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Invasion of the spider cows


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Playing with a serendipity deck against the AI I once got nightmared a micro spider cow when I had an empty hand and plenty of quanta... The result was hilarious, so here's my attempt to pack this experience in a janky deck.

Tidal healing works wonders with a bunch of aquatic creatures (you can even use it pre-fractal to help stalling). Shard of patience can help prevent a board wipe, speeds up the clock after fractal, lets you deal with small shields, and improves any guard/devour you get. Vampiric dagger is a good target for endow, mirror shield is just a good cheap shield. Scattering wind helps finding the right tools at the right time, which mainly means Fractal when you are reaching 10 aether quanta.

Quanta base is a bit awkward, we need lots of entropy and lots of aether but still enough of everything to fuel abilities.

Overall the deck is quite fun and can hold its own against champions, but I'd be eager to see any ideas you may have to improve it!


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Bit of a tangent, but I think Micro Spider Cow makes for a better ricomare target than Lycanthrope

When I was testing ricolycanmare years ago I found it couldn't afford the :darkness quanta. But pretty sure your Fractal deck will end up being better than any ricomare jank