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Events / Re: Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event
« Last post by Muffins on October 13, 2024, 05:13:40 am »

Edit: for clarity I am owlcityX1000
Events / Re: Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event
« Last post by serprex on October 13, 2024, 12:33:21 am »
Events / Re: Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event
« Last post by Niharia on October 12, 2024, 11:46:27 pm »
A survey of my calendar says i should have plenty of time to participate. Count me in!

Now, to come up with some decks that aren't the same ones I used during beta...
Events / Re: Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event
« Last post by asdw152 on October 12, 2024, 06:09:43 pm »
Events / Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event
« Last post by asdw152 on October 12, 2024, 05:51:43 pm »
Additional Arsenal - Individual PVP Event

New tools have been added to your arsenals. Take this opportunity to see their power yourself.

You will face up to three opponents per round, and 3 matches per opponent.
You start with 8 base upgrades in a deck.
No restrictions on deck building. You may run the same deck multiple times.
Post decks after the entire round is over.

However, there is a ‘new weapons incentive’. For each new weapon in your deck, you earn +2 upgrades per new weapon copy. This upgrade incentive is capped off at 12 upgrades.
New Weapons

Deck with no new weapons = 8 ups
Deck with 1 copy of a new weapon = 10 ups
Deck with 1 copy of 2 different new weapons = 12ups
Deck with 2 copies of one new weapon = 12 ups
Deck with 6 copies of three different new weapons = 12 ups

1st Place: 20000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code + Mark Code
2nd Place: 15000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code
3rd Place: 10000 Gold + Shiny rare Code
Participant: 7500 Gold

Round 1 will begin Oct 26 and last for 1 week, Nov 1. Extensions may be given when necessary, up until Nov 3.

1. asdw152
2. niharia
3. serprex
4. Muffins
5. BigDieck
6. Septima Rhay

Any questions, just ask them here or message me on Discord, @asdw152.

General Info on PvP
Spoiler for Hidden:
PvP Integrity
1. Strive for good sportsmanship at all times

2. Many issues can be resolved and discussed before "accepting turn".  For example, if you speedbuilt a deck and didn't change the mark code, ask your opponent if you can fix the deck mark and replay before you accept your turn.  If you continue on with the game, it is up to the other player to decide if they will replay or not.  Do not pressure them into a replay.  It is you who made a careless mistake and also didn't notice the error until too late.  Additionally, if your opponent notices an issue before 'accepting turn', it is most sportsmanlike to allow them to fix the issue and replay.

3. Players may copy the 'replay' code of a game for 'viewing' later on in openEtG's custom section.  To maintain PvP integrity, please use the replay only as a reference for game issues (i.e. one player disconnected) and to analyze your own game later.  Players should strive to do their own work. Their decks should be self-built.  Players are welcome to gain insight from the community (forums, discussions, asking questions, etc.) but should refrain from simply copying another player's deckcode mid-match.  If you like your opponent's strategy G1, for example, you are welcome to speedbuild a deck like that for G2.  Make sure it is your own work though.

PvP Issues 
1. Stuck Screens: Sometimes players enter a pvp duel and cannot accept their turn.  It looks like one is "stuck" on that screen with the only option to press the resign button.  One fix to get 'unstuck' is to to use the L keyboard shortcut to reload game state. Communicate with your opponent to see if they're 'in' and 'connected' to you.  To help avoid this issue, before starting any PvP match, both players can relog and test dummy decks to ensure they can connect.

2. Deck not loaded properly: Another common problem is a player will enter a pvp duel and they notice their newly chosen deck is not loaded and instead their last played deck is loaded and active.  In these cases, let your opponent know and ask if it is okay for a replay before accepting your turn and playing any cards.  This issue happens when your opponent sends you a duel invite, and you accept while you are still in the deck editing screen.  Technically, you need to exit the deck editing screen and then accept the invite.

3. Lost connection/power: There are times where players lose internet connection to the game, lose power, etc.  Players should take a screen shot and save the game replay.  Both players then should discuss if they should replay or if it was very clear one player was going to win.  When they are unable to decide, they may ask for a non-participating tournament host or non-playing arbiter to help decide. If both players feel comfortable with a replay, proceed.

4. Weird things happening on the screen:  Take a screenshot when you see something odd happen.  There can be some game bugs.  Let the event host know about the issue.  If it appears you can play the game through to the end, please do so and save a replay.  If you believe the issue could have affected the match result, let both your opponent and the event host know. 
Submitting Decks, Illegal Decks, Match Issues
Spoiler for Hidden:
Saving and submitting decks after a match
After each game, save a record of the deck you played vs. your opponent.  Even better, also copy the 'replay code' of the game and store it for later recall; the replay code captures both players' decks and the match can be viewed later.  Both players must submit either (a) the exact deck code they played - and label which game it was used (i.e. G3 and G6) - or (b) submit the replay code (copy/paste)

Posting decks after the event
After the event is completed in full, you may post deckcodes and match summaries to your match results post or a single new post with decks for all matches.  Players may not post decks played before the event is over.  Some of the event fortunes deal with seeing opponents' prior played decks as a fortune benefit. The event hosts can also post your deck codes if you do not post.

