(this thread was originally intended for oetg-v, which Legacy has replaced. This list should not be trusted, but remains as a catalog of edge cases to consider if someone wanted to test Legacy for faults)https://github.com/serprex/openEtG/tree/master/vanillaSoI's big and weird
If my creatures are delayed and I play SoPa do they gain delay counters? ie how does SoPa interact with BB?
Scarab HP updates immediately. Scarab/PU doesn't cause HP to jump a huge amount
Chimera is a spell, not a creature. Need to convert to creature with an onplay active to work with PU/Mitosis (also add foil version) (alternatively copy oetg's mitosis behavior to cast spell creatures)
Need to deal with Thorn Carapace vs Solar Shield block semantics
Wings & Gravity Shield should block antimatter (haven't tested) (ALSO DIMS)
How do multiple floodings interact? Currently Flooding doesn't have the transition period where it doesn't kill slots 6 & 7 on first turn
Singularity's exact percentages & effects are off
Don't know how overdrive/adrenaline is suppose to work
Adrenaline needs to ignore non-fahrenheit buffs (on that note: how does fahrenheit interact with buffs after being flown?)
Adrenaline's proc ordering & freeze/delay needs tuning
Adrenaline should port lookup table as 4 attack probably does 6 damage
Don't know how nightfall being destroyed impacts damaged creatures. Also don't remember burrowed devourer stuff
Testing earlier seemed to imply pends can change state when stolen in original. Must investigate
Mass CC affecting both sides of field currently dithers which field it affects. I believe original does effect on enemy field followed by own field or something
Don't allow playing creatures to full field etc
Freeze shouldn't disable OD
Steal destroys sundial essentially
Flying Weapon shouldn't be castable when no weapon exists
Voodoo should propagate damage from having Nightfall removed
Bolts are suppose to look at cost of card to adjust their price (ie chaos seed firebolt at 9 fire does 6 damage) (

think ian said this isn't the case)
Devs don't siphon quanta when delayed, only freeze/delay on last turn doesn't prevent siphoning
Need to keep delay/freeze on weapon when it gets replaced
Marks should stack on player's mark
Flying a frozen weapon should thaw it
Pande can sometimes "miss", nobody's worked out those details tho