oEtG Forum

How to suggest a quest/questline

cg · 3 · 8281


  • Heckler
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We want to have as many quality quests as we can get! Really, I'd be happy if we were in the thousands.

Quests can be anything you can think of to do with the medium. They can be stories, as in-depth as you'd like. They can be puzzles. They can be teaching methods. They can be whatever you can come up with.

I'm generally more interested in quest lines than individual quests, but if what you want to do only takes a single battle, that's still just fine and we'd love to have it.

We would like to expand this to accommodate whatever creative ideas you can come up with. If you think of something you'd like to do that isn't currently possible with the tools available, let us know and we can tell you if it's feasible.

To suggest a questline (including one that is only one quest long), we need:
1. Name for questline.
2. Requirements for people to enter it. Currently, only thing available is "have completed a different quest." Generally speaking, if you're going to link to someone else's questline, try to obtain their permission and/or have a good reason. In the future we will likely have other requirements available such as "have X wins" or "have X wealth". If your quest should have a requirement like that, feel free to say so even though it isn't available.
3. Whether quests must be defeated all at once. Most questlines are paced such that the player plays a single battle and it unlocks the next one. If you'd prefer, you can take your player straight into the next one so they are required to beat all the battles in a row and if they fail any of them they start over at the beginning. Please specify if you want quests to happen all at once. If you don't mention anything, we'll assume it's one-at-a-time. Note that if you are designing a longer questline, you can combine both methods, e.g. quests 1-3 happen all in a row, and upon completing those you unlock quest 4.

To suggest an individual quest, here's what we need:
1. Name for quest.
2. Pre-game text. This is what displays when someone selects a quest before they hit fight. This is the beginning of the story, or where you explain the puzzle, or whatever you'd like. We should be able to accommodate pretty much whatever in terms of size of text, though it'd generally be a good idea to limit it to a few paragraphs to avoid too much tldr.
3. Victory text. What they see when they finish. More story, or even just "Good job". Can be up to about a page or so, but also will have tldr problems if too verbose. If you're looking at telling a story, try to split it up along a succession of battles to keep the individual text screens relatively short and to keep people playing the game.
4. Your opponent's deck. This does not have to conform to any normal deckbuilding rules. It might need to be <= 60 cards, but I'm honestly not entirely certain. We do not currently have support for quest-only cards.
5. Stats for both player and opponent. HP, mark power, draw power. Also does not have to conform to any normal rules.
6. Reward. Can be specific cards, can be a choice of specific cards (as in cards you specify, or from a category like "choose a rare"), can be gold. In the future, can be cosmetics such as portraits or playfields. Try to think about what AI is like your battle and how much you'd get from them (and remember that people will be able to actively counter your quest deck because it's fixed) and try to keep it around there. I'll tweak rewards if necessary, so don't worry too much about getting it perfect.
7. Special Rules, if any.

Currently available special rules:
1. Player must use specified deck. Does not require player to own cards in specified deck.
2. Player's deck is replaced with random cards from (element).

Likely soon available special rules:
1. Player must build a deck according to specified rules.
2. Whatever you can think up. Feel free to ask first before doing the rest of the design if you want to use something new. We can give an idea of how difficult it will be to code. Things that require less coding effort may happen faster.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 03:07:28 pm by cg »


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One thing to add: You can include both "one quest at a time" and "play them all in a row"-quests in your questline. For example, you can have a questline with 5 quests, where 1-2-3 is a continous battle, but 4 and 5 are separate battles. Quest 4 will then not be availible until you beat the quest 1-2-3


  • Heckler
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