A slimmer version of this:
https://etg.dek.im/forum/index.php?topic=1027.0. Even 30 cards feels slow to set-up, but is strong once established. Highly adaptable for Demigod farming and PvP.
Base Deck087bu0677u057qt05811018pi
Some might prefer quantum pillars instead of life pendulums or a mix of both. Life pens guarantee faster play of Geos, but can take longer to play tess/drill.
Tech recommendations016u0016uj01mu6017150171o0171q0171k017520177f01783037be017e2017e9017gv017h8017kj017nk018pi
Keep deck slim at 30 cards to ensure early establishing of quanta, good draws on tess/drill, and early defense set-up.
First goal of tech is to ensure establishment of defense/healing. Shaman and Diss Shield are top contenders. Ferro Golem increases chances to draw Diss/Skull earlier when needed.
Next fork in the road is deciding to go with perma or creature focus with tech. Gaian is great for Perma protection and for ramp damage late game. If you're going for PC yourself, SoFo isn't as useful early on, but offers mid-late game healing and PC on a stick. Consider pairing Pulvy with Ferro+Gaian. If you're not using the shield/weapon/ferro trio, it can help to pack 2 or 3 shamans for earlier healing.
Reaper or flayer (both not needed) can be quite useful. Pair Reaper with diss shield and flayer with skull shield.
Water and Grey Nymph are versatile. Shtriga good two-way card; ramps surprisingly fast. Alchemist is good for early defense/healing; perma rows often fill up from quanta so don't rely on unstable gas for late-game OTK bypass. Fallen Druid converts shamans mid-late game for other desired traits and is fun to play in general. Magma or Byakko can be useful to increase max HP; pair well with shaman-focused set. Lots of other cards and tech sets to consider exploring.
My first 7 attempts vs. Demigods simply exploring the tech combos from the recommended list yielded 6 wins in 7 tries for 3,668 coin (611 per win):