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Hope-Stosis [Demigod Farm]


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Here is another variant of the classic RoL Hope deck.

It is fairly straightforward to play.

1. Play Rustlers, RoL, GoO and SoPs as early as possible, ideally getting some creatures and an SoP on the field by turn 1.

2. Use Rustlers to turn  :light into :life :life and play Mitosis on a RoL.

3. Mitosis spam RoLs and play Hope shield to turn this into defense.

4. SoP will continue buffing your growing army until you are ready for the kill.

Miscellaneous Tips:

The deck's main weaknesses are any mass-creature removal that happens before the SoP can buff your army enough, and anything that can get past the Hope shield.

The computer seems to target single removal against whatever the strongest RoL on the field is, so it is often worth putting Mitosis on the middle-strength RoLs.