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Additional Arsenal - Round 1

asdw152 · 42 · 9942


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Niharia v Muffins 5-0.
Makes up for getting steamrollered the first day, I guess.


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Spoiler for games:
septima 2-3
g1w monofire vs desertsanct
g2l pixiegon vs wisecyber
g3l pixiegon vs kopeshrush
g4l pestal vs brokenbo
g5w bopreciat vs kopeshstall (my deck was bigger)

asdw 4-1
g1w monofire vs kopeshboid
g2w pixiegon vs aflasunsosa
g3w pestal vs cyberdamsel
g4w monofire vs envenomaul
g5l monofire vs nymphrod

owl 3-2
g1w monofire vs kopeshmare
g2l pixiegon vs wandbow
g3l pestal vs wandbow
g4w monofire vs kopeshmare
g5w bopreciate vs wandbow (omg steal mutant, thankfully RT & no more showed up)

dieck 3-2
g1w monofire vs gravysader
g2l pixiegon vs ragescythe
g3w pestal vs bluecyber
g4w monofire vs parallelaxe
g5l bopreciate vs glitchdemic

niharia 5-0
g1w monofire vs cowbow
g2w pixiegon vs logcat
g3w pestal vs scythedemic
g4w monofire vs fluxor
g5w pestal vs cowbow
Spoiler for decks:
monofire 9-1

pixiegon 2-4

pestal 4-2

bopreciate 2-1


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Spoiler for Matches:
fire L
water L
earth L
fire W
time W

time L
fire L
aether L
earth L
water W

water L
earth L
fire L
time L
aether W

water W
earth W
fire L
earth W
fire W

vs niharia
time w
water w
earth l
aether l
fire l

Spoiler for Decks:





Guess I'm here now.


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Really, Serprex, "cowbow"? Any cow deck needs some rainbow to take advantage of cow abilities. Do my two cow decks look that similar?

Ah, well. The first day was pretty rough for me, going 0-5 twice in a row. I have a hard time going 0-5, so going 5-0 means I worry that I've upset my opponent. The community here seems to be pretty good about taking both wins and losses easily, though, so that's been helping me to not completely freak out.
Spoiler for matches, chronologically:
Vs BigDieck
L Shazanymph V cyber/mindgate
L Flux You v Invisible Antimatter
L Cyber Crusade v phase spider rush that has inexplicable bone axes
L Cat-a-log v Self-reaping Scythes (That's a really cool deck, by the way. Nice one, Deick.)
L Permless vs Bo Stonewall (Bone Wall? Am I allowed to make that obfuscating portmanteau?)

Vs Serprex (I'm using your names for your decks, since you've shared them already)
L Fishin' Tetrad v monofire
L Cat-a-Log v pixiegon
L Zombohaunt v pestal
L Flux You v monofire
L Cattle Mono v pestal

Vs Septima Rhay
W Zombohaunt v Wise (AI-assisted?) Dragons
W Cattle Mono v Spark Bones
L Cyber Crusade vs Desert/Khopesh (Kinda reminds me of the nerfed black cat/desert mill. Seems very Septima-style)
W Fishin' Semi v Phantom Fractal
L Shazaquake v Hush Bo (Wow I always use too many actives, was this designed to be a me counter? lol)

Vs Muffins/OwlCityX1000
W Bug Log v Ghostmare (As soon as I saw the GotP, I predicted this and withheld cards.)
W Cattle Mono v ??? (I miscopied and only got the second half of the replay, oops.)
W Fishin' Tetrad v cow/goose rainbow - graboid version
W Zombohaunt v Ghostmare
W Cyber Crusade v cow/goose rainbow - pegasus version

Vs Asdw152 (you didn't name your decks, so I'm making up my own names for them.)
L Cyber Crusade v Inovative Graboids
L Cat-a-log v Nymph Fishin'
W Zombohaunt v Bone Wall Maul
W Cattle Mono v Damsel Fractal
W Bug Log v SoSac Sun (I think Asdw drew poorly. That looks like an interesting deck.)

Spoiler for decks, in alphabetical order:
Bug Log
This one I built right before the tourney started and had sitting unsaved in deck slot 3, where I forgot about it. Sepima asked to do some additional PvP after our matches, and after a few rounds decided to speedbuild. I checked my working deck slots for a place to speedbuild in, and rediscovered it. Won both times I used it, if only I had it more.

