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Messages - jimbo

Pages: 1
General Game Discussion / Re: Looking or some grinding advice/help
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:32:44 am »
Thanks guys :) Appreciate the advice.

I tried my hand at farming DGs using a half unupped/upped version of the Spinfinite DG OTK which did better than I expected. I've managed to get all the cards needed for it now(just need to work on upping them all) which is working for me atm.

I read a thread on here somewhere that was giving advice about which card packs to buy for efficiency and it mentioned buying Plat packs(I could have totally read it wrong too).
Do you guys agree with this? Just want to be sure before I sink 50k into them.

Thanks again really appreciate the advice.

General Game Discussion / Looking or some grinding advice/help
« on: February 24, 2020, 06:10:04 am »
Hi all,

Been a loooong time lurker on the original elements and most recently oEtG. While I'm no expert on the original game I have over 10k games played over many years and most of the essentials upped.

Problem is, I'm really struggling with grinding this game. I'm currently using Mono-Earth Stone Skin by cg to grind commoners. I've played 500 games and I have no idea if there is something more efficient.

The end goal would be to use Spinfinite DG OTK by Chapuz(btw Chapuz, you've helped me loads with your decks throughout the years so big props to you).

Should I carry on grinding commoners using the deck above(due to the stone skin + streak bonus) or would I be better off building a champ deck to grind? and if so any recommendations for a champ deck?

Thanks in advance and gj on all the work put into this really glad someone stepped up to keep this great game alive.


Fixed Bugs / Re: Bazaar Bug?
« on: June 26, 2019, 11:35:51 am »
Updated your gold to 100

Sorry about bazaar bug, thought I'd cleaned it up the last time I reviewed it. Not sure how I screwed up testing, but will have to review it again

Thanks for the quick turn around!

Fixed Bugs / Bazaar Bug?
« on: June 26, 2019, 03:26:15 am »
Hi guys,

First post here so sorry if it is in the wrong place.

I tried using the Bazaar to sell a Shard of Patience. There was a buy order for 1000 gold. I put up an order to sell mine for 1000 but now I'm at -983 gold.

I'm not sure if I'm using the Bazaar wrong or this is a bug but now I'm down a shard of patience and -1000 gold.

I've attached a snip to this topic.

Could someone please look into this as I can't play now and don't fancy wasting 1000 gold grinding back up to + gold


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