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New Weapons


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Elements with only 1 weapon still:
:entropy :life :time :air :aether

:entropy idk. Potentially the long suggested mechanic of "target card is played for :entropy / :chroma quanta, can only target cards you'd be able to target"
:life common CI&A theme is damage that scales with creature count. Preferably the weapon would be for stallier creature spam, so long sword or staff would still be optimal in alphabond
:air some form of soft pc, perhaps? ie return target permanent to opponent's hand
:time is currently at a point where it's fringing on OP. Time Barrier synergy should be avoided. Which means avoid SoR-ish active because Golden Nymph
:aether the proposed :entropy cost mechanic works for aether too. As would SoRish things. Not sure, will ponder. Extreme idea: convert all aether quanta into quanta of target element. Also

After this I'll take a closer look at Odin's weapon brawl series
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 11:13:06 pm by serprex »


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:life stackable weapon, attacks N times where N is the number of stacks. Combos with buffs

Dawn to Dusk

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  • The Original Materialist
:time temporal staff - 5|5 cost 4|6 attack
 :time :time :time: slow time - card plays and ability uses are restricted to 2(?) each turn

So basically a maximum of 2 cards can be played each turn and 2 abilities can be used each turn. Could use heavy balancing tho


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:time Mortality

:death :death :death : Decay
All stackable permanents lose 2 stacks(if you have 4 pillars and your opponent has 3, you will end up with 2 and he will end up with 1). Breaks through immaterial.

 :air Boomerang

 :air :air: Return target creature to its owners hand

 :life Rampant thorns

Passive: this weapons gains 1|1 whenever you play a creature spell(so Alpha only profs once) or use mitosis.

 :aether  Lightning rod

 :entropy :entropy: deal 1 damage to each creature on the field.

 :entropy Chaotic staff

 :fire :fire : destroys 1 permanent of your opponents at random.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:19:56 pm by Shinki12345 »