The pun that never dies! ...Okay, it dies a lot and inflicts increasing amounts of poison every time. I designed the original version during prototype testing before the additional arsenal was released, and rebalanced it to semi-upped for the tourney. A 6-poison, 5-life cat with three epidemics behind it is a force to be reckoned with if one can get there, but either I'm unlucky (blame the black cats!) or I failed to rebalance it appropriately for PvP.

Cattle Mono
Another of my classic decks, this one was always semi-upped and easily adapted to the theme with the addition of a magic wand. I picked this because I figured everyone was encouraged to use weapons, so the obvious counter would be permanent control - and this one isn't reliant on the magic wand. Like all cow decks, very RNG-dependant. One time I got the wand and a million butterflies - not going to terrify anyone, as there's not much you can get zapping chroma. But other times, it was as effective as it is in PvE.

Cyber Crusade
When testing this deck, Mirror gave me a 32-cost yoink spell. (I challenge you all to acquire something more expensive.) I didn't put enough quanta in, thinking datashrink spam would save me, but alas, 'twas not the case in PvP. Also, it doesn't work if you bottom-deck the cyberweapons.

Fishin' Semi
In PvE, the fish of the day was on the underwhelming side, but the one time I used it in the tourney, I reeled in a win. I had a lucky matchup, though, one well-timed dry spell took out a fractal's worth of phantoms and de-spirited Septima's deck.

fishin' tetrad
Having polychromaticness in a fishing deck means that if you cast your line into your opponent's deck, you have more opportunities to play stuff. Reeling in ash and spores can be remarkably effective (shard golems and singularities, not so much). My win was against another spider cow deck and stealing my opponent's herd was doubly effective. I felt like I was being a little cruel during that match. Sorry, Muffins!

Flux you
The theory was, that people would be using a lot of weapons, so stealing and flying them would be a powerful technique. Reality did not meet expectations. Even during testing, this deck was prone to great or terrible draws, with steal/beguile ratios either matching or not with opponent's stuff. After an abysmal draw in my match against Serprex, I gave up on this deck.

Again, the plan was an anti-anti- perm deck. I got a decent draw and an early mutant dragon, but then got walled by a giant stonewall before I could land the final blow. I thought I had used it a second time and still lost, but I guess not.

I cannot manage my quanta with this deck. I spent the whole time second-guessing my pillar/nymph ratio to make things work. Obviously, I guessed wrong.

I got a bad matchup. Cyberweapon, plus too many different PPM for a good quake, meant I couldn't lock Septima down. I also made some bad decisions on what to shazzam - once I let the blue mage siphon my warden, I was toast.

If I don't get a low-quanta opening against an early cyperweapon, this deck can rapidly raise an army of assorted undead. In testing, it really suffered from deflags, but I didn't face any PC during the tournament.
Good games, everyone!


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it's often hard to know what one's playing against with pestal

Septima Rhay

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Spoiler for matches:
3-2 vs. Serprex
L Desertstall loses to monofire; close to stabilizing but deflag draws secure win
W Cyberphase beats pixiegon; early lightnings slow pixie
W Monotime beats pixiegon; rewind slow pixie
W HushBo beats pestal; lucky broken mirror on board counters fractal devs.
L Desertstall loses to larger  :time :light stall; slow kopesh draw, poor quanta, not enough early MT for sanct.

3-2 vs. asdw152
W Desertstall vs thermalshardofsac; limited sblade early, heal, eventually kopesh/mill win.
W Cyberphase vs fishrodNQ; T1 cyber beat an already underquanted deck; fishrod decks need a LOT of quanta
W Monoearth vs EnvenomMaul; bw slowed down but he didn't draw maul, rendering envenom useless and losing EQ synergy
L Monotime vs thermalshofsac; kopesh had chances to mill bolts but didn't get the job done.
L HushBo vs Dullgrab; lost on damage; even early bohush likely not contain damage quick enough

5-0 vs OwlCityx1000
W Cyberphase vs Spiderpegabow; outrush
W Heatgrave vs Ghostmare
W Monotime vs Spidergrabbow; early spider with freeze couldn't contain hogs
W Monoearth vs Ghostmare; EQ slowed him a lot
W Pirates of the Carribbean vs Spiderpegabow; control plus outrush

