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Nerf Pancakes

serprex · 6 · 12183


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What's the correct play when someone gets a fast eternity?
Don't play creatures to avoid draw lock

What happens if you have an empty field against a time barrier, even if opponent doesn't have draw power?
It gains a charge every turn

Not gaining a charge when drawing at start of turn seems the best course of action. It'd also tone down Time Barrier in double draw decks. Since drawing cards occurs at the end of your opponent's turn, not the start, an easy way to implement this would be to not proc when it isn't the owner's turn. This would also stop gaining charges if opponent uses innovation offensively or uses SoBr
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 08:19:03 pm by serprex »


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Draw nerf was implented, made Time Barrier less splashable, but since draw power is already so useful..

When nerfing Chaos Mantle a factor was that a shield costing more than 7 pushes the game too strongly towards "PC? Win. No PC? Lose." relationships. In Time Barrier's case, there is no fear of PC besides Give. Thus it's an increase in cost is not as undesirable
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 08:19:14 pm by serprex »


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* serprex puts on cg mask

Time Barrier costing more forces it to only be viable in monotime. A better nerf would be to limit the maximum charges it may gain per turn, thus stopping it from being abused by monotime


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another option is adding a cap to number of charges. If you pile too many pancakes they are bound to fall.
:chroma :gravity :time


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One can now only make 4 pancakes per turn


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Awe... now we need a swedish chef card so we can make them faster.