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Messages - Fippe94

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Quests / Re: How to suggest a quest/questline
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:20:10 am »
One thing to add: You can include both "one quest at a time" and "play them all in a row"-quests in your questline. For example, you can have a questline with 5 quests, where 1-2-3 is a continous battle, but 4 and 5 are separate battles. Quest 4 will then not be availible until you beat the quest 1-2-3

Game Suggestions / Load card images in background
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:50:13 am »
It's annoying to have to mouseover a card and have it be blank for a little while before art is loaded. Load the art in the background (possibly this being optional, but I mean lofi art is already a thing if you need that), so that most art is already loaded when mousing over. Or even load all the art as the game starts, that is what pretty much every other game does.

Game Bugs / Re: AI derps
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:22:36 am »
Well if it fills the field with unhatched eggs that is a problem. I suggest lowering the value of the fate egg itself, so it gets more incentive to hatch it into something else.

Quests / Re: Something after the Chroma Temple Arc?
« on: May 18, 2018, 08:57:46 am »
I don't know if you are planning to change it cg, or if you are mistaken, but current quests have no battle starting text. Only map text and end text.

Game Suggestions / Re: add more patch notes to login screen
« on: May 15, 2018, 01:44:04 pm »
I know they are already at login screen, so I guess my suggestion of moving it is basically a separate discussion. Adding a patch notes button to the main menu that shows a popup with the same text would be nice.

Game Suggestions / Re: add more patch notes to login screen
« on: May 15, 2018, 12:14:02 pm »
Since login happens automatically, I'd suggest to show them on the main menu instead. I never see anything on the login screen.

I'm not sure if you're aware since you say want to have a replayable tutorial, but the "replayable:noreward" is exactly how it works now, i.e. you can replay any quest righht now (for no reward).

Life / Re: Add a little thing for Alpha Wolf
« on: May 09, 2018, 09:59:04 am »
IMO moving things like Give and Beguile should not count as onplace, and thus not trigger alpha wolf.

Completed Game Suggestions / Explain game bonuses
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:02:35 pm »
Add an ingame explanation for the extra bonuses you can get after winning a game. The best way would probably be to add a mouseover text for each bonus so you can see on the end screen what you did.

Completed Game Suggestions / Re: in-game MOTD
« on: April 18, 2018, 07:54:05 am »
I login automatically, I see login screen for only a fraction of a second before it's replaced with the main menu. So yeah posting it somewhere else is better.

Fixed Bugs / Shields still broken
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:25:16 pm »
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'dmg' of undefined, http://etg.dek.im/etgify.js, 3796, 55, TypeError: Cannot set property 'dmg' of undefined

When a >=5 hp creature attacks Gravity Shield

General Game Discussion / Re: Starting an expansion
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:46:35 pm »
Seems like the game is removed from Kong for now.

serpredit: to clarify, we've taken it down for the time being

General Game Discussion / Re: Starting an expansion
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:01:17 pm »
My suggestions: (I might work on these in the coming weekend)

Add an ingame link to the tutorial as well, in the main menu.
Make the chat be a togglable overlay on the right side of the screen, removews the need of sidescrolling (And many players might not even notice the chat exists right now)
Add more help overlays, preferably to the main menu and the battle screen.
Make it so the cards in hand doesn't move around at all, all card places are static until played. New cards appear on the first empty spot. (This could be an option)
Also, the card images in the booster shop does not have any card text, so that needs to be fixed.
Pressing space scrolls the whole page down.

The first 3 are important for any new players, the 4th makes it a bit less confusing, the 5th and 6th should be fixed regardless.

Completed Game Suggestions / Re: Improving UI.. again
« on: December 12, 2015, 12:05:13 pm »
Agree with timpa's suggestion. Also the hand overlay images (like singularity) needs to be fixed, they cover the two top cards so you can't see what they are, and are in the way for most of the rest of the hand too.

Decks / Re: Guilesingu
« on: October 15, 2015, 08:55:52 pm »
Yep. Regrade resets the card, so it loses beguile status. Double regrade if you want it to keep being upped (which can really help)

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