edit: Does not work properly. New version will be coming whenever I get around to it. Do not use this. The version in the OP works fine.
Added automatic normalizing for non-random opponents.
Not tested. To turn it on, put a lowercase "y" into the box by whatever target you want to normalize for. To use it for arena, whenever you fight a new arena opponent, go into the "NormalizeSettings" sheet and copy the "name" column from the stats sheet over one of the "empty" slots next to arena. You can have multiple tests vs arena without multiple copies of the spreadsheet by saving your NormalizeSettings arena opponent list somewhere and copy/pasting over whichever one you are looking at the stats for. Arena stuff may get user-friendlier later. It's mostly just there because it was easy to add along with the dg/mage normalizing, which should work much easier.
Instructions/userfriendliness still coming someday.
edit: Unless you specifically
want to normalize, use the first version. It's a lot faster. This is probably best for just DGs really