is divided into two types: Chroma and Rainbow.
Chroma is costs that don't have to be of a specific element OR generation for elements where you have a cost.
Rainbow doesn't discriminate; it adds cost/generation to all elements regardless of circumstances.
Generally, Chroma will be used when you get to pick what element you want the cost to be (e.g. Reinforce) to some capacity, whereas Rainbow will be used when you don't get to pick (e.g. Yoink!), which leaves you at the hands of RNG.

costs are regarded as Chroma, but

generation is Rainbow instead. This should improve accuracy in some decks that were hard to measure previously.
Cards that use Chroma:
Cards that use Rainbow instead:
Quartet pillars: Generate 5 quanta in average every 3 turns, so quanta is 5/3 %u2248 1.67, adds this to respective elements/4
Note: All these not divided in DB for the sake of accuracy
Chromatic Butterfly: Using base stats
Quantum Locket: Regarded as generating mark quanta and using element switch once. Unupped: gets a second Single from 1-turn freeze (1 mark-element cost)
Disc: Needs to be replayed, so Ability A is ability cost and B is replay cost
Metamorphosis: Considered to be a pillar that generates 1

Regrade: Single is 1


Alchemist: Ability B is (average of costs of alchemy cards)

Fallen Elf/Mutation: Ability B is (average cost of abilities)*(chance to get improved mutant)

Spider Cow/Fallen Druid/Imp. Mutation: Ability A/B is (average cost of abilities)

Golden Goose: Ability A is Fate Egg summon, Ability B is hatch
Alicorn: Ability's quanta generated ignored
Dissipation Field: 6

/ 15

Nova / Supernova. Generate 12 / 24

Shard of Serendipity: Ability A is (average of costs of Entropy cards)

and Ability B is 2*(average of costs of unupped cards)

Pink Jelly: Ability cost is 4

Soul Catcher: Treated as a pillar generating 3

Shard of Focus: Ability treated as a single costing 3 since that's usually the amount of times you'll get to use it, single B is Black Hole
Inertia: Treated as a pillar generating 2

Fluxor: Ability treated as two singles costing 1

each. Dunno why one would want to spam flyself
Chimera: Ability cost ignored

Antlion/Shrieker: Ability treated as single
Graboid: Treated as having burrow, same as above
Lodestone: Ability effect ignored
Lodestone^: Ability cost is regarded as 1

Shard of Integrity: Ability is (average of ability costs)

Rustler: Generates (2x


. Number does not increase with multiple rustlers
Fungus: Rebirth treated as multiuse ability, cost 2

Georesonator: Treated as 3 pillars; 2 generating Mark quanta and 1

. Small adjustments made for pend chance
Mitosis: Ability cost is (average cost of creatures)

(Thank goodness these are grouped by card type, otherwise I'd just ignore it)
Georesonator^: Single: 0.4 Mark quanta, 0.2 chroma quanta
Equalize: Single cost is (average cost of all cards)

Phoenix: Rebirth treated as single
Thermal Recoil: Treated as a pillar generating 9

(3 creatures assumed)
Immolation / Cremation: Generate 5 / 7

and 12

Squid: Ignore possibility of turning into Arctic Squid. Just replace Squids with Arctic Squids if you're gonna turn them into that
Arctic Dolphin: Ability costs are 1

and 1

since it alternates
Nymph Queen / Nymph's Tears: Ability cost is (average of nymphs' upped and unupped ability costs)

. Single in the case of Tears
Clepsydra: Ability is regarded as single, cost 10/5

. Second single is (average of card costs)*5

Dry Spell: Assume 6 creatures, generates 6

Solar Shield: Treated as pillar generating 3

(assume 3 creatures)
Luciferin: Treated as pillar generating 2

(assume 2 vanilla creatures)
Reinforce: Single is (average of creature costs)*3

Fenghuang/Tornado: Ignore replay cost (since it depends on the enemy/RNG)
Firefly Queen: Assume 3 Fireflies generating 3


Blue Nymph: Assume 2 Unstable Gases for a single of 2

Stormspike: Ability B is (average of card costs)

Pharaoh: Assume two scarabs, so Ability B is 2

Hand Drill: Ability B is (average of creature costs)*2

. Repetitive because you can add as many as you want, this might be the most expensive card of all
Desert: Assume 3 creatures, passive B is 3


Devourer: Treating burrow as single
Yoink!: Single cost is (average of card costs)

Blood Moon: Generates 1

Blue Mage: Ignore cost of new ability
Mindgate: Ability B cost is (average of card costs)

Fractal: Single ability cost is (average of creature costs)*6

Unsummon^: Single ability cost is -(average of creature costs)

Spoiler for Old notes:
My current idea is to have a warning system, and handle those cards individually via user input or ignore the values. My notes on each card that causes problems are in the spoiler.
Metamorphosis, Locket
%u2500Configure for elements to generate for. Gen divided by elements selected; metamorphosis adds 1 to mark per copy
%u2500Metamorphosis: Warning: "Your mark and pendulums' generation might be inaccurate".
%u2500Locket: Warning: "Locket generation might not be accurate to gameplay".
%u2500If Light generation is >0, multiply PPMs by 2.
%u2500Warning: "Accounting for Alicorn's ability being used every turn".
Cow, Serendipity, Mutation, Fallen Elf, Goose, Egg, Tomb?, Mindgate?, Shapeshifter?
%u2500Warning: "Random/unknown abilities/cards are not being accounted for". Too unpredictable
Inertia, Soul Catcher
%u2500Configure for amount of triggers/triggers per turn. If amount of triggers, 0.2 per quanta per trigger; if triggers per turn, 1 per quanta per trigger
%u2500Would need to differ between vanilla and non-vanilla creatures. Possible, but not accurate. Warning: "Light generation should be lower than desired if vanilla creatures are present".
%u2500Add Light*2 to Life
%u2500Warning: "Make sure to account for Rustler!"
%u25006*(2/3) to mark element. 6 because of average TTW + bias from starting hand. 7 instead of 6 upped
Thermal Recoil, Solar Shield
%u2500Assume 4 dmg sources. Recoil: 3 quanta for each = 12

per turn
%u2500Not stackable; ignores copies
%u2500Recoil: Upped generates 0.2 extra
%u2500Warning: "Fire/Light generation might not be accurate to each game".
Dry Spell, Mitosis, Dissipation Field, Readiness, Lodestone
%u2500If mark is Water, generates 0.6 water
%u2500Else, generate 0.4 water and 0.4 mark element
%u2500If mark is Chroma, generate 0.8 extra
%u2500Not really a problem on its own. Metamorphosis is the real issue here
%u2500If Metamorphosis is present, warning: "Quanta generation might be inaccurate due to Metamorphosis".
Brawl, Miracle, Sky Blitz, Sacrifice
%u2500Warning: "Gravity/Light/Air/Non-Death generation should be higher than desired".
%u2500If Life generation is >0, warning: "Light/Fire generation should be lower than desired".
On warnings, include card name in parentheses.