oEtG Forum

Purple Resonator [arena 1 grinder]


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(I have a lot of shinies in there, so you may need to build this by hand)
Make sure to mulligan until you get a resonator or two in your hand. Getting them out early is important.

Use AM to keep early game damage under control. Try to get the purple nymph + quint combo asap.
Disp shield will help ensure that you wont get taken down by swarms before you have a chance to AM everything.

Alternately, you can use Disp shield first, but only if you have at least 2 resonators. If you play it too early, you can end up shooting yourself in the foot since it will drain a lot of entropy quanta.

Whenever "throw rock" shows up, be sure to throw it at yourself. Do NOT throw it at the enemy or an enemy creature unless you are playing a deck that has earth quanta. It is your sole means of preventing deck out so don't use it as CC except in dire circumstances or unless you are sure the opponent will have the quanta to toss it back at you. Likewise, don't leave it sitting in your hand if playing against a deck that has access to card control (yoink, clepshydra, burn card).

Once your defense are up and running, use the second quint to protect a nymph queen and start spawning lots of nymphs to overrun your opponent.


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Importing a deck with shinies that you don't have will attempt to import the non shiny version


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Sweet! Used to be very annoying before that was implemented.