2-3 vs BigDieck
W Desertstall vs. Scythehaunt; maxhp increase negated OTK
L Cyberphase vs. SkelePUphase; fog didn't evade enough
W Fractalmirror vs. GreatWall; no counter to psionic damage, he could have won on deck out if carrying miracles
L Monotime vs phaseregrade; negated by phase chain, no MTs but would have needed 2 to break through
L Cyberphase vs. Skellyaxe OTK; not an OP deck, just exposing a glitch mechanic

2-3 vs Niharia
L Cyber phase vs Zombohaunt; no way to contain poison or scythe
L Heatgrave vs Cattlemono; no early graves, BW torn through by small creature spam
W Desertstall vs  Cybercrusade; sanct counter cyber, MT remove opponent sanct, dull mill
L FractalMirror vs CrawlerRod; early dry spell and no phase drawn
W Hushbo vs Shazaquake; hush worked effectively here

Spoiler for decks:

The ones I tested were Cyberphase, Desertstall, and Monotime.  Others included to 'see what happens'.  Heatgrave is an awful deck.  I regret not trying something scythe forward. Fishing rod feels like it can get a boost, maybe +1 damage. Wouldn't mind if it 'drew Aquatic creature from deck' upon play.
3 wins, 3 losses

3 wins, 2 losses

2 wins, 2 losses

2 wins, 1 losses

1 wins, 1 losses

1 wins, 1 losses

2 wins, 0 losses

1 win


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Since everyone else is doing a big post with all decks and matches, I'll do that too :^)
Spoiler for I believe these are all the decks I used:
Rage Scythes 4-1

One of my favorites of this tourney. It's both tall and wide, with creature control as well. There is an argument that unupgraded rage potion is better for damage, as instead of taking 1 rage elixir, creating 12/6 skeletons, you can use 2 rage potions on the same scythe, making 16/6 skeletons. Might have helped vs Septima's Desert Stall, but otherwise proud of this deck.

Axe Spider PU Psi 4-1

Mechanically, this is my favorite of the decks I played. I can combine stats into a psion to bypass, and if I happen to encounter reflective shields, I can combine the psion to a spider and remove psionic. It's also very satisfying to hit 3 or more PU's in a row.

Blue Cyber Gate 3-1

I expected to dominate a little bit more in the games I played this deck, but it still did well. Very versatile use for regrades on blue mages to reset siphon, cyberweapon so blue mages can psuedo endow, and phase shields to extend turns.

RIP Death by a 1000 Clicks 2-0

I wanted to play this deck cause the moment it was revealed, it would get nerfed. I'll make another post about this alongside my Neuro Rustler OTK. Credit to pimpollo for finding the skeleton axe OTK.

Stone Staff 2-1

Did pretty well. With the addition of Imbue and Bo Staff, it gives stronger finisher's to a Meta Dispersion Stone Wall deck, without worrying about too many duplicates of Stone Wall or Bo Staff. Imbuing Staves together means double/triple dipping on the attack buff from Stone wall's DR, and imbuing stone walls make it so you have much more DR and damage for bo staff.

Scepter Chargers 1-1

I like fractal chargers, and scepter fits the duo. Scepter also triggers inertia each time I target an opponent creature, so it lets me use excess  :aether  for more damage and  :gravity . Catapult is probably better replaced with shields, but I find Scepter + catapult a fun combo in this deck.

For Flux Sade 1-1

Another deck I'll make a separate post for one day, but is mechanically neat, and I find reinforce to be actually really good here.
A. Dolph 1-1

This is one of my favorite decks I've ever made. I didn't think it would do good in this meta with so few upgrades, but I still wanted to try it. Another deck I'll make a separate post for.

Chronologic Order of Matches + Replays:

Spoiler for BigDieck 4 vs 1 asdw152:
Spoiler for Decks Used:
Blue Cyber Gate

Rage Scythes

Axe Spider PU Psi

For Flux Sade

Scepter Chargers
Spoiler for Game 1: W:
Blue Cyber Gate vs Nymph Rod. Early cyberweapons and blue mage siphon x3 slowed down the swarm heavily. Then when the nymphs started building up, phase shield stalls for long enough.

