12 Lives - Individual PVP EventSignups
Art credit to Niharia
Fighters convene and battle until only one is left standing.Signups open now until SEP 29, 2023 23:59 UTC
Round 1 starts OCT 1, 2023 00:00 UTC
Rules:The 12 Lives event centers around each player's 12 lives -- one for each Mark in the game. Every individual game within a match, you risk whatever Mark you choose to use. If you win that game, you keep your life. If you lose that game, you cannot use that Mark again. Since you can't build a deck with no Mark, a player who loses all 12 lives is out of the event.
When a mark is lost, players lose all cards associated with the mark element. For example, players losing the fire mark may no longer use Burning Pillar, Phoenix, Rage potion, etc. The loss of the mark is immediate. For example, if you lose your first game with the Fire mark, the Fire mark and fire element cards are no longer available starting G2. Players must carefully assess planned decks and whether they are still legal to play considering mark losses.
After a match and once per match, you may exchange one Mark that you won a game with (in that match) for a Mark that you've lost.
Other than that, anything goes as far as deckbuilding.
- You can NOT use the same Mark more than once in the same match.
- Chroma mark is NOT allowed
- You may only use cards that match the elements of Marks (Lives) you have remaining.
- You may use up to 10 upgraded cards in your deck.
- Only allowed chroma cards are Material, Cardinal, Spiritual pillars, and Quantum pillars and pendulums.
- MARK cards count as cards of the element they match.
Each round, you will face one opponent. Matches are not best-of, but instead, are a set number of games (5). When a player drops below 5 lives, the number of games they play is equal to the amount of lives they have remaining.
You must contact your opponent and schedule time with them, the tournament will not be happening on a specific time/date.
1st Place: 36000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code + Mark Code
2nd Place: 24000 Gold + Shiny Nymph Code
3rd Place: 18000 Gold + Shiny rare Code
Participant: 12000 Gold
Signups:1. Pimpollo
2. Serprex
3. Septima Rhay
4. Turlututu
5. Niharia
6. Naii_the_Baf
7. TheRealArgo
8. asdw152
(Only if the number of current participants is odd.)(It actually got odd)
Any questions, just ask them here or message me on Discord, @asdw152.