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Messages - Mixnmatch

Pages: 1
Decks / [Gravity/Time][Upgraded][Denial]Instant Black Hole
« on: September 15, 2024, 06:16:02 am »

As always - I suck at optimization. Someone probably will figure out better version.
Quick Gravity Nymph + Shard of Readiness is hella stupid, especially if you can refresh Nymph's skill multiple times in one turn with more shards  We can also later install second free Nymph. Othyugh and Shard of Focus remove all problematic cards that our opponent will try to slip through our main combo, chargers are here to kill opponent.

Decks / Re: Experimental decks
« on: September 01, 2024, 06:43:38 pm »

Mostly just raw idea with no optimization. Give + Dissipation Shield is a funky way to remove quanta that also works well with Byakko. With a bit of luck and proper timing it can zero quanta pretty quickly and then we can play Sabbath. With multiple Sabbaths in hand we can even lock our opponent completely for few turns.
That's a theory tho - in practice it's at least 3-card combo that dies to creature removal permanent removal, any aggressive decks and decks that can generate large amounts of quanta very quickly. Still when it works it's kinda amusing.

Decks / Re: [EARTH/LIFE][Aggro][Upgraded][Mage/Champion] Fungivore
« on: July 29, 2024, 04:25:10 pm »
bond & orochi without gemfinders? also golem defender op & doesn't hurt to have an extra source of creatures


Man, I completely forgot about existence of gemfinders and golem defender. Now it actually works even better. Thank you!

Decks / [EARTH/LIFE][Aggro][Upgraded][Mage/Champion] Fungivore
« on: July 25, 2024, 03:40:03 pm »

Still hard WIP but the general idea is here - Play Orochi, play Toxic Fungus, let your Orochi feast on shrooms, hit our opponent's face, potentially win. One can think that poisoning our snake is big no-no but in reality most of the times our opponent's life hits zero before it matters. I play only four snakes because drawing them without shrooms is big sad but drawing shrooms without snakes is still okay.

- Tower Shield over Diamond Shield because it's cheaper and does not eat into our earth quanta.
- Throw Rock is great CC and can be used together with Toxic Fungus to put some poison counters at enemy and/or stop us from decking out.
- Emphatic Bond works great with every deck that can swarm the field.
- We lose to everything that can put us on faster clock, can clear our shrooms, can stop us from playing our game or just bad draws.

General Game Discussion / Re: challenge mode experiences
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:01:37 am »
From experience - self-build  :fire: mono is probably best for early game. Currently sitting at 38-7 with this build



More of a pet deck from OG ETG but It's still fun to play, imho - there's not a lot of pure control decks in ETG.

- Oty and SoFo are bread and butter of this deck, giving it repeatable removal against both creatures and permanents. Both can in a pinch also be used for heal or threw in opponents face via Trebuchet - Maxed out SoFo deals more damage, but throwing poisoned Oty at opponent is fun.

- Hourglass is repeatable draw. Every good control deck needs an ability to draw a lot of cards.

- Eternity is another piece of CC that also deny our opponent new cards, especially if they run out of quanta due to no pillars/getting BH'd. It also allow us to loop SoFo, stop us from decking out and can reset weakened Otys.

- Pharaoh is a secondary wincon.

- Trebuchet can throw SoFos at opponent for big, dumb, mid-turn damage or to use poisonous Otygs when they are too weak to eat.

- Gravity Shield is safety net against creatures too large for Oty to eat. Sometimes I swap it for Chimera to have ability to go past immaterial shields, tho.


Rather self-explanatory contraption. Broken Mirror with Eclipse gives pretty quick and resistant source of damage, Dagger + Mantle are for sustenance. Lightnings are for CC and can be directed at opponent's face for damage.
Reflective shields are instant Game Over. Quick PC played at our main pieces, repeated mass CC and bigger creatures are also issue but not as big. Generally pretty fun deck to play.

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