Spoiler for Game 2: W:
Rage Scythes vs Envenom Maul. Once bonewall appeared, I wanted to go as wide as possible as soon as possible. Barely survived and had just enough damage to win.

Spoiler for Game 3: W:
Axe Spider PU Psi vs Thermal SoSac. Great match up. They fed me 3|6 mirages with a thermal shield up. That lets me easily burst through the SoSac threshold.

Spoiler for Game 4: W:
For Flux Sade vs Innomataur. Early Crusader set up + reinforce with no interference let me run away with the game so fast.
Spoiler for Game 5: L:
Scepter Charger vs Cyber Blitz. Fractal got too expensive, so they outrushed me.
Spoiler for BigDieck 3 vs 2 Septima Rhay:
Spoiler for Decks Used:
Rage Scythes

Axe Spider PU Psi

Stone Staff

Blue Cyber Gate

RIP Death by a 1000 Clicks
Spoiler for Game 1: L:
Rage Scythes vs Desert Stall. Turns out with out, skeletons die immediately since I am not running any death. Slow start for me with no flying weapons, and going against a creatureless deck.  I tried getting a big burst, but it was too far out of reach.

{"date":1730052169846,"seed":314644431,"set":"","players":[{"idx":2,"user":"BigDieck","name":"BigDieck","deck":"065uk06606065v4067dr047n2027um018po"},{"idx":1,"user":"Septima Rhay","name":"Septima Rhay","deck":"015lg035m6065lm0c5rg035t2035s7025rk065sc057jt027k2037q5027qi018pq"}],"moves":[{"x":"mulligan"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":3},{"x":"cast","c":7},{"x":"cast","c":5},{"x":"cast","c":4},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":46,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":44,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":71,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":13},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":32},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":55,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":8},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":37,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":49,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":12},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":10},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":47,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":52,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":40,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19},{"x":"cast","c":30,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":16},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":64,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":79,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":67,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":41,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":29,"t":79},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":79},{"x":"cast","c":16,"t":79},{"x":"cast","c":25,"t":79},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":48,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":60,"t":16},{"x":"cast","c":34,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":66,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":31},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":39,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":56,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":16},{"x":"cast","c":15},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":78,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":59,"t":15},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":15},{"x":"cast","c":17},{"x":"cast","c":11},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":68,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":78,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":43,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":19},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":78,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":65,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":36,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":19},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":61,"t":19},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":38,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":9},{"x":"cast","c":27,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":83},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":83,"t":17},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":51,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":83,"t":17},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":63,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":33,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":83,"t":17},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":57,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":76,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":35,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":78,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":58,"t":83},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":20},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":80,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":78,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":53,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":20,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":22,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":28,"t":20},{"x":"cast","c":18},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":54,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":80,"t":26}]}
Spoiler for Game 2: W:
Axe Spider PU Psi vs Cyber Phase. Septima was rushing pretty quickly, and removed my psion which was a good play. If he removed a spider, he wouldn't have had an out with fog dodges. Luckily didn't dodge those big hits, despite a small misplay on my part at the end.

{"date":1730052330487,"seed":804080960,"set":"","players":[{"idx":1,"user":"Septima Rhay","name":"Septima Rhay","deck":"015og0461q0362k0662m0461v037mt017n2048080481q018pu"},{"idx":2,"user":"BigDieck","name":"BigDieck","deck":"0353d0461o0361t01621026250561r088080480g018pk"}],"moves":[{"x":"accept"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":32,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":30,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":25,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":58},{"x":"cast","c":55},{"x":"cast","c":51},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":37},{"x":"cast","c":61},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":7,"t":61},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":60},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":21,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":33},{"x":"cast","c":45},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":12,"t":17},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":39},{"x":"cast","c":33,"t":60},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":3,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":11,"t":17},{"x":"cast","c":15,"t":17},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":33,"t":45},{"x":"cast","c":59},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":45},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":33,"t":59},{"x":"cast","c":59,"t":60},{"x":"cast","c":49,"t":60},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":27,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":57},{"x":"cast","c":60,"t":63},{"x":"cast","c":46,"t":63},{"x":"end"}]}
Spoiler for Game 3: L:
Stone Staff vs Fractal Mirror. Had lots of health and built up my defense quickly, but didn't have anything for fractal phantoms. Maybe if I had an early bo staff, I might have been able to outrush that damage.

