7 when comparably it should cost 9

Having a shield cost 9 seems extreme. Should procrates be reduced?

Previous discussion: http://oetg.boards.net/thread/26/chaos-shield

kirby suggested evasion only existing on upgraded (upgraded then costs 6 or 7)

Quote from: cg talks in his sleep
16:01:53 Guest_cg: drop evasion from both upped and unupped; reduce cost to balance
16:02:26 Guest_cg: can make the cc effect be processed before creature damage is processed if it isn't already, which gives it an evade rate
16:02:41 Guest_cg: except that probably shouldn't happen
16:02:46 Guest_cg: because then fire shield should work that way
16:03:07 Guest_cg: so yeah just drop the evade rate entirely and reduce cost to wherever it should be and have it just be a cc shield instead of a cc shield *plus* an awesome shield

League / Re: OL - OpenEtG League
« on: November 08, 2014, 03:49:45 am »
serprex 2-1 kirbylover314

Patch Notes & Development / Re: OpenEtG Patch Notes
« on: November 08, 2014, 01:24:42 am »
Spark generates :aether on death
Epidemic cost reduced by 1
Aquatic added as a tag. Aquatic non :water creatures: Alchemist, spidercow (?), surgeon, parasite, malignant cell, virus, salamander

:light uncommon permanent Writ of Vindication: when a creature dies, it attacks

Light / Re: Writ of Vindication
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:55:05 pm »
I like extra attack on death. Infecteds will rule the world

Since sparktal was producing 3ttw, it's been implemented so that
Only 1 writ will proc on a creature when it dies, & a writ may not proc on more than 1 creature per ply

Earth / Buff EQ
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:01:01 pm »
So EQ isn't as effective here due to locket, quantum pend, all the random quantum generators, georesonator

Consider allowing EQ to target stackable walls. Wall/Barricade/Barrier are top tier shields that need some weakness to their pc strength

The only stackable that couldn't use a little hate is Repulsor

League / Re: OL - OpenEtG League
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:52:07 pm »
serprex 2-1 cg

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