Prismatic Nymph (8
) 4/9
: Regrade target.
Chromatic Nymph (9
) 7/7
: Change your Mark to match the target. Can target immaterial.
Passive: when this creature deals damage, gain
equal to this creature's strength.
Iridescent Nymph (10
) 8/6
: target gains Incandescence (gain 2|-1 on attack, generate
when inflicting damage)
Incandescent Nymph (12
) 5/9
: creature's owner immediately pays quanta equal to its cost or the creature detonates, inflicting 4 spell damage on the owner.
Rainbow Nymph (15
) 5/5
: convert the target creature into a Nymph matching the target's element. Chroma creatures become a random type of Chroma Nymph (including this one).