{"date":1730052474110,"seed":4143834952,"set":"","players":[{"idx":1,"user":"Septima Rhay","name":"Septima Rhay","deck":"024vj0561o0563a0161q0262k03622016re028080281q0580o0280d018pu"},{"idx":2,"user":"BigDieck","name":"BigDieck","deck":"02592035940259h0359l035l8035mq045m5025lm066qr067kk018pq"}],"moves":[{"x":"accept"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":25,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":12,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":7,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":43},{"x":"cast","c":59,"t":2},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":11,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":44},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":23,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":66,"t":57},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":40},{"x":"cast","c":34,"t":40},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":24,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":20,"t":67},{"x":"end","t":16},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":69,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":70,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":71,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":72,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":73,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":74,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":75,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":21,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":63,"t":56},{"x":"cast","c":55,"t":40},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":8,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":45},{"x":"cast","c":37},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":54},{"x":"cast","c":56,"t":43},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":4,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":22,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":47},{"x":"cast","c":46},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":27,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":26,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":61,"t":64},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":10,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0}]}
Spoiler for Game 4: W:
Blue Cyber Gate vs Mono Time. Regrade phase shield completely walled out dragons and snakes, while I was able to copy some for extra damage.

{"date":1730052631031,"seed":3879873371,"set":"","players":[{"idx":2,"user":"Septima Rhay","name":"Septima Rhay","deck":"015rg015t2025s7025rk025s2065sb045rm067q0067ri018ps"},{"idx":1,"user":"BigDieck","name":"BigDieck","deck":"044sd025oi0462k046270361t01623068080481q0280j018pr"}],"moves":[{"x":"accept"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":22,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":24,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":30,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":56},{"x":"cast","c":55},{"x":"cast","c":58},{"x":"cast","c":42},{"x":"cast","c":59},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":23,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":16,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":50},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":43},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":32,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":8,"t":43},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":63},{"x":"cast","c":63},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":3,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":64},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":19,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":49},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":64},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":27,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":14,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":64},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":35,"t":49},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":66},{"x":"cast","c":64},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":47},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":21,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":17,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":67},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":15,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":60},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":42,"t":67},{"x":"end","t":68},{"x":"cast","c":11,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":53},{"x":"cast","c":47},{"x":"cast","c":50},{"x":"cast","c":69},{"x":"cast","c":67},{"x":"end"}]}
Spoiler for Game 5: W:
Neuro Axe OTK vs Cyber Phase. I used this deck twice this event, and the replay surprisingly works still. Absolutely doesn't need to exist, and my hand was getting tired after having to click axe -> skeleton 100 times for the otk.

{"date":1730052947655,"seed":3753357322,"set":"","players":[{"idx":1,"user":"BigDieck","name":"BigDieck","deck":"0252m0253d0252p02533045rg025se025rv025s1027n2087ri027q5018pk"},{"idx":2,"user":"Septima Rhay","name":"Septima Rhay","deck":"015og0461q0362k0662m0461v037mt017n2048080481q018pu"}],"moves":[{"x":"mulligan"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"accept"},{"x":"cast","c":24},{"x":"cast","c":28},{"x":"cast","c":23},{"x":"cast","c":26},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":57,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":61,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":59,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":62,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":20,"t":12},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":50,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":46,"t":50},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":27},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":56,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"end"},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":13},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":39,"t":0},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":14},{"x":"end"},{"x":"cast","c":53,"t":0},{"x":"cast","c":43,"t":50},{"x":"end","t":0},{"x":"cast","c":5},{"x":"cast","c":22,"t":5},{"x":"cast","c":3},{"x":"cast","c":10},{"x":"cast","c":8,"t":1},{"x":"cast","c":18,"t":5},{"x":"cast","c":16,"t":5},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"cast","c":5,"t":3},{"x":"end"}]}
Spoiler for BigDieck 2 vs 3 serprex:
Spoiler for Decks Used:
For Flux Sade

Rage Scythes

Blue Cyber Gate

Axe Spider PU Psi

RIP Death by a 1000 Clicks
Spoiler for Game 1: L:
For Flux Sade vs Mono Fire. Bricked hard, but also I don't think I could outrush, nor sustain enough health vs mono fire anyways.

Spoiler for Game 2: W:
Rage Scythes vs PixieGon. Rage Elixir brick isnt bad when they had a slower hand. Able to dispatch the first 2 dragons (and avoid SoFree rng on the 2nd one). Then was able to attack tall and wide vs stormshield.

Spoiler for Game 3: L:
Blue Cyber Gate vs Pestal. I'm not running a fast deck, and then just got swarmed. I tried. Could have maybe won if he didn't play more than 1 vampire.

Spoiler for Game 4: L:
Axe Spider PU Psi vs Mono Fire. Had a slower start, but also that firebolt on my spider put me so far behind. Tried catching up by PUing his phoenix.

Spoiler for Game 5: W:
Neuro Axe OTK vs BoPreciate. 2nd and last time I used this deck. When this deck was played, it is a requirement to listen to this.
I personally preferred this version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8-oy7kFkxM

Spoiler for BigDieck 5 vs 0 Niharia:
Most of these games were extremely close. Easily could have been 1-4, and maybe 0-5.
Spoiler for Decks Used:
Blue Cyber Gate

A. Dolph

Axe Spider PU Psi

Rage Scythes

Stone Staff
Spoiler for Game 1: W:
Blue Cyber Gate vs Shazanymph. Extremely tight game, that I was just barely to finish in the lead. Slowed down opponent well in the beginning. Long game, and mindgate absolutely won me the game.

Spoiler for Game 2: W:
A. Dolph vs Flux You. I had to completely abandon the strategy of my deck because of the amount of interference. Was a dirty scrap I barely won because of antimatters. If Niharia had drawn more regrades, I would have lost.

Spoiler for Game 3: W:
Axe Spider PU Psi vs Cyber Crusade. I forgot to record this replay, but I remember that I could not afford to play my skeleton axe until the end because of an early cyberweapon prevented an my first drawn skeleton axe. It also slowed down most of my deck to the point Niharia seemed confused what my deck was since they didn't let me play my whole deck. I was able to PU a cyber endowed sader, alongside my spiders to rush him down.
Spoiler for Game 4: W:
Rage Scythes vs Cat-a-Log. I was surprised to see a log deck this fast. I used 1 dark on scything the cat, and I realize now how that slowed me down a lot more than I would have thought. Still, very close game where I was 1 turn away from losing.

Spoiler for Game 5: W:
Stone Staff vs Permless Mutation. A pretty quick dragon into a lycanthropy orochi before I had my stonewall up was devastating. Had to use an early stone skin at 18 :earth , and dipped all the way to 8hp with a sanctuary continually healing me around that same hp.

Spoiler for BigDieck 4 vs 1 OwlCityX1000 / Muffins:
Spoiler for Decks Used:
Rage Scythes

Axe Spider PU Psi

Scepter Chargers

Stone Staff

A. Dolph
Spoiler for Game 1: W:
Rage Scythes vs GhostMare. Pretty close race with nightmares slowing down my draws.

Spoiler for Game 2: W:
Axe Spider PU Psi vs Rainbow. Phase shield stalled long enough for big psions to bypass gravity shield.

Spoiler for Game 3: W:
Scepter Charger vs CowBow. Scepter Catapult early game controlled too hard, while also building up so much of my quanta.

Spoiler for Game 4: W:
Stone Staff vs Magic Rainbow. Locked down with stonewall early, with blue mages slowly delaying the inevitable staff beatdown.

Spoiler for Game 5: L:
A. Dolph vs GhostMare. After being low on water quanta and losing so much health, decided to spend entropy on antimattering ghosts, which were quickly negated by regrades.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 07:53:40 pm by BigDieck »


  • New Member
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    • Posts: 7
I built in 5 minutes each and tested three times prior to the pvp event with some help from speedrolling idk how to make mine all fancy but yall get the jist
Spoiler for Hidden:
Cows 1

Reup ghostmare

Cows 2

« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 08:29:41 pm by Muffins »


  • PvP Organizer
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  • Unstable Gas can't melt Steel Golems

Congratulations to all participants.
Our winners are
1. BigDieck
2. Niharia
3. Septima Rhay

Rewards to be sent shortly.
Guess I'm here now.