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Messages - RapidStar_

Pages: 1
Completed Game Suggestions / Pillar Upgrade Tokens
« on: May 27, 2018, 01:52:31 am »
I feel that being able to upgrade pillars but nothing else with coins seems a bit unbalanced, or less fun knowing that you can upgrade a pillar with coins and you don't need to obtain anything to do so except from coins which is easily obtained. Although, I thought of an alternative route which involves being able to obtain pillar upgrade tokens. I haven't fully thought this through, but I think that it would be a nice addition and would make it more of an achievement getting a token, instead of just noticing you have coins and knowing that you can upgrade any pillar without having to do anything else.

I had another idea that these pillar upgrade tokens can be sorted in 3 categories, basing of the material, spiritual and cardinal pillars. As in, you get a cardinal upgrade token and you can upgrade entropy, gravity, time and aether pillars, but not the other 8 elements. The cardinal upgrade token can upgrade the cardinal pillars, material upgrade token upgrade material pillars etc... Quantum pillars can be upgraded with ALL 3.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: When I talk about pillars, this includes pendulums also.

UI/UX Suggestions / Gerenal Suggestions
« on: May 17, 2018, 09:10:52 pm »
(Most likely, more will come but I will make that apparent with an edit of all the new suggestions, and a bump on the forum page)

*Some of these suggestions could be obsolete with the change of a GUI. And some of these suggestions should be added with the new GUI change. And some may already be thought of.

- Have a wealth count on the stats place on the left
- Cards that cost 3 or less shouldn't have three of the element symbols - just have one (like the rest) and the number it costs.
- Button size bigger for Arena deck, Wealth T50 etc. (To make it look better)
- A visual coin toss at the start of the game, similar to etg.
- A lot of card art.
- For the new GUI, when opening a pack, a spinning animation could be nice.
- In the editor area, have a heading for each row of cards.. eg "Creatures:" And creatures under... To make it a bit more clear.
- When a card is played by the opponent, have a smooth animation showing the picture of the card (like etg - to make it smoother). It is sometimes a bit hard to see what cards are being played by the opponent, and what is being targetted etc. Maybe a small end of turn delay.

Pages: 1