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Messages - serprex

Pages: 1 ... 98 99 100 101
Patch Notes & Development / Re: OpenEtG Patch Notes
« on: September 06, 2014, 11:56:32 pm »
Gold really matters in openEtG compared to Vanilla. So remove EM because it was forcing everyone to run EM decks (gold payout has been scaled so that an EM win gives the same amount as it did before)
Fixed despair bug. Fixed SoFr bug. Fixed some AI bugs. Fix SoD bug
An options panel that you can figure out on your own
Emerald/Jade shield cost reduced by 1
Gift of Oceanus gives 3 :water
Lifesmith received Mind Flayer stats
New cards: :gravity Inertia, :light Reinforce

Decks / Re: Vampiric Dagger Blast Forge
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:25:20 pm »
@Chap Rico will fly both weapons, then you can't explode. But if you explode before flying, you'll probably destroy your own weapon

Decks / Re: Byting Charger Fractalization
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:15:08 am »
We have a deck tag btw (if you feel it's not up to par, complain explicitly, & I'll be bothered into improving it)

Unsure why you'd pack Chimera. I assume you have to mulligan rather aggressively. Fractal byts much? (edit: last question may answer why the Chimera is there)

Decks / Fractal Shard Debris
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:27:47 am »

Tried vs champ in sandbox. Would need to tune quanta base to work unupped. SoFo's might cost too much then
Lockets make it so you could splash random stuff in like Equalizer, SoV, poison

New Card Suggestions / Re: Dream Catcher (healing nullifier)
« on: September 02, 2014, 11:46:54 pm »
I think what Chapuz is getting at is how is this better than SoV? It doesn't fail with having other damage sources, but it relies a lot on opponent having healing

Game Bugs / AI derps
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:23:16 pm »
Might as well keep AI derps to a single topic. Also useful for designing Arena decks with pilot in mind

Won't remove SoPa's for win if it has too many (3+?) copies on the field (now mitigated)
Will infect (really big?) GP'd voodoos
Will RT dragons vs charge walls (?)
Otys eat ally shrieker vs dims (?)
Won't target orochis
Won't properly lobo spores
Scatters player's hand as an improvement (ie play all pillars, AI scatters your hand, get more pillars as a result is good early game)
Plays pillars while under effect of neurotoxin

Legacy / Todo
« on: August 31, 2014, 12:11:28 am »
(this thread was originally intended for oetg-v, which Legacy has replaced. This list should not be trusted, but remains as a catalog of edge cases to consider if someone wanted to test Legacy for faults)


SoI's big and weird
If my creatures are delayed and I play SoPa do they gain delay counters? ie how does SoPa interact with BB?
Scarab HP updates immediately. Scarab/PU doesn't cause HP to jump a huge amount
Chimera is a spell, not a creature. Need to convert to creature with an onplay active to work with PU/Mitosis (also add foil version) (alternatively copy oetg's mitosis behavior to cast spell creatures)
Need to deal with Thorn Carapace vs Solar Shield block semantics
Wings & Gravity Shield should block antimatter (haven't tested) (ALSO DIMS)
How do multiple floodings interact? Currently Flooding doesn't have the transition period where it doesn't kill slots 6 & 7 on first turn
Singularity's exact percentages & effects are off
Don't know how overdrive/adrenaline is suppose to work
Adrenaline needs to ignore non-fahrenheit buffs (on that note: how does fahrenheit interact with buffs after being flown?)
Adrenaline's proc ordering & freeze/delay needs tuning
Adrenaline should port lookup table as 4 attack probably does 6 damage
Don't know how nightfall being destroyed impacts damaged creatures. Also don't remember burrowed devourer stuff
Testing earlier seemed to imply pends can change state when stolen in original. Must investigate
Mass CC affecting both sides of field currently dithers which field it affects. I believe original does effect on enemy field followed by own field or something
Don't allow playing creatures to full field etc
Freeze shouldn't disable OD
Steal destroys sundial essentially
Flying Weapon shouldn't be castable when no weapon exists
Voodoo should propagate damage from having Nightfall removed
Bolts are suppose to look at cost of card to adjust their price (ie chaos seed firebolt at 9 fire does 6 damage) (??? think ian said this isn't the case)
Devs don't siphon quanta when delayed, only freeze/delay on last turn doesn't prevent siphoning
Need to keep delay/freeze on weapon when it gets replaced
Marks should stack on player's mark
Flying a frozen weapon should thaw it
Pande can sometimes "miss", nobody's worked out those details tho

Spoiler for Bugs I don't intend to reproduce unless someone can make a case for it:
Black Nymph crashing game when ability spammed on target
SoBr playing chimera when it draws it
Flying Titan leaving momentum status on slot for next weapon
No refund when canceling targeting. Which means you can't gain 15hp on SoFo by cancelling. Zanz has claimed lack of refund is due to UI issues. Since we don't have such UI issues, I see no reason to reproduce that

Fixed Bugs / 2 real bugs still around. Archived from proboards
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:24:20 am »
PIXI hitboxes go haywire & obscure mouse detection in top left corner of screen, only allowing very right of Resign button to be responsive. Hoping this'll get fixed in PIXI upstream

Is this still around? I haven't heard reports of it ever since there was plenty of random refactoring. If it does happen to you, refresh before changing decks or exiting editor. I'm pretty sure mark shouldn't be chroma anymore. Let me know results of that

Quests / Proving Grounds, by cg
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:30:01 pm »
From proboards, this is a good example of how to suggest quests

The purpose of this series is to provide a bit of additional leg up for new accounts. Quests can be given their own "Proving Ground" area on the map, or just stuck into a corner of one of the existing areas as three dots near each other or something. Quests can be done in any order; there are no prerequisites or anything. Quests can only be completed once per account (just like regular quests basically).

All three quests should have 150 hp, 1x mark, and 1x draw. The three quests are as follows:

Dragon Tamer
Reward: Choose an element and get two unupped dragons of that element.

Master of Arms
Reward: Choose any one unupped rare.

Reward: Choose any one unupped shard.

Three QT-based rainbows that each focus on what they give away, and they all give away a thing that's either very useful to new accounts (two dragons and a weapon/rare) or something that it takes new accounts a long time to otherwise obtain (a shard). Nothing too strong really, but different than what you see in the other early game AIs. I'd like to think most new accounts can figure out a deck to beat each of them with fairly limited wealth, since they'll know what they're facing. Quest descriptions can be something simple like "Fight the ___ at the Proving Ground!"

Two new proving grounds quests. Should work just the same as the previous (i.e. no prereqs, once per account, whatevs). Basically, a couple more one-time boosts to new accounts.
Reward: 50 gold

Reward: two copies of a tower or pend (upped) of your choice

Added when nymphs were made non-super-ultrarare
Reward: Choose any one unupped nymph.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Reinforcement + Ricochet
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:19:41 pm »
Will update card text to mention not working with rico. CG explicitly asked rico not work since one reinforce would completely clog opponent's hand, combine with EQ to make it not matter if it's their creature even. CG loves rico so he didn't make that request lightly

Air / Re: Pixie (concept by Torriku)
« on: August 28, 2014, 04:33:28 am »
Added, tested this deck with ability costing 2:
Spoiler for I'd title this deck after a line in "You're a wizard Harry":
Won with 9 plies vs Commoner once. Usually 10-12 plies. Similar results vs champ. The undeniable speed forced me to raise cost by 1 and reduce health to 1. 11 plies still seems normal (maybe wrong direction, this deck doesn't care about quanta)

Considering not allowing Pixie to target itself. It'd slow down some of the faster draws that run short on damsels. Did not explore use as "soft" CC or as a pseudo spider alongside Wings. Going to bed now

Edit: was discussing with Fippe, he'd been testing with
Spoiler for Not even 6 dragons wtf:
Cost nerfs would only force it into a niche. Ended up making trick target player and randomly swap a creature. Returned stats to originally defined. The problem wasn't that you could get a fast dragon out, it's that you never stopped getting fast dragons out. Not too big a fan of increasing randomness; open to alternative suggestions. I was considering changing the casting element, Fippe seems to love monos tho

Will continue to tweak. Currently is now closer to original, but with casting cost of 2 :entropy

Water / Siren
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:14:34 pm »

Implemented it to not be beguile on a stick. Only change from original card idea was giving +1|+1 to upped, not +2|+2

Air / Re: Fairy (concept by Torriku)
« on: August 27, 2014, 01:21:25 pm »
The easiest answer is that it will do nothing in those cases. The more useful would be to then allow swapping with same type creature to make this reset buffs/debuffs

Gravity / Self flying weapon - Fluxor
« on: August 27, 2014, 04:18:57 am »
:air? Weapon has ability to fly itself (not other weapons). Makes it like a creature you have to play through a straw, can't use other weapons while using said straw, vulnerable to PC during first turn

Don't know if when self flown it should be able to self living weapon. Probably. Don't know suitable atk|hp/cost

Air / Pixie (concept by Torriku)
« on: August 27, 2014, 04:03:26 am »
:air Creature Fairy, 1|2 Trick: Swap target creature with a different creature from owner's deck

Wanting to balance with mechanic gaining consistency through damselfly not swapping for another damselfly

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