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Weirding Stone | Mage Stone


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Weirding Stone / Mage Stone
Cost: 2 :aether / 2 :aether
Stats (if creature or weapon): -NA-
  • unupgraded: "Whenever a player casts a spell card, it has a 25% chance to be shuffled into a random deck."
  • upgraded: "Whenever a player casts a spell card, it has a 25% chance to be shuffled into the caster's deck."

This permanent stacks. Its effect stacks multiplicatively (see discussions on other multiplicative stacking like evasion chance, etc.). The upped and unupped would go to 2 different stacks (like pillars and towers do).
Note: would override throw rock's destination


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I prefer the multiplicative stacking. If the stack was additive instead of multiplicative Mage Stone + Lightning would outclass eternity as deckout prevention. Does sanctuary prevents stuff from being shuffled into your deck?
:chroma :gravity :time


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I prefer the multiplicative stacking. If the stack was additive instead of multiplicative Mage Stone + Lightning would outclass eternity as deckout prevention. Does sanctuary prevents stuff from being shuffled into your deck?
Sanctuary reads "Protection during foe's turn from hand and quanta control"
So no, because:
1) it is not active during your own turn.
2) It does not protect your deck (just your hand and quanta)

Hmmm... I suppose you could make it additive instead. But what is the point of going over 100%? In either case the card just gets shuffled to your deck...
More importantly, I don't like having the potential for 100% chance of silence recycling... or miracle... or sabbath... That's just asking for trouble. There needs to be an eventual sink off for those spells.


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Hail Mageforce!!

But there's a bit much card what I don't really want to see 'overused' and sadly, the most of it is fits to a :light :aether duo.

Reducing the chance to 20%?