oEtG Forum

Amber Alert


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Amber Nymphs (with support) drain the opposition's pool long enough for the Dune Scorpion venom to do its thing. Often I can get a Momentum'd Scorpion out on round 1 or 2, when it's early enough to have impact.

Anubis and Butterfly Effect are there to do something with the other Cardinal Tower quanta, and to provide support for sticky situations (e.g. Fire Shield).

Any suggestions on improvement?


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Fire Shield isn't a problem if all your creatures have momentum
Replacing quantum pillars/epoch with more time pends increases odds of T1 dune, but decided to go for T2 dune with tech


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Why play Epoch in a Dune scorpion deck? Doesn't that have negative synergy? Wouldn't Eternity work better with both the scorpions and the nymphs?


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Why play Epoch in a Dune scorpion deck? Doesn't that have negative synergy? Wouldn't Eternity work better with both the scorpions and the nymphs?
Eternity is expensive. Epoch fights back on opponent holding back & unleashing their hand when they're ready to win


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Why play Epoch in a Dune scorpion deck? Doesn't that have negative synergy? Wouldn't Eternity work better with both the scorpions and the nymphs?

The cards can win at endurance but the deck size cannot.

Eternity lets me stall when I've got a game which will be won but not before my cards would run out (especially with that Hourglass in play).

Also it's funny to drain someone's quanta pool and then send back their expensive cards.


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... wish I could afford more Nymphs & Shards.

Using this one now, seems a bit more cost-consistent:



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Might be the final revision, seems to do pretty well vs. Mage which is a step up for me (I am bad at this game).


Key thing is to get Hand Drill out before playing any of the unique cards to ensure some staying power.


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This version does fine against Champions:


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This version does fine against Champions:

Nice refinement, I'll give it a spin.