Illegal Decks
The only illegal decks for this event are those that don't follow upgrades structure/rules.  The default ruling is that a deck with incorrect upgrades is illegal, resulting in a game loss for the player with the illegal deck.  If both players agree to keep the result due to a spirit of sportsmanship because the difference to result was considered minimal, that is allowed.  But neither player should be pressured to do so even if the common perception is that there would be minimal impact.  Players can reduce chances of error by asking event hosts for 'deck checks' at any phase/time prior to playing matches.

Time between games; interrupted play; inactivity

1. The default time limit in between games is 5 minutes unless otherwise agreed upon by both players.  If Player A notices Player B is repeatedly taking longer than 5 minutes, Player A should remind Player B of the time limit and ask if there's a particular reason they need more time.  Some in between 'thinking' and 'adjustment' is absolutely fine.  Spending 15 minutes mid-match to design a new deck is excessive.  Study and prepare in advance, not during the exam!

2.  Interrupted play -  If you need to suddenly leave due mid-match to real life circumstances, please communicate this clearly to your opponent; make every effort to reschedule again and finish the match.  If you are not able to connect again before the match deadline, your remaining games to be played will be forfeited; your opponent claims the wins that were not played due to your leaving the match mid-way.

3.  Inactivity -  Obviously, dropping out of an event after it has started is not ideal.  It affects your opponents and the event overall.  The participant pool allows for even matches per player per round. Dropping out will disrupt that consistency.  Still, it can be hard to avoid real life issues.  Do your best to communicate your upcoming withdrawal as soon as you can with the event host and any players you have outstanding matches with.  If there is a reasonable chance for you to complete your matches, even if it means poor preparation and performance on your end, please do so.  Avoiding playing simply to avoid losing results is poor sportsmanship.

4. When a player does drop out or is withdrawn mid-event, both completed match results and unplayed matches are voided for the player dropping out.  A substitute will be sought to fill in for the dropped player in future rounds.

5.  Matches not played - if two players are unable to complete a match, the tourney host will ask for evidence of communication/availability.  If one player was clearly more active in this sense, they would earn points as follows. TBD
Decks / Social Justice Warriors
« Last post by serprex on October 12, 2024, 02:29:42 pm »
Decks / Re: Infinite Dimensions
« Last post by BGA_NICE99 on October 09, 2024, 07:20:36 pm »

  • Countered by hand-blocking effects, AOE, most shields, etc.

Dimension zero - Damselfly (a derived variety)
Decks / Re: Haunt-a-pult
« Last post by Septima Rhay on October 09, 2024, 03:59:58 pm »
Nice deck, Niharia. I find the deck relies heavily on Scythe, which is problematic when not drawn or destroyed.  Note SoFo, when exhausted, doesn't turn to skeleton and instead becomes black hole; it's a more awkward partner to Scythe. Lots of other good control synergies when considering scything opponent's creatures.  Liquid shadow overwrites/clears haunt.





Spoiler for replay of otyugh 'storing' multiple haunted creatures from eating, causing multiple skellies to appear upon own haunted death:
{"date":1728488389293,"seed":96994730,"players":[{"idx":2,"ai":1,"name":"Growing Tide","deck":"0455k0455r065640456d0456f0a576025s9045sb018ps","hp":125},{"idx":1,"name":"Septima Rhay","user":"Septima Rhay","deck":"0a55k01576035630455t0255r0456i01569035v4025v2018pt"}],"moves":[{"x":"accept","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":31,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":42},{"x":"cast","c":49},{"x":"cast","c":44},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":51},{"x":"cast","c":52},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":15,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":30,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":62},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":9,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":69},{"x":"cast","c":54},{"x":"cast","c":62,"t":15},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":45},{"x":"cast","c":62,"t":26},{"x":"cast","c":56,"t":62},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":13,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":16,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":25,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":59},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":12,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":67},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":24,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":41},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":24},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":37,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":62,"t":13},{"x":"cast","c":43},{"x":"cast","c":70},{"x":"cast","c":61},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":37},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":9,"t":24},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":62,"t":13},{"x":"cast","c":61,"t":13},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":9},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":32,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":9,"t":37},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":64},{"x":"cast","c":61,"t":26},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":64},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":8,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":34,"t":0},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":9},{"x":"cast","c":55,"t":9},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","c":0,"t":0},{"x":"end"}]}
Decks / Haunt-a-pult
« Last post by Niharia on October 08, 2024, 09:40:50 pm »
It's October, the perfect time for orange and black decks!


The strategy is simple: haunt your creatures, then catapult them, then haunt and catapult their skeletons, repeat. The voodoo doll is a filler card I put in before I realised you can haunt the same creature multiple times to get multiple skeletons (great prep work if you get scythe before catapult) and so the deck uses more dark quanta. Not sure whether to swap in some sort of 'tech' card, a dark PPM, or what. Experiment!
Decks / Re: Cyber Wings
« Last post by Niharia on October 08, 2024, 01:42:56 am »
Heal is really useful, too

Maybe I'm a bad nightmare user, but heal seems to be more effective. Maybe it's because I'm fighting PvE, though - on good matches, that +20 health can be enough for EM. I might even swap the earthquake out for another heal since champions tend to have too many different types of pillars to quake effectively.