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Topics - Zaranir

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New Card Suggestions / Forgotten Nymph
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:10:57 am »


Forgotten Nymph / Forgotten Nymph
Cost: 6  :chroma / 5 :chroma
Stats: 4 | 4 / 4 | 4
  • unupgraded: "Negative Nova effect on self upon play. Becomes an other Nymph if targeted."
  • upgraded: " Negative Nova effect on self upon play. Becomes an other Nymph if targeted."

Original (could be copyrighted, so taken down) pic: http://adorna.deviantart.com/art/Nymph-27994765

Description / clarification

The conception is to make a Nymph for the Others, the ability could change. Nymph's Tear | Nymph Queen won't give it.

It changes to the targeting card's element (if it's Other, then randomiy changes to a non-Other Nymph).

Nerfed for rainbow decks (actually, it's buffed, the first version was written with Black hole effect on self).

Thinking on if targeted with a Thunderbolt or so (a card which would kill it), what should happen... the targeting effect applies on the transformed Nymph.

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