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Messages - InsignificantWeeaboo

Pages: 1
Decks / Pufferclaws
« on: September 20, 2019, 10:26:37 pm »

This gets around a 5-6 ttw (11 plies) most of the time against 100 HP opponents, and can beat Mages and Champs around the same time. EDIT: Using this against Champs has varying results

The benefit of using Pufferfish over Scorpions is that they do more damage when adrenalined and can get past shields with 2 damage reduction. Could potentially replace the Permafrost with a Water Tower.

New Feature Requests / Re: Flavour Text
« on: September 12, 2019, 07:46:16 pm »
Would we submit flavor text here or on a separate thread?

Fixed Bugs / Show damage total for SoPa
« on: July 21, 2019, 04:35:10 am »
Sometimes it's a bit of a hassle to add up all of the damage points for every creature on board, especially if the deck using SoPa involves creature spam. I feel like it's easier and a bit quicker to have the damage total shown at all times for SoPa.

Aether / Re: Buff Silence
« on: April 17, 2019, 01:55:33 am »
oh yeah forgot about that

Aether / Buff Silence
« on: March 30, 2019, 06:14:41 pm »
Crossposted from the Elements forum:
Specifically, buff Silence vs Sanctuary!

I think Silence is niche enough without Sanctuary protecting against it. Anyway Sanctuary says "your hand cannot be altered during your opponent's turn" - but Silence doesn't alter your hand, and it's impact certainly isn't felt until it's the Sanctuary-player's turn.

In terms of how much play each card sees, Sanctuary gets a lot of play, while Silence gets pretty little. This trade-off just gives players more reason to run Sanctuary and less reasons to run Silence :(


New Card Suggestions / Grudge
« on: March 16, 2019, 04:06:36 am »
Cost: 15 :darkness/12 :darkness
Text: Damage will not kill you this turn. Discards remaining copies of this card.

Example Scenario: Let's say you have 10 HP and Grudge in your hand. The opponent has 20 net damage on their field, and it is your turn. If you play Grudge, you will live with -10 HP when the opponent attacks. If you don't kill the opponent on the turn after you've casted Grudge, you will immediately lose.

Probably extremely situational, but might give Darkness based stalls a little more power. Didn't add an effect that consumes all remaining Darkness quanta since it would be UP if it did, I think.

EDIT: Might be easier to say "Can live past 0 HP this turn"

Pages: 1