More of a pet deck from OG ETG but It's still fun to play, imho - there's not a lot of pure control decks in ETG.
- Oty and SoFo are bread and butter of this deck, giving it repeatable removal against both creatures and permanents. Both can in a pinch also be used for heal or threw in opponents face via Trebuchet - Maxed out SoFo deals more damage, but throwing poisoned Oty at opponent is fun.
- Hourglass is repeatable draw. Every good control deck needs an ability to draw a lot of cards.
- Eternity is another piece of CC that also deny our opponent new cards, especially if they run out of quanta due to no pillars/getting BH'd. It also allow us to loop SoFo, stop us from decking out and can reset weakened Otys.
- Pharaoh is a secondary wincon.
- Trebuchet can throw SoFos at opponent for big, dumb, mid-turn damage or to use poisonous Otygs when they are too weak to eat.
- Gravity Shield is safety net against creatures too large for Oty to eat. Sometimes I swap it for Chimera to have ability to go past immaterial shields